whiteworld_rawmg_544 we kno where u headed… good luck!!! I heard its forever there dark, unbareable smell, souls on top of souls burning tf up non stop screams brimstone nd a big ass lake of fire…But wait thats fake to huh? U betta rethink dat shit for real
whiteworld_rawmg_544 u betta get yo mind Right on that one!!! Can u imagine your whole body burning tf up non stop u’ll see!!!
In the elevator of the Montage Beverly Hills Hotel, Valeria takes off the oversize, dark-lensed Max Pittion sunglasses her mother gave her before she left the house for Hailey’s party. Gloria came up to Valeria’s room as she was changing into something more inappropriate.
“I just want to make sure you know what to do.” Gloria looked at her awkwardly.
Valeria has always known.
Gloria passed her the sunglasses and told her to try and keep a low profile.
When she knocks on the door of the suite, Valeria pretends that this is the role she’s been waiting for. Her big comeback. Valeria is a talented actress—no one can take that away from her.
Patrick answers before the second knock. The top three buttons of his Polo dress shirt are undone, showing off his dark chest hair. She smells liquor and expensive aftershave.
He ushers her inside and looks both ways down the hallway. “Anyone see you?”
“Should I check my Mentions?” Valeria asks.
The door closes behind her.