Census Entry, Albemarle County, 1830 (Courtesy of the Microfilm Division, The University of Virginia)

Letter from Thomas Jefferson to Francis C. Gray, 1815 (Writings, Thomas Jefferson [Monticello Edition], Lipscomb and Bergh, Volume XIV, pp. 267-71)

Passport issued by Louis XVI for Thomas Jefferson, Maria and Martha Jefferson, James and Sally Hemings, 1789 (Manuscript Division, The Library of Congress)

Description of harvest at Monticello, List of Slave Workers (Thomas Jefferson Garden Book [1795–96])

Promise of Emancipation of James Hemings, 1793 (Writings, Thomas Jefferson, Philadelphia, September 15, 1793, Boyd, 18 vols., Princeton)

Two letters from James T. Callender to Thomas Jefferson, 1800 (Manuscript Division, The Library of Congress)

”The President Again,” by James T. Callender, The Richmond Recorder, 1802 (September 1, 1802, Archives, The Virginia State Library)

The Census of My Family, Farm Book, Thomas Jefferson, 1807 (Thomas Jefferson, Farm Book, 1807, Massachusetts Historical Society)

The Slave Inventory and Advertisement of Slave Auction, Monticello, 1826 (Courtesy of Jefferson Papers, University of Virginia Library, Manuscript Department. Notice from Richmond Enquirer, November 7, 1826, courtesy of Jefferson Memorial Foundation, Monticello)

Excised portion of the Declaration of Independence, 1776 (Manuscript Department, The Library of Congress)