STATE COUNCIL, awaiting the Emperor. Trumpets. Enter COURTIERS and |
RETAINERS, splendidly attired; the EMPEROR ascends his throne, and the |
ASTROLOGER stands at his right. |
EMPEROR. I greet you, dear and loyal subjects, |
assembled here from near and far … — |
I see my Sage is at my side, |
4730 |
but what has happned to my Fool? |
A SQUIRE. As you were coming up the stairs |
he suddenly collapsed behind your trailing robe; |
the hulk of fat was lugged away, |
but whether dead or drunk we do not know. |
4735 |
SECOND SQUIRE. At once, and with amazing quickness, |
another fool pushed into his place. |
He is most splendidly accoutered, |
but so grotesque that everyone is leery; |
the guards there at the doorway hold |
4740 |
their halberds crossed in front of him— |
why here he is, foolhardy fellow! |
MEPHISTOPHELES (kneeling at the throne). |
What is accursed, yet always welcome, |
what ardently desired, and yet chased away, |
what constantly receives our favor, |
4745 |
yet is denounced and much reviled? |
Whom can you never summon to you, |
whose name do all delight to hear? |
What seeks a place before your throne |
although it chose self-banishment? |
4750 |
EMPEROR. Spare us your words on this occasion! |
Your riddles here are out of place, |
these gentlemen have brought their own. |
I should be glad if you’d just fill this gap. |
My former fool, I fear, has gone far, far away. |
4755 |
Be his relief, come stand beside me. |
MEPHISTOPHELES ascends the steps and places himself at the EMPEROR’S left. |
VOICES (murmuring). |
Another fool. – And other troubles. – |
Where is he from? – How did he get in here? – |
The old one fell. – His time was up! – |
He was a barrel. – Now we have a stave! |
4760 |
EMPEROR. And so, my dear and loyal subjects, |
I welcome you from far and near! |
You gather under a propitious star,
that we shall thrive stands written in the sky. |
But tell me why at such a time,
when we would like to banish cares,
put on the masks of carnival,
and only cultivate what’s pleasant,
we should torment ourselves by holding council? |
4765 |
But since you think there’s no alternative, we now are met, and so, to the agenda!
The highest virtue, halo-like, encircles the Imperial head; the Emperor alone can exercise it validly: |
4770 |
its name is Justice! – Loved by all mankind, demanded, wished for, hard to live without, it is what he must grant his people.
Alas! Can reason help the human mind, goodness our hearts, or willingness our hands, |
4775 |
while fever rages rampant in the state and brooding evil breeds prolific evils?
If from this lofty vantage point one views below your far-flung realm, it seems an ugly dream in which Deformity holds sway among deformities |
4780 |
and Lawlessness prevails by legal means as Error spreads and fills the world with error.
One man makes off with flocks, another with a woman, or with the altar’s chalice, cross, and candlesticks, and then for years they boast unscathed of what they’ve done |
4785 |
with no attainder of their persons. Plaintiffs now crowd the halls of justice where judges sit in cushioned ease, and all the while in angry flood sedition’s growing turmoil surges higher. |
4790 |
With the support of partners no less guilty men dare to brag of infamy and heinous crime, but you will only hear the verdict “Guilty!” when innocence defends itself.
Society thus strives for its own fragmentation |
4795 |
and to destroy whatever things are seemly— with this the case, how can the sense develop that will alone guide us to what is right? Ultimately the man of good intentions must bow to sycophants and to suborners, |
4800 |
while judges impotent to mete out punishment become at last associates of criminals. |
4805 |
I’ve painted a black picture, even though I should prefer it veiled in greater darkness still.
(He pauses.)
There can be no avoiding of decisions; when all commit and suffer wrongs, |
4810 |
then Majesty itself becomes a victim.
What tumult marks these violent times! Men kill, and then are killed in turn, and turn deaf ears to any orders.
The citizen behind his walls, |
4815 |
the knight up in his rock-built aerie, have vowed they will outlast our sieges and are maintaining all their forces.
Our mercenaries grow impatient and angrily demand their pay; |
4820 |
and if we didn’t owe them money still, they would by now have all deserted.
If one denies them what all claim is theirs,
he has stirred up a hornets’ nest;
the realm they were to have protected |
4825 |
lies plundered now and devastated.
