
Please note that index links to approximate location of each term.


+ (addition) block, 176177

/ (division) block, 177

= (equal to) block, 79, 159

> (greater than) block, 64, 142

< (less than) block, 64, 7576, 104, 162

* (multiplication) block, 160

- (subtraction) block, 92


account, Scratch website, 34, 11

addition (+) block, 176177

AI (artificial intelligence), 186

Alien Creak2 sound, 138139

all around rotation style, 89

and block, 76, 175

Android, 3

animating sprites, 16, 22, 105108, 112115

Apple sprite, 45, 184

Apples Collected variable, 184

arrows keys, 3840, 42, 51, 53, 65, 67

artificial intelligence (AI), 186

Asteroid Breaker program

aiming and firing, 127130

designing, 120121

exploding animation, 139140

keeping score, 136137

limiting ammo, 141142

making asteroids, 133135

making spaceship, 122124

splitting hit asteroids, 133135

starburst bomb, 143

timer, 136

wrapping spaceship around Stage, 124126

asteroidbreaker.sb3, 140

asteroidbreaker-skeleton.sb3, 121

asteroid.png, 131

Asteroids (game), 119

Asteroid sprite, 131

Atari, 119



choosing from library, 1819

Light backdrop, 41

Neon Tunnel backdrop, 103

Stars backdrop, 18, 122

Wall 1 backdrop, 59

xy-grid backdrop, 37

drawing, 103

uploading, 179

Backdrops tab, 103

background music, 104

Ball sprite, 127

Basketball program, 57

complete program, 8081

designing, 58

freezing hoop, 82

jumping and falling, 5963

making basketball hoop, 6768

moving left and right, 6667

shooting hoops, 7279

basketball-skeleton.sb3, 59

Basketball sprite, 72

blocks, 5. See also names of individual blocks and block types

adding, 89

deleting, 10

dragging to Code Area, 8, 22

reporter, 9

stack, 5, 8

Block Palette, 5, 6, 8

Booleans, 164166

Brick Breaker program

bouncing ball off bricks, 97

bouncing ball off paddle, 9193

bouncing ball off walls, 9091

cloning brick, 9497

complete program, 101102

designing, 8687

GAME OVER message, 9899

moving paddle, 8789

polishing, 102115

You win! message, 100101

brickbreaker-skeleton.sb3, 87

brightness effect, 115

broadcast block, 46

broadcasting messages, 47, 69, 76, 9193, 97, 111113, 133135, 139

Brush tool, Paint Editor, 7, 2021

bug, 77, 164

Button 2 sprite, 94


Canvas, Paint Editor, 7

ceiling detection, 163167

change effect by block, 108

change pen color by block, 26, 27

change size by block, 108, 113

change x by block, 38

change y by block, 38

Cheer sound, 4546, 68

Chomp sound, 133

Choose a Backdrop button. See backdrops

Choose a Costume button, 168, 172, 179

Choose a Sound button. See sounds, choosing from library

Circle tool, Paint Editor, 7

cloning sprites, 93

Code Area, 5, 6

Color selectors, Paint Editor, 7


and block, 76, 175

if then block, 39

if then else block, 110

not block, 175

repeat until block, 75, 77

wait until block, 101

Control blocks, 21

create clone of myself, 93

delete this clone, 134

forever, 11

if then, 39

if then else, 110

not, 175

repeat, 96

repeat until, 75, 77

stop all, 99

wait seconds, 9

wait until, 101

when I start as a clone, 94

coordinates, 36

copying. See duplicating


choosing from library, 186

crab–a costume, 186

crab–b costume, 186

Costume center, 7

drawing, 168

hitbox costume, 168169

exporting, 8

griffpatch, 168

uploading, 138, 172, 179, 181

Costumes tab, 6

crab–a costume, 186

crab–b costume, 186

