‘Mum, can I have some more hot water?’
It’s Sunday, and I’m sitting in a tin bath in our back yard. My twin sister Velda is wrapped in a towel, looking at me while I’m shivering. At least I now have the bath to myself, even though the water’s going cold. There’s a two-at-a-time rule in our house that means we have to share baths, as there’s already five of us. Mum and Dad don’t share though. Just us kids.
There’s a chill in the air. Time for conkers and kicking through leaves in the park, and soon Mum will let us have our baths indoors.
‘Benjamin, this is the last kettle of hot water I’m gonna bring you. You better make sure you wash yourself through and through. Don’t you think I got better things to do?’
I look around and count all the other tin baths hanging on the wall of the yard we share with our neighbours, hearing Mum speaking to me in rhyme. She does this all the time; it’s part of her nature, her sing-song way of interpreting the world that makes me feel close to her.
She steps outside with the steaming kettle as I wedge myself against the back of the bath, anticipating the lovely feel of the fresh hot water on my body, making me all shiny. When I get out of the bath I’m going to play with the Lego I’ve hidden upstairs that I took from Michael O’Reilly. I love the bright colours – blue, yellow, red – and I love snapping them together in different shapes.
Most of everything else around me is grey. Grey tin baths, grey pavements, grey sky. Especially grey sky. Birmingham is full of smoke and fog from all the factories and foundries. They make cars down the road from where we live, here on Farm Street in an area called Hockley, and someone told me that nearby they make all kinds of metal stuff that’s useful for building things.
Michael is a white kid and he lives next door. His mum is fierce. She doesn’t talk in rhyme like my mum. She bustles about very quickly and is always scrubbing things and saying to Michael, ‘Holy Mary, d’you think I’m made of money?’
Her voice sounds different to those of the other white neighbours. It’s because she’s Irish. I know that from my mum. No one has any money round here but Michael gets sixpence a week pocket money. I don’t get pocket money. I’m too scared to ask my dad for it but I’m waiting for the right moment to ask Mum. Michael doesn’t know I’ve got ten pieces of his Lego. I’ve been taking one piece from him each time we play together. If I keep doing that, I’ll end up with a whole set and then I can have something that’s all mine.
I have to share everything: my bed, with one of my siblings – Velda, Millie, Joyce or Tippa – as there isn’t room for us to each have a bed; and my crayons and whatever toys come my way. We even have to share our toilet. We don’t have one in the house; the toilet is down the bottom of the yard, beyond where the tin baths are kept. I hate going down there, especially if it’s dark. I’ve been scared of going there since I saw the man with the metal leg using it. I watched him go in and he was in there ages. Then he came out and was walking funny and he saw me; he looked right at me and didn’t smile. I went in there afterwards and it stank so bad! I quickly did what I had to do and used the horrible shiny toilet paper called Izal, then went running back into the house and told Mum.
‘Mum, a scary man with a metal leg went in our toilet and now it’s all smelly.’
She bent down to listen to me and told me it was maybe because he’d had something called polio. That’s why he had to wear a brace on his leg. It wasn’t his fault. Lots of people had things like that, she said, which meant they weren’t able to move around as well as others. They were handicapped. I repeated the word a few times, listening to the sound of it in my mouth. Mum knows things like this because she’s a nurse. She works nights in Marston Green Hospital. She has to get the double-decker cream-coloured bus into the centre and then take a Midland Red to Marston Green. I wish I could take a bus to faraway places. Even better, I wish I had a car. Hardly anyone on Farm Street has one, but I look at pictures of them and I’m going to get lots of cars as I soon as I grow up.
Dad works during the day at the GPO, which is something to do with telephones, although we don’t have one. There’s only one lady in our street who has one and she charges people tuppence to use it, but only if there’s an emergency. She won’t let people go round there to just chat.
Dad’s very proud of being at the GPO and he says it’s a ‘job with prospects’, but he doesn’t seem very happy. He doesn’t laugh and never plays with us. It’s only Mum who cuddles us and listens to us, but she looks sleepy a lot of the time and she’s always saying she’s exhausted. She doesn’t play football with me – and neither does Dad – but I know she loves me. She was so very proud to have us twins, even though it was quite a drama bringing us into the world.
Mum tells me that I fought my way out of her like a semi-pro boxer. I was in such a hurry to get on with life that morning of 15 March 1958,* that I came into the world by the reception of the hospital, on a stretcher. This caused my dad much agitation, and he paced up and down the corridor, shouting and crying, extremely anxious. By the time my sister Velda arrived fifteen minutes later, they were able to get Mum into a ward. She says the best rest she ever had since coming to England was the nine days she spent in hospital after having us.
She lay in her bed admiring her twins by day, receiving her visiting friends – most of them nurses – and at night, when me and my sister would sleep like perfect little babies, my dad would come in. She didn’t get such a long rest when my other siblings were born, though – her life got busier and busier – and now there are so many of us in the house that she never gets time to herself. And she also has to do all the cooking and cleaning and shopping.
‘Come now, Benjamin, out of that bath. Don’t mek me go over there, jus come over here; mek me do your hair.’
She brings me a towel and I stand in the yard as she dries me down. ‘School tomorrow and you can’t be slow. I know you like to laze about, you know.’ She hums a song while she pats me with the towel and blows kisses and raspberries on my arms, making me giggle.