By letting their mad fury work its havoc we’ve lost half of our world already; there still are kings beyond our borders, but none believes this might somehow affect him. |
4830 |
Who’d dare to claim that we have allies— like water in defective pipes, their promised subsidies do not arrive! Moreover, Sire, who now holds property in every part of all your wide domains? |
4835 |
No matter where you go, some upstart’s settled in
and wants to live in independence;
one must watch passively as he goes his own way;
we’ve given up so many rights
that we no longer have a right to anything. |
4840 |
Then too, as for the parties, as they’re called,
there’s no relying on them nowadays;
it does not matter if they blame or praise,
since love and hate have ceased to be of consequence.
Both Ghibellines and Guelfs are now in hiding |
4845 |
in order to enjoy some rest;
who cares to help his neighbor now,
when all must care for their own selves! |
The portals of access to gold are barricaded; everyone’s scraping, digging, and amassing, |
4850 |
and still our coffers are unfilled.
LORD STEWARD. What disasters I must suffer too! Every day we try to save, but every day our needs increase and day by day my troubles grow. |
4855 |
The cooks are suffering no shortage; wild boars, and stags and does, and hares, chickens and turkeys, geese and ducks— payments in kind—are income we are sure of and by and large arrive on time. |
4860 |
But wine’s beginning to run out.
Although there was a time our cellars were heaped high with cask on cask of the best years and vintages, your nobles’ never ending drinking bouts are slushing down the final drops. |
4865 |
Even the city councils have to tap their stocks as festive wine is drunk from tankards or from bowls and goes to waste beneath the table.
I’m now supposed to pay the bills and wages, but can expect no mercy from the money lenders, |
4870 |
who execute agreements that eat up what future years must yet produce.
Our hogs are not allowed to fatten,
the bolster on our bed’s hypothecated,
the bread we’re served already’s been consumed. |
4875 |
EMPEROR (after some reflection, to MEPHISTOPHELES).
Speak, Fool. Do you not know some further cause for woe?
MEPHISTOPHELES. I know of none, and only see the splendor surrounding you and all your court! – Could confidence be wanting where the sovereign’s word is absolute and troops stand by to rout all opposition, |
4880 |
where, strengthened by intelligence, good will and energy of many kinds await your use?
What forces could combine to cause disaster and to eclipse a world where stars like these are shining?
VOICES (murmuring).
The fellow’s a rogue. – And clever too. – |
4885 |
Lies gain him favor … – at least for a while. – I see already … – what’s behind this. – And then what next? – Some grand-scale scheme!
MEPHISTOPHELES. Where in the world is something not in short supply? |
Someone lacks this, another that, but here the lack is money. |
4890 |
Of course you can’t just pick it off the floor, |
but Wisdom’s skill is getting what’s most deeply hidden. In mountain veins and in foundation walls you’ll find both coined and uncoined gold, |
and if you ask who will extract it, I reply: a man that nature has endowed with mighty intellect. |
4895 |
CHANCELLOR. Nature and intellect are not words said to Christians Because such language is so dangerous the atheist is executed at the stake. |
Nature is sin, and Intellect the devil; hermaphroditic Doubt their child which they together foster.
Such words to us! – Time has brought forth but two estates within the lands that are the emperor’s ancient holdings; |
4900 |
they are the clergy and the knights,
the proper pillars of his throne,
who are our shield against tempestuous violence
and as reward are granted Church and State.
Sedition starts with intellects |
4905 |
bemuddled by plebeian sentiments: they are the heretics and sorcerers, corrupting countryside and town!
Now, with your brazen jests, you try to smuggle them into these highest circles; |
4910 |
you and your kind thrive on corrupted hearts whose folly makes them closely kin to you. |
4915 |
MEPHISTOPHELES. Your words reveal to me what makes a man of learning! What you can’t touch, for you is leagues away, what you can’t grasp does not exist at all, |
what you can’t count, you don’t believe is true, what you can’t weigh is of no weight to you, and what you do not coin, you think of no account.
EMPEROR. All this does not supply a thing we lack— why offer us a Lenten sermon now? |
4920 |
I’ve had my fill of these eternal ifs and buts; money is short; well, go and get it then!
MEPHISTOPHELES. I’ll get you what you want, and more besides; it’s easy, to be sure, but easy tasks take effort; the gold’s already there, but getting at it |
4925 |
is the great trick, and who knows how to do so?
Still, bear in mind how often in those days of terror, when human tides submerged entire nations, people, despite all fear and trembling, would hide what they most prized somewhere or other. |
4930 |
The custom, old when Rome was the great power, has since prevailed till yesterday—yes, till today. |
4935 |
These buried things all rest in peace within the earth, the subsoil is the Emperor’s, they’re his to have.
