bemyaesthetique I cut myself because I’ll never be as pretty as @beagetty or have as many followers
“Sorry to disturb you so early, Miss Getty, but your…car has arrived.”
“My car?” Bea says sleepily. She’s only half-awake, curled up in bed in her bungalow at the Chateau Marmont. She and Hailey partied late at Soho House last night. “I didn’t arrange for a car,” she tells the concierge, rubbing her eyes. She picks up her phone from the nightstand and opens her e-mail to see if her agency booked her for a gig. “Tell them there’s been a mistake.” Bea yawns. “And that I’m sleeping.”
She’s about to hang up when the concierge’s voice stops her.
“If you don’t mind telling the driver yourself, miss. He doesn’t seem interested in listening to any of the staff, and the vehicle needs to be moved. It’s blocking the entrance.”
Ugh. Life.
“I’ll be right there,” Bea says.
She hangs up the phone and sits up in bed, the room spinning from her hangover. Her agent always sends the tackiest cars. She doesn’t need a stretch limo to take her to shoots! And why did .no one tell her she’s working this morning? Bea doesn’t get out of bed for less than 10k new followers a day.
Bea puts on a white terrycloth housecoat and a pair of Tom Ford sunglasses and leaves her bungalow. She exits through the gate that separates the pool area and bungalows from the château and stops in her tracks when she sees what’s parked at the entrance.
An RV honks. What the hell’s happening? Is she doing the shoot inside that thing?
The RV door pops open.
“Hop aboard, princess.” Brandon climbs down the steps and beams at her. “We’re going camping!”