dingbat realvalerialeon dingbat


cielspabh Kidchella! This is the cutest! HBD Sophia! dingbat

therecessionista What an adorable theme! Loooooove the dreamcatcher cake!

tammyleejackson Oh my goodness!! Time is flying by so quickly! Cherish every single moment! Time goes by sooooo fast!!! @realvalerialeon @sophialeon1919

thetipinator Happy Birthday dingbat

moniquekingkearney My sweet Sophia, hope you had a wonderful birthday! dingbat

Nothing is going to ruin today.

When Patrick sends Valeria a text asking if she can meet him at the Montage, she ignores it. Valeria has to resist replying no; she’ll never see him again. She decided as soon as she landed the part on Almost Everything that she’s done with Patrick. This role is her one shot to remind the industry that she’s still alive, to show them that just because she’s growing up doesn’t mean she has to be phased out. This is the start of Valeria’s career as an adult actress. A serious actress.

The kids are having a great time. Especially Sophia. She’s running around the backyard with her friends, shrieking with laughter. Valeria hired party planners bDASHd to help with the Coachella theme. Valeria came up with the idea because Sophia always loves watching Valeria get ready to go to the festival and asks if she can go with her. Sophia is in such a rush to grow up. Valeria wants to make sure she enjoys her childhood, that she actually has a childhood. Seeing her playing with her friends and being so carefree is exactly what Valeria wanted for her today. It’s everything Valeria never had.

Valeria watched some YouTube video Sean showed her saying that until the age of seven, you’re not really conscious, you’re theta, which is a state of hypnosis and imagination. Your entire identity and how you see yourself is being built. The first seven years of your life is a period of programming. It’s why rich kids stay rich and poor kids, no matter how talented, so rarely ever deprogram. When they try, the world asks them: Who do you think you are?

Sophia’s programming has been different from Valeria’s. Valeria is still stuck in her theta mind, still performing the same choreography and trying to make people love her.

When Sophia blows out the candles on her three-tier cake, which has a dream catcher made out of icing and a teepee on the top, Valeria knows what she’s wishing for. Valeria saw some comments from her followers that say her dad has been spotted back in L.A. If he is in town, he hasn’t let his family know. He hasn’t even called Sophia.

Gloria is the only one who doesn’t seem to be having fun. She disappears during cake time. Valeria takes two plates and goes looking for her. Valeria knows she’s jealous. Her mother resents her for knowing how to take care of Sophia and Leo better than she does.

Since the day she was born, Sophia has been a threat to Valeria. Her mother always warned her that there was someone younger, prettier, and more talented right behind her. When Valeria reached the first grade, she saw the younger kids in kindergarten as her mortal enemies. She’s always struggled to make friends.

Valeria refuses to let her mother’s threats or the fear of looming competition affect her relationship with her little sister. It infuriates Gloria, their bond. Valeria’s ability to love more than just herself.

She finds Gloria alone in her bedroom, sitting in a chair by the window and watching the kids playing outside.

“There you are,” Valeria says. “Is everything okay?”

“Oh, Valeria,” Gloria says in one breath.

Valeria stops in the middle of the room, the two plates balancing on her palms.

“What?” Valeria asks. “Is it Dad?”

“I didn’t want to tell you this during the party. You worked so hard on it. I wanted you to be happy…”

“Mom, what is it?”

“I’m sorry, Valeria. The producers of Almost Everything called. They’re giving the part to someone else.”

Valeria doesn’t hear the plates break when she drops them. They told her they loved her. She was being sent the final script. There was a date for rehearsal, a filming schedule. Now there’s just icing and shattered porcelain everywhere.