TREASURER. He doesn’t speak so badly, for a fool: that is indeed an old imperial right. |
4940 |
CHANCELLOR. Satan is laying golden snares for you: there’s something here that’s neither right nor pious.
LORD STEWARD. If he’d but get our court the payments due it,
I would not mind if something weren’t exactly right.
GRAND-MASTER. The Fool’s no fool, he promises what’s needed; |
4945 |
a soldier least of all will ask about its source.
MEPHISTOPHELES. And if perhaps you think that I’m deceiving you, here’s the Astrologer for you to question, who knows in every sphere the mansions and the hours.
Well, tell us, sir, what aspects now prevail! |
4950 |
VOICES (murmuring).
They both are rogues … – and hand in glove. – The visionary and the fool … – so near the throne! An old, old song … – heard much too often. – Folly is prompting … – as the sage speaks.
The Sun himself is gold without alloy, |
4955 |
his herald, Mercury, will serve if kindly paid;
Dame Venus has already cast her spell upon you, who see her lovely face at dawn and dusk; chaste Luna, who’s erratic, does have whims;
Mars’ power threatens you, although he does not smite. |
4960 |
And Jupiter is still the brightest star, while giant Saturn seems remote and small. The latter is, as metal, not much venerated and has, despite its density, but little value. What’s certain is that skies will shine |
4965 |
when Sol and Luna, gold and silver, are conjoined;
all other things are then obtainable,
palace and park and rosy cheek and pretty breast,
and they will be provided by the erudition
of one with power none of us possesses. |
4970 |
EMPEROR. I hear each word he utters twice but don’t find what he says convincing.
VOICES (murmuring).
What is the sense of this? – The joke’s jejune. –
Astrology … – or alchemy! –
I’ve heard it all before … – and had false hopes. – |
4975 |
And even if this great man comes … – he’ll be a quack.
MEPHISTOPHELES. I see both general amazement and lack of confidence in this great plan, |
hear silly talk of mandrake roots |
and of black dogs deaf to their cries.
It does not matter that the sceptics sneer or that the credulous cry sorcery, for in the end their soles will itch and in full stride their feet will stumble. |
4980 |
You can all sense the hidden operations of Nature’s never-ceasing power, and from her ultrasubterranean regions there slowly now emerge its vital signs. As soon as all your limbs start twitching |
4985 |
or if some spot gives you uncanny feelings, be not afraid, but start at once to scrape and dig, for where you stumble, is where treasure lies!
VOICES (murmuring).
My foot feels like a lump of lead. – My arm has cramps. – You have the gout. – |
4990 |
There is an itch on my big toe. – My spine is one great mass of aches. – If all these symptoms meant a thing, this hall would be a treasure island.
EMPEROR. Now hurry up—you shall not slip away— |
4995 |
and demonstrate your blather’s truth by showing us at once these precious vaults. I’ll put aside my sword and scepter, and will, if you’re not lying, execute the project with my own imperial hands— |
5000 |
or send you, if you lie, to hell.
That’s one place I know how to find!
(Aloud.) I feel, however, that I must say more
about the unowned wealth that’s waiting everywhere. The peasant, as he plows his furrow, |
5005 |
will turn up with the soil a pot of gold; he hopes to scrape saltpeter from its clay and finds, to his amazement and delight, in his impoverished hand a roll of yellow gold. What vaults will have to be blown up, |
5010 |
and through what crevices and shafts,
that border on the underworld,
the knowing treasure hunter needs must press!
In spacious cellars, long intact.