Adults always want everything done in a hurry. On my way to school I like to look at all the people and the tightly packed houses of my street. Sometimes I see the wild dogs that roam around by the wasteland where the bomb ‘pecks’ are. This is because there was a war before I was born and all the houses were destroyed in a Blitz. So now the only creatures that live there are the packs of dogs and wild cats that hunt mice and rats. I saw a big dog fight one day. It was exciting and scary. You could tell which dog was the leader because the fight didn’t end until the toughest one was wounded.
If I see the dogs coming too close then I run, and I can run really fast. I’m like ‘greased lightning’, so old Frank, the man down the road, says. I ran all the way home one day to avoid the dogs, but Velda got bitten and she screamed and cried the house down. I felt a bit guilty for not staying with her and trying to fight it off, but she always says she wants to do things for herself, so I left her to it and it felt like instinct to run.
It also feels like instinct to explore my surroundings and make up words about it that I repeat to myself, which means I take longer doing things than adults like. I remember on the very first day we moved into our house, Dad surprised me. He said, ‘Time this boy did some errands. Take this five shilling and go get some light bulbs from that corner shop.’
He wrote it down on a piece of paper so I could hand it over to the man behind the counter. I set off determined to do a good job. All I had to do was go to the shop, hand over the note, take the bulbs and return home. But my concept of time was different to my dad’s. On the way to the shop I saw some boys playing football, so I stopped and asked if I could play with them. They said yes, and I did. After that I saw some kids swinging on a rope from a tree. So I stopped and asked if I could have a go and they said yes. So I did. I saw boys playing conkers, so I joined in, and girls skipping, so I stopped and skipped and made up a little rhyme about it: ‘Hop one-two, then lose my shoe.’ And that was just on the way to the shop. On the way back I stopped off for some other playful adventures before getting home, where it was beginning to get dark and the rest of the family was waiting for me.
I was really proud that I did so much without losing the money and managing to return with the bulbs intact, but I received a good telling-off from the whole family. My mum said, ‘Benjamin, why you make us worry so?’ And my dad said: ‘The boy have his head in the blasted clouds.’ I maintain to this day that I did what I was told to do; no one mentioned time.
I don’t want to go to school tomorrow. It’s only at the end of Farm Street and it’s called St Mathias, but it’s boring and strict and I don’t understand why the teachers are so horrible to me. As Mum tucks me into bed with Tippa, I think about the strange way they talk to me sometimes, those teachers. It’s different from how they speak to all the other kids – the white kids. It’s not fair they made me the captain of the cricket team the first day I joined the school. I’d never played the game before and I didn’t know the rules or anything. They expected me to be good at it because I am ‘West Indian’, but I stood there not knowing what to do and then they were cross with me. I kept saying I was born in Birmingham like them, but they didn’t take any notice.
Soon afterwards all the children in our class were told to bring in their favourite golliwog. The next day all the kids flocked around us, eager to show us their drawings, badges, jam jars, or their actual golliwog toys. Velda and me stood there grinning politely, too embarrassed to move or speak. I felt upset and I thought about it a lot. Did they think we were ‘golliwogs’ because we weren’t white like them? A golliwog was a silly toy, not a real person. I wasn’t sure what was going on but I was too shy to ask the teachers what they were doing. I know they think we’re very different from them because we’re the only black family in the street – although they call us ‘coloured’ – but is this what it’s going to be like for the rest of our lives?
I look forward to the gypsies coming back next year. The white people talk about them in an even worse way than they talk about us, but I’ve played with them and been over the bomb pecks with them and their adults never make me feel uncomfortable and unwanted like the white teachers do. They sing songs, play musical instruments, make fires and mend things from the old rubbish they find. And their eyes light up when they see me. The gypsy children are rough and tough but they’re really friendly. They shout out, ‘Let’s do things’ or ‘Come with us, friend, let’s have some adventures.’
We sometimes run over to the bomb pecks and look for farthings – tiny bronze coins with a little bird on. We’ve found quite a few of these, so it’s a shame they’re no longer used. Occasionally we find a penny or two and then we’ll dash to the shop where the shopkeeper keeps a tray of penny sweets for us.
Some of the local kids are formed into little gangs and you don’t want to bump into a group from another area – like round the corner or the next block of streets away. Sometimes, if one gang meets another, there’ll be a little scrap. Some punches get thrown but we always run off at the sight of an adult. It’s definitely the gypsy kids that are known for being the best fighters.
A girl called Carol, who lives a few doors down from us, tried to stop me playing with them one day, saying they were all thieves and tricksters. When she asked me why I liked to play with them so much I told her: ‘Their girls have scars, and I like girls with scars. Fighting girls. Not crybabies like you lot.’
I like them because they don’t keep asking where I’m from or talking about my skin colour. I asked one of the neighbours why nobody likes the gypsies and she said, ‘They’re not like us; they come from another culture, and they do things differently.’
Culture. It was the first time I’d heard that word. I didn’t think the lady who said it meant it in a nice way but I liked the sound of it. I admired the gypsies and their culture. I liked the way they did things. And I liked their girls with scars.
* My birth date is the subject of much speculation. All my official documents say it is 15 April 1958 but my mum swears it was 15 March.