create clone of myself block, 93

Creative Commons license, 13

custom blocks

creating, 155156

editing, 165


Dance Celebrate sound, 104

degrees, 22

delete this clone block, 134


blocks, 10

clones, 134

sprites, 18

demos, 16

demoscene, 16

designing programs, 1617, 3435, 58, 8687, 120121, 148149

direction, 22

direction block, 92

discussion forum, Scratch website, 13

division (/) block, 177

don’t rotate rotation style, 89

dragging blocks to Code Area, 10


backdrops, 103

costumes, 168

sprites, 2021, 67, 150151


blocks, 39

scripts, 25

sprites, 25


editor, Scratch, 46

Energy variable, 141

equal to (=) block, 79, 159

Eraser tool, Paint Editor, 7

Events blocks

broadcast, 46

when green flag clicked, 10

when I receive, 46, 69, 111

when key pressed, 188

explosion animation, 138140

exporting costumes, 8


falling, sprites, 5963

Fall.svg, 171

Fill tool, Paint Editor, 7, 4950

Flappy Bird (game), 193

flashing colors, sprites, 104

floor block, 177

For all sprites option, for variable, 61

For this sprite only option, for variable, 61

forever block, 11, 22, 3940, 63, 126, 142, 152, 156, 161162

frames, animation, 138, 140


ghost effect

animating sprites, 106, 112113, 182, 185

hiding hitboxes, 7172

Gong sound, 113114

go to block, 27

go to front layer block, 44

go to x y block, 27, 51

gravity, 59, 150151

greater than (>) block, 64, 142

green flag, 5, 6

griffpatch, 171

Ground sprite, 150152


hide block, 72

hiding sprites. See ghost effect, hiding hitboxes

hitbox costume, 168169, 172

hitboxes, 70

hits variable, 131

Hoop sprite, 6768


I am a clone variable, 127

if on edge, bounce block, 90

if then block, 39

if then else block, 110

importing. See uploading

inertia, 120

input, defining, 157

iOS, 3

iteration, 162

iterative development, 17


Jonasson, Martin, 103

juice, 103

jumping, sprites, 65, 161162

Jump.svg, 171


key, determining when pressed, 38

key pressed? block, 54


arrow, 3840, 42, 51, 53, 65, 67

WASD, 51


Laser1 sound, 108109, 127

Laser2 sound, 108109

left-right rotation style, 89

less than (<) block, 64, 7576, 104, 162

Lifelong Kindergarten Group (MIT Media Lab), 2

Light backdrop, 41

Line tool, Paint Editor, 7, 151

Linux, 3

Looks blocks

change effect by, 108

change size by, 108, 113

go to front layer, 44

hide, 72

next costume, 67

say, 6

set ghost effect to, 7172, 185

set size to, 44

show, 95

switch costume to, 42


forever, 11, 22, 3940, 63, 126, 142, 152, 156, 161162

repeat, 9596, 107108, 129130

repeat until, 75, 77, 152, 155156, 159, 184185


macOS, 3

made basket variable, 77

Make a Block button, 155, 157, 175

Make a Variable button, 60

maze-part-a.sb3, 40

maze-part-b.sb3, 42

maze-part-c.sb3, 44

maze-skeleton.sb3, 35

Maze Runner program

complete program, 4748

designing, 3435

keeping cat from walking through walls, 42

maze goal, 4447

maze levels, 41

moving Cat sprite, 3640

two-player mode, 4953

walking through walls, 54

Maze sprite, 41

messages, broadcasting, 47, 69, 76, 9193, 97, 111113, 133135, 139

MIT Media Lab, 2

mod block, 177

modulo operation, 177

My Blocks category, 155

Motion blocks

change x by, 38

change y by, 38

direction, 92

go to, 27

go to x y, 27, 51

if on edge, bounce, 90

move steps, 10

point in direction, 23

point towards, 23

set rotation style, 89

Motion blocks (continued)