he’ll see row after row |
5015 |
of golden tankards, bowls, and plates; there will be goblets made of rubies, and if he wants to drink from them, |
5020 |
he’ll find nearby an ancient vintage. |
But—take the expert’s word for this— |
the staves decayed completely long ago, |
5025 |
and tartar formed a cask to hold the wine. |
These essences of precious wines, |
not merely jewels and gold, |
lie veiled in horrid darkness. |
The sage is eager to explore this world; |
5030 |
a child can recognize what’s seen in day’s clear light, |
the home of mysteries is darkness. |
EMPEROR. Those I shall leave to you! What good can come of gloom? |
Whatever is of value must stand the light of day. |
You cannot tell the thief when it’s so dark |
5035 |
that every cow is black and all the cats are gray. |
Those pots down there, so heavy with their gold— |
go draw your plow, bring them to light. |
MEPHISTOPHELES. Take hoe and spade, and dig yourself, |
this peasant labor will augment your greatness, |
5040 |
and from the soil you’ll liberate |
a herd of golden calves. And then you can |
with no delay, and to your great delight, |
adorn yourself, and then your mistress; |
a lustrous, iridescent jewel |
5045 |
enhances majesty and beauty. |
EMPEROR. Quick, let us start at once! How long must this drag out! |
ASTROLOGER (as before). |
Sire, moderate this eagerness |
until the merriment of carnival is past; |
we’ll not achieve our end if we’re distracted. |
5050 |
We first must, with composure, win our peace of soul |
and earn what is below with help from what’s above. |
Who wants what’s good must first be good; |
who wishes happiness must calm his blood; |
he who desires wine must press ripe grapes; |
5055 |
who hopes for miracles must fortify his faith. |
EMPERIOR. Then let us pass the time in gaiety |
until Ash Wednesday comes, most opportunely! |
Meanwhile we’ll celebrate—of this I’m sure— |
all the more merrily the madness of our carnival. |
5060 |
Trumpets. Exeunt all except MEPHISTOPHELES. |
MEPHISTOPHELES. That merit and good fortune are connected |
is something that these idiots will never see; |
the philosopher’s stone could be in their possession, |
but there’d be no philosopher to use it. |
[Exit. |
HERALD. You will not recognize the figures coming now, however many classic books you’ve read; judging these trouble-makers by their looks, you’d be inclined to call them welcome guests.
They are the Furies—this you won’t believe— |
5345 |
endowed with beauty, grace, with friendliness and youth!
Yet once involved with them, you soon find out
how doves like these can wound with serpents’ tongues.
Although they are malicious, on this day when every boasting fool admits his faults |
5350 |
they too won’t pose as angels—they’ll confess that in both town and country they’re a plague.
Enter the FURIES.
ALECTO. Forewarned is not forearmed! You will believe us because we’re young and pretty and if there’s one among you with a sweetheart, |
5355 |
we’ll tickle his ears with blandishments
until the time has come to tell him privately that she is also ogling him and him, that she’s dull-witted and misshapen, limps, and, though his financée, a worthless minx. |
5360 |
We know the way to make her wretched too:
“It was your friend himself who, a few weeks ago, said slighting things about you to Miss So and So!” They may make up, but doubts will still remain.
MEGAERA. Those are but petty matters! When they’re wed |
5365 |
it is my turn, and then I never fail to spoil connubial bliss with galling quirks. Mortals are not consistent—every hour differs—
and no one has in his embrace his heart’s desire who is not fool enough to hope he’ll get |
5370 |
from Fortune something more desirable— he flees his sun and tries to melt new ice.
I am an expert at this sort of thing and bring along my faithful Asmodeus to sow, when it’s the season, seeds of discord— |
5375 |
I thus corrupt mankind two units at a time.
TISIPHONE. Instead of using slander, I mix poison,
sharpen steel, for faithless lovers!
Late or soon, if you love others, you’ll suffer in a vital organ. |
5380 |
Love will prove to be a bubble, ecstasy will turn to gall! Compromise is not allowed, circumstances won’t excuse him.
Sing no song to me of pardon! |
5385 |
Rocks hear the charges I recite, and echo—hark!—replies “Requite!”
Death to all inconstant lovers!
HERALD. Please be so good as to withdraw to either side, for what is coming now is strange and different. |
5390 |
You see a mountain pushing toward us whose flanks are proudly hung with brilliant tapestries, and from whose head long tusks and snakelike trunk extend; this seems a mystery, yet I’ll give you its key.
The woman seated on its neck is delicate, |
5395 |
but with that slender wand she makes it do her will; while she who stands in majesty beside her is bathed in dazzling radiance;
beside it, wearing chains, there walk two noble ladies, one with a worried air, the other looking cheerful: |
5400 |
the former pines for freedom, the latter thinks she’s free. Let each now tell us who she is.
FEAR. Reeking torches, lamps, and candles
dimly light this festive turmoil; here amid deceitful faces |
5405 |
I, alas! am bound in chains.
Don’t come near me, foolish scoffers, smiles like yours cannot be trusted; all my enemies are crowding in about me here tonight. |
5410 |
Here’s a friend who’s now a foe, but I see through the disguise; there’s someone who meant to kill me but sneaks off when recognized.
