Your Minimalist Life

“I am beginning to learn that it is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all.”

—Laura Ingalls Wilder

One thought you might have after minimizing and clearing the clutter: why didn’t I do this long ago? The concepts and benefits of living with less are so simple, and you don’t need any equipment or special planners to make it happen. Have less and you will have less to do. Just a few hours, some common sense, and a vision of a clear and happy home and schedule can change your life.

As you use the minimalist path to reshape your home and days, remember that you can tailor the degree and areas to which you apply the Do Less concepts however you need them. In certain seasons of your life, a very streamlined home will be your top priority as you go through a particularly busy period with work, activities, or family obligations. At other times, you may want to rein in your social or work commitments for a slower pace of life. The beauty of using minimalism for an organized and happy life is that there is a formula for each person to achieve his or her goals. No one path will be the same as another. The only universal that’s true for everyone: we can all enjoy a life of less stuff, obligation, and stress.