dingbat paleyhailey dingbat


glowingrselle Stop insulting Lily. She’s as pretty as Hailey. This is not what Hailey wants. They both deserves love and happiness. Nothing will change from your meaningless comments. Remember when Hailey said “ kill people with kindness , and respect women.” why so many hate? You - Stop hate! More love! Be kind, please.

“Joel, what are you—” Hailey stops mid-sentence as she watches Joel offer Lily his hand. Hailey just stands there, with cameras flashing, as Lily accepts it. They escape the cameras and head into the hotel, leaving Hailey alone on the red carpet. Suddenly each flash feels like it’s cutting into her.

What is happening?” Hailey rushes up to Fortune in the hotel lobby, away from the mayhem outside.

“Like I know,” he says. “Sean’s dad just went, like, legit crazy.”

“The video of Joel at the dogfight—you didn’t send it to anyone but me, did you?”

Fortune looks at Hailey guiltily. “Sean asked to see it. I didn’t think that he would—”

“No, you didn’t think,” Hailey says. “And now the photographers have a shot of Joel running away from the drama with Lily and not me. Say goodbye to ever being a permanent cast member! By the time I’m through with you, my housekeeper will have a bigger role on my show.”

Hailey turns and struts away, leaving Fortune in the lobby. She joins the cast and crew in the reception room for the party and goes right up to Joel standing in a group with Lily, Sean, and Valeria.

“I had to do it,” Sean is saying as Hailey approaches. “I just couldn’t live with the secret anymore.”

“You did the right thing, bro,” Joel says. “I’m proud of you.”

“It was so brave, Sean,” Valeria adds. “I’m proud of you, too.”

Joel and Sean hug.

“I’ll tell everyone that I dragged you into it,” Sean says. “That I couldn’t face it alone and you were a true friend. You stood by me. I’ll tell them you encouraged me to leak it, to stop it. Because that’s who you are. You care more about doing the right thing than about your own image.”

“Speaking of your image,” Hailey butts in. “Joel, don’t you think you should make some kind of statement to the press? I’ll go with you.” She tries to take Joel’s arm but he pulls away.

“Don’t act like you care,” Sean tells Hailey. “You were using the video against him. That’s the only reason he’s here with you tonight.”

“Is that true?” Lily asks, looking at Joel.

Joel’s about to answer when a photographer gets past security and bursts into the party, lighting them up in the flash of his camera and taking a succession of photos. They’re trapped.