Oh, how I would like to flee |
5415 |
to any place far, far away, but the threat of death out there confines me to this dark, dread place.
HOPE. Ladies, I greet you as sisters!
Even though, these past two days, |
5420 |
you’ve enjoyed these masks and costumes, I’m aware that you intend to unmask yourselves tomorrow.
And although we feel uneasy here amid these flickering torches, |
5425 |
sunlit days, we know, are coming when we shall, as suits our fancy, walk with friends or by ourselves through the lovely countryside, free to rest or to be active, |
5430 |
and enjoy a carefree life, never lacking what we want. Confident we’re always welcome, we are pleased to join you here: the best things in life, I’m certain, |
5435 |
can be found wherever one is.
PRUDENCE. Two of mankind’s greatest scourges,
Fear and Hope, stand here in fetters, kept away from you by me; you’re all safe, but please stand back! |
5440 |
I am guiding, as you see, this live, turreted colossus which, despite its heavy burden, steepest passes would not daunt.
There, upon its tower’s top, |
5445 |
is a goddess with swift pinions, poised for flight to any point where advantage may await her, enveloped in a cloud of light whose brilliance reaches far and wide; |
5450 |
her name is Victory, the goddess of all undertakings.
This is too much! I see I’m just in time to tell you what a tawdry lot you are! My special butt, however, is |
5455 |
Dame Victory up there.
With those white wings she doubtless thinks that she’s an eagle
and that wherever she may choose to look all peoples and all lands belong to her; |
5460 |
I, on the other hand, am quick to wrath when I see any deed of glory done.
When I exalt what’s base, degrade what’s grand, put crooked straight, what’s straight askew, then, and then only, do I feel elated, |
5465 |
for that is how I want things here on earth.
HERALD. In that case, cur, feel how my sacred staff can deal a might blow!
Now you will writhe and twist! – |
5470 |
How quickly does the double dwarf |
become a loathesome, shapeless mass! – But what strange thing is this?
The mass becomes an egg that swells and bursts, and from it twins emerge, an adder and a bat; |
5475 |
one crawls off through the dust, the other, black, flies upward to the roof. They’re hurrying outside for a reunion in which I would prefer to have no part.
VOICES (murmuring).
Come! back there they are already dancing. – |
5480 |
Well! this place is not for me. – Do you feel those ghastly things pressing in about us? – Something hissed right past my hair. – I glimpsed something at my feet. – |
5485 |
No one’s suffered any harm – but we all have had a scare. – What was fun is spoiled completely – that’s what the nasty creatures wanted.
HERALD. Ever since I undertook |
5490 |
to be herald at your pageants,
I have solemnly stood guard, never yielding, always firm, to insure that nothing harmful should get in and spoil your revels. |
5495 |
But I fear that air-born spirits are now coming through the windows, and I’m helpless to protect you from such ghostly sorcery.
If that dwarf was somewhat doubtful, |
5500 |
look back there, see what’s now coming! I would like to do my duty and expound these figures’ meaning, but what can’t be comprehended,
I am helpless to explain |
5505 |
and must ask for your assistance. – See what’s swerving through the crowd! A magnificent quadriga borne along past one and all, opening no lane or passage, |
5510 |
causing none to push aside! From afar its colors shimmer, all about it stars are flashing such as magic lanterns cast, |
5515 |
as it storms and snorts along.
Clear the way! I find this awesome! |
5520 |
Horses, halt! No longer use your wings, heed the customary bridle, curb yourselves if I now curb you, when I urge you, speed away – for we must respect these halls! |
5525 |
See the circles growing larger as admirers gather round us. Herald, come! continue custom and, before we rush away, draw our picture, tell our names— |
5530 |
after all, we’re allegories, and you therefore ought to know us.
HERALD. I can’t guess what your name is, though I might be able to describe you.
CHARIOTEER. Try to do so then.
HERALD. To start, |
5535 |
I’ll concede you’re young and handsome.
You are an adolescent still; a woman, though, would rather have you fully grown.
I see in you a future ladies’ man,
and of the kind that breaks a lot of hearts. |
5540 |
CHARIOTEER. All well and good! Go on like that, and formulate some more of this amusing riddle.
HERALD. I see black lightning in your eyes, and night-dark hair enlivened by a ribbon set with jewels.