set x to, 95, 125, 129

set y to, 39, 125, 129

turn clockwise degrees, 108, 115

x position, 125, 129, 132

y position, 64, 125, 129, 132


aiming with, 128

pointing toward, 23

movement variable, 186

move steps block, 10

multiplication (*) block, 160

music, adding, 104



programs, 18

sprites, 21

variables, 60

navigation bar, 5, 6

Neon Tunnel backdrop, 103

new message option, 46, 69

next costume block, 67

Nintendo, 147

not block, 175


offline editor, 4

Operator blocks

+ (addition), 176177

/ (division), 177

= (equal to), 79, 159

> (greater than), 64, 142

< (less than), 64, 7576, 104, 162

* (multiplication), 160

and, 76, 175

floor, 177

mod, 177

not, 175

pick random, 9, 22, 23, 82

origin (point on Stage), 36


Pac-Man (game), 193

Paddle sprite, 88

Paint Editor, 7

Brush tool, 7, 2021

Circle tool, 7

Eraser tool, 7

Fill tool, 7, 4950

Line tool, 7, 151

Rectangle tool, 7, 70

Select tool, 7, 180

Text tool, 7, 9899, 100

Pen blocks

change pen color by, 26

erase all, 26

pen down, 26

pen up, 26

set pen color to, 26

pick random block, 9, 22, 23, 82

platformer games, 57, 147

Platformer program

adding crab enemies and apples, 184192

ceiling detection, 163167

creating gravity, 151152

creating level, 179183

designing, 148149

handling slopes, 157160

using a hitbox, 167170

walking animation, 170178

platformer1.sb3, 154

platformer2.sb3, 156

platformer3.sb3, 160

platformer4.sb3, 163

platformer5.sb3, 167

platformer6.sb3, 170

platformer7.sb3, 179

platformer8.sb3, 183

PlatformerBackdrop.png, 179

PlatformerBackdropHitbox.png, 181

platformer–skeleton.sb2, 149

Player 1 Score variable, 73

play sound until done block, 46, 104

point in direction block, 23

point towards block, 23

Pop sound, 72, 74

programs. See also names of individual programs

Asteroid Breaker, 119146

Basketball, 5784

Brick Breaker, 85118

Maze Runner, 3356

naming, 18

Platformer, 147194

Rainbow Lines, 1532

remixing, 13

running, 1011

saving, 6

uploading, 35

Purho, Petri, 103


Rainbow Lines program

bouncing dots, 2024

complete program, 28

creating backdrop, 1819

designing, 1617

drawing rainbow lines, 2527

Turbo Mode, 29

random numbers, generating, 23

Raspberry Pi, 3

receiving broadcasts, 46

Rectangle tool, Paint Editor, 7, 70

Redo button, 7

red stop sign, 5, 6, 11

remainder, when dividing, 177

repeat block, 9596, 107108, 129130

repeat until block, 75, 77, 152, 155156, 159, 184185

reporter blocks, 9

Restore option, 10

rotation styles, 89

rounding down, 177

Run without screen refresh option, 155156, 157, 169, 175


saving programs, 6

say block, 6, 24, 62

sb3 files

asteroidbreaker.sb3, 140

asteroidbreaker–skeleton.sb3, 121

basketball–skeleton.sb3, 59

brickbreaker–skeleton.sb3, 87

maze–part–a.sb3, 40

maze–part–b.sb3, 42

maze–part–c.sb3, 44

maze–skeleton.sb3, 35

platformer1.sb3, 154

platformer2.sb3, 156

platformer3.sb3, 160

platformer4.sb3, 163

platformer5.sb3, 167

platformer6.sb3, 170

platformer7.sb3, 179

platformer8.sb3, 183

Score variable, 94


account, creating, 34

discussion forum, 13

editor, 46

help, 1213

offline editor, 4

website, 34

Scratchers, 2

scripts, 5

duplicating, 25

running, 5, 1011

stopping, 5

See Inside button, Scratch website, 12

Select tool, Paint Editor, 7, 180

Sensing blocks

key pressed?, 54

touching?, 43

touching color?, 43

set ghost effect to block, 7172, 185

set pen size to block, 26

set rotation style block, 89

set size to block, 44

set x to block, 95, 125, 129

set y to block, 39, 125, 129

Share button, 11

show block, 95

size, of sprite, 44, 95

slopes, walking sprites up, 157160

Sonic the Hedgehog (game), 57

Sound blocks

play sound until done block, 46, 104

start sound block, 68, 74, 109110, 114, 139

sounds, choosing from library, 45

Alien Creak2 sound, 138139

Cheer sound, 4546, 68

Chomp sound, 133

Dance Celebrate sound, 104

Gong sound, 113114

Laser1 sound, 108109, 127

Laser2 sound, 108109

Pop sound, 72, 74

Spaceship.png, 122

Spaceship sprite, 122

speech bubble, 11

Sprite1 sprite, 2021

Sprite List, 5, 6, 37, 41, 60

Sprite Pane, 5, 6

sprites, 5

choosing from library

Apple sprite, 45, 184

Ball sprite, 127

Basketball sprite, 72

Button 2 sprite, 94

Tennis Ball sprite, 90

Tennis Ball2 sprite, 111

deleting, 18


Ground sprite, 150152

Hoop sprite, 6768

Sprite1 sprite, 2021

duplicating, 25

falling, 5963

flashing colors, 104

hiding. See ghost effect, hiding hitboxes

jumping, 65, 161162

naming, 21

size, 44, 95

slopes, walking up, 157160


Asteroid sprite, 131

Maze sprite, 41

Spaceship sprite, 122

walking animation, 170178

wrapping around Stage, 124126

stack blocks, 5, 8

Stage, 5

Stand.svg, 171, 172

starburst bomb, 143

Stars backdrop, 11, 122

start sound block, 68, 74, 109110, 114, 139

stop all block, 99

studio, 1112, 195

Super Mario Bros. (game), 57, 145, 147

Super Meat Boy (game), 145

switch costume to block, 42


Tennis Ball sprite, 90

Tennis Ball2 sprite, 111

Text tool, Paint Editor, 7, 9899, 100

timer, 136

touching? block, 43

transparency, for sprites, 108, 111. See also ghost effect

Turbo Mode, 29

turn clockwise degrees block, 108, 115

turn counterclockwise degrees block, 10

Tutorials Window, 12

two-player mode in Maze Runner, 49


Undo button, 7, 8


backdrops, 179

costumes, 138, 172, 179, 181

programs, 35

sprites, 41, 122, 131


Variable blocks,

change by, 62

set to, 62


Apples Collected, 184

changing, 62

creating, 60

Energy, 141

For all sprites vs. For this sprite only options, 6162

hits, 131

I am a clone, 127

made basket, 77

movement, 186

naming, 60

Player 1 Score, 73

Score, 94

visibility of, 61, 65

x velocity, 122, 131

y velocity, 60, 122, 131, 151

velocity, 60


wait seconds block, 9

wait until block, 100

Walk1.svg, 171

walking animation, sprites, 170178

Wall 1 backdrop, 59

walls, 42

WASD keys, 51

when green flag clicked block, 10

when I receive block, 46, 69, 111

when I start as a clone block, 94

when key pressed block, 188

Windows, 3

wrapping around Stage, sprites, 124126


x-coordinate, 3638

x position block, 125, 129, 132

x velocity variable, 122, 131

xy-grid backdrop, 36


y-coordinate, 3638

y position block, 64, 75, 98, 183

y velocity variable, 60, 122, 131, 151


Zoom buttons, Paint Editor, 7