And what a graceful robe cascades |
5545 |
with purple hem and glittering baubles down from your shoulders to your slippers! You might be called effeminate, but if, for better or for worse, you tried your luck with girls right now, |
5550 |
they’d help you learn the ABC.
CHARIOTEER. And what about this splendid figure so proudly seated on my chariot’s throne?
HERALD. He seems to be a rich and kindly king whose favor would ensure prosperity. |
5555 |
He looks not for new realms to conquer, but to discover where there’s want, and the pure joy he takes in giving outweighs all the delights of ownership.
CHARIOTEER. It will not do to stop with these remarks, |
5560 |
you must describe him properly. |
HERALD. There’s no describing innate worth. But I’ll go on: a face that glows with health, an ample mouth, well-rounded cheeks, show proudly forth beneath a jeweled turban; |
5565 |
his pleated gown is rich, not gaudy,
worn with decorum that I hardly need describe.
I recognize in him one born to rule.
CHARIOTEER. His name is Plutus! He, the god of wealth, is here arrived in regal state, |
5570 |
a guest your noble Emperor has wanted.
HERALD. But tell us, also, what you are and do!
CHARIOTEER. I am that spendthrift, poetry; as poet, I augment my worth by squandering my very substance. |
5575 |
I, too, am rich beyond all measures and count myself the peer of Plutus, add life and beauty to his revels, and give you what he can’t bestow.
HERALD. You brag quite gracefully, |
5580 |
but we would like a demonstration of your skill.
CHARIOTEER. Watch! I but snap my fingers, and at once bright, glittering lights surround our chariot.
Now see a string of pearls appear!
(He continues to snap his fingers in various directions.)
Accept these golden clasps for neck and ear, |
5585 |
these flawless combs and coronets, these rings set with the rarest jewels;
I also, now and then, distribute tiny flames in hope that some of them may start a blaze, a fire.
HERALD. How these good people reach and grab— |
5590 |
the giver’s almost helpless in this crowd! He flips gems with fantastic skill, and the whole crowd is grabbing for them. But now I see there are new tricks: no matter what a person clutches, |
5595 |
it proves to be a sorry prize— his gift takes wing and flies away; the string of pearls breaks in his hand and he’s left holding wriggling beetles, and when, poor dupe, he shakes them off, |
5600 |
they start to buzz about his head; others, instead of things with worth, catch only wanton butterflies.
For all his promises, the rogue bestows as gold what merely glitters. |
5605 |
CHARIOTEER. I see that you describe all costumes well, but it is not a herald’s courtly duty to fathom what may lie beneath their surface— for that a keener eye is needed.
But I have no desire for disputes, |
5610 |
and will address, my lord, to you my questions.
(He turns to PLUTUS.)
Did you not put into my charge this wind-swift team of four?
Do I not guide them as you wish?
Am I not always where you want me? |
5615 |
Have I not boldly soared aloft to win you palms of victory?
Whenever I have fought on your behalf, success has always crowned my striving, and if your brows are graced with laurels, |
5620 |
were they not woven by my thoughtful hand?
PLUTUS. If you need a good character from me,
I gladly say, you are the essence of my spirit. You always act the way I’d wish to act, your treasury contains more gold than mine. |
5625 |
Of all the crowns I can bestow,
I value most the laurels that your service merits. To all I testify as gospel truth: with you, dear son, I am well pleased.
CHARIOTEER (addressing the assemblage).
See how I’ve scattered all about |
5630 |
the greatest gifts I can bestow.
Above the heads of some among you there glows a spark that I ignited; it skips along from head to head, pausing on some, but not at all on others, |
5635 |
and only now and then, as short-lived flame, rapidly bursting into incandescence; but even before most people know of its existence, the feeble spark, alas, has been extinguished.
WOMEN (chattering).
That fellow on the chariot |
5640 |
is certainly some charlatan,
for, perched behind there sits the Fool,
who’s even more emaciated
than he has ever looked before—
so fleshless he’d not feel a pinch, I think. |
5645 |
Don’t lay your hands on me, disgusting females! |
I know you never like to see me. – When women managed their own homes, my name was still Dame Avarice; our households throve while the rule held: |
5650 |
acquire much, let nothing be discarded!
I strove to keep our chests and cupboards filled, a virtue some then called a vice.
But now that women, some years since, became unused to penny-pinching |
5655 |
and, like delinquent debtors anywhere, have far more wants than they have money, their husbands have a lot to suffer and see debts everywhere they look. Whatever they can earn by spinning |
5660 |
goes on their backs or to their lovers, and with their armies of admirers they eat and drink more lavishly as well. This makes me fonder still of gold, so now I am Sir Greed, and masculine. |
5665 |
Let’s leave this stingy devil to the stingy!
In any case, he’s nothing but a liar
who wants to get our husbands all worked up,
although they’re troublesome enough already.
THE WOMEN (all together).
The scarecrow! Slap his mouth! How can a servant, |
5670 |
and just a drudge at that, dare threaten us?
As if his ugly face could scare us!
Those dragon-steeds are only wood and paper; come on, let’s up and at him!
HERALD. Now, by my staff, be quiet! – |
5675 |
But there is hardly any need of my assistance: see how those fearful monsters come to life and, spreading double pairs of wings, quickly force people to draw back.
Enraged, the dragons shake their scaly jaws |
5680 |
and spew forth fire; the crowd now flies, there is an open space.
(PLUTUS alights from the chariot.)
Now he steps down with regal ease.
He gives a sign; the dragons get to work, lift from their chariot the chest of gold, |
5685 |
bear it with Greed still crouching on it, and set it down there at his feet— a miracle has been performed! |
Now that you’re rid of what encumbered you, |
are wholly free, be off to your own realm! |
5690 |
It is not here, amid this wild confusion |
of motley and grotesque inventions. |
Away to clarity perceived with clarity, |
to where you owe allegiance to yourself, |
where beauty and goodness alone afford delight— |
5695 |
to solitude! Create your own world there. |
CHARIOTEER. I shall regard myself as your proud emissary, |
still love you as my next of kin. |
Where you abide, there is abundance, |
and where I am, all men feel rich, |
5700 |
although, perplexed by life, they often wonder |
if they should consecrate themselves to you, or me. |
Your votaries may live in idleness, |
but those who follow me can never rest. |
My deeds are not performed in secrecy— |
5705 |
if I but breathe a thought, I am betrayed. |
And so, farewell! I know you wish me happiness, |
yet I’ll return at once if you but whisper for me. |
[Exit, with chariot. |
PLUTUS. It’s time to free our treasures from their fetters! |
I take the Herald’s staff and smite the locks. |
5710 |
The chest flies open. Look! See how, blood-red, |
in brazen pots, gold surges up, |
beside it choicest chains and rings and crowns, |
and threatens to engulf and melt them. |
THE CROWD (exclaiming in turn). |
Look and see how it’s running over, |
5715 |
filling the chest up to the rim. – |
Vessels of gold are being melted, |
golden rouleaus are tossed about. – |
As if just minted, ducats dance |
and make my heart begin to leap – |
5720 |
to see all I have ever wanted |
rolling now along the floor! – |
They are a gift, accept it promptly, |
by stooping down you’ll soon be rich. – |
Let us be nimble and make off, |
5725 |
lightning-quick, with the chest itself! |
HERALD. What is the meaning of this madness? |
These things are only make-believe. |
No more such greediness tonight! |
Do you believe it’s gold you’re getting? |
5730 |
For you, and at a masquerade, tin counters would be far too good.
You louts who right off want a pretty show to be the truth of coarse reality!
What’s truth to you who try to grab |
5735 |
hollow illusions randomly? – Masked Plutus, hero of this masque,
I beg you, put this mob to rout!
PLUTUS. Your staff, I think, can serve as weapon; lend it to me for a short time. – |
5740 |
I quickly dip it in the seething flames. – Now, masqueraders, on your guard!
See it flash, explode, and sparkle— the staff is now a thing of fire!
If anyone should crowd too close |
5745 |
he’ll suffer cruel bums at once. – I’ll start my circuit now.
THE CROWD (pushing and exclaiming).
What pain! We’re done for now. –
Escape if you are able to! –
Move back, move back, you in the rear! – |
5750 |
Hot sparks are spurting in my face. – I’m crushed beneath the burning staff- we’re lost and done for, one and all. – Don’t crowd us so, you masqueraders, move back, move back, you senseless mob! – |
5755 |
If I had wings, I’d leave by air.—
PLUTUS. The circle now has been pushed back, with no one scorched, I do believe.
The crowd retreats, fear did the job. – |
5760 |
To guarantee this order is maintained,
I’ll draw a ring that none can see.
HERALD. What you have done is marvelous—
I’m much obliged to your sagacity!
PLUTUS. More patience will be needed, noble friend, |
5765 |
for more disorder’s still to come.
SIR GREED. At last one can, if he so wishes, survey with pleasure this assemblage, since women always are out front when there is something good to see or eat. |
5770 |
I’m not so far gone yet as not to find
a pretty woman beautiful,
and since the entertainment’s free today, |
there’s nothing to prevent my picking up a girl. Still, in a place so overcrowded, |
5775 |
my words cannot be heard by all,
I’ll take a prudent course, and hope I can succeed in being pantomimically explicit.
My purpose can’t be served by gesture, hand, or foot, so I shall have to try a prank. |
5780 |
Gold can be converted into anything, and so I’ll use this metal just like clay.
HERALD. What is our thin fool up to now!
Can he be both a hunger artist and a comic? He’s kneading all the gold into a dough |
5785 |
that in his hands becomes quite slack and stays a shapeless mass no matter how he molds or pummels it. He’s turning toward those women there, who scream and try to get away |
5790 |
and act as if they all were much disgusted; our clown turns out to be a mischief-maker, and one of those, I fear, who think it fun to cause offense to decency.
I cannot countenance such conduct— |
5795 |
give me my staff, and I’ll expel him.
PLUTUS. You need not interrupt his nonsense! He’s unaware there is a menace in the offing that won’t leave space for his buffoonery— compulsion has more force than preachment. |
5800 |
VOICES (noisily singing).
What now arrives is the Wild Hunt, advancing irresistibly from mountain height and wooded vale: all celebrate their great god Pan.
In on a secret none here shares, |
5805 |
they’ll throng into this empty ring.
PLUTUS. I know you well, and Great Pan too— together you are undertaking something daring! Knowing the secret only some few share, with due respect I open this closed circle. |
5810 |
[Aside.] May a propitious fate attend them!
What is to come could well seem strange; they do not know for what they’re headed, they’ve not thought to prepare for what might happen.
WILD MEN (singing).
O you bedizened tinsel crowd, |
5815 |
see coarse and savage people come who leaping high and running fast now enter with a vigorous stride.
FAUNS. We are the fauns of carefree dance |
5820 |
and oakleaf wreaths in tousled hair!
Delicate ears with pointed tips protrude from every curly head; though nose be flat and face be broad, |
5825 |
the ladies won’t take that amiss: when dancing fauns put out their paws, even the fairest won’t say no.
SATYR. A satyr dances in behind with foot of goat and fleshless leg |
5830 |
that must be thin and sinewy— perched chamois-like on mountain peaks, he’s entertained by looking round about. Invigorated in the air of freedom, he jeers at woman, child, and man |
5835 |
who down below in smoggy valleys fondly believe they too exist, and knows that he alone possesses the world so calm and pure up there.
GNOMES. These little people take short steps |
5840 |
and do not like to march by pairs; in moss-green smock, with lighted lamp, each busy with his own concerns, they hurry helter-skelter past like teeming swarms of fireflies |
5845 |
and scurry back and forth like ants who’re busy everywhere at once.
Near relatives of the kind brownies, we’re barber-surgeons to the rocks; we bleed high mountains, |
5850 |
tap their full veins,
and, confident our luck will hold,
accumulate a store of metals.
We do this with the best intentions— we like to help men of good will. |
5855 |
Although the gold we bring to light
is used for pandering and theft
and to provide the steel the arrogant require
who have invented universal killing,
and though whoever breaks these three Commandments |
5860 |
will pay no heed to all the rest, we aren’t responsible for that; therefore remain, like us, forebearing.
Wild Men is what they call these figures who, in the Harz, have local fame; |
5865 |
naked and strong, as nature made them, they come, gigantic one and all, with a pine club in their right hand and wear as padded belt about their loins an apron coarsely made of leafy boughs— |
5870 |
guardsmen quite different from the Pope’s!
NYMPHS (in chorus, encircling PAN).
Now he arrives, the great god Pan who represents the cosmic All! |
5875 |
Let all who dance about him here be light of foot and blithe of heart; although he’s dour, he’s also kind, and so he wants us to be merry. Outdoors beneath a vault of blue |
5880 |
he also tries to be alert, but when he hears the murmuring brooks he’s lulled to sleep by gentle breezes. And when his sleep comes at high noon, no leaf will stir on any branch; |
5885 |
the silent air, now motionless, grows heavy with the scent of herbs; and nymphs no longer may be lively, but fall asleep right where they’ve stood. Yet when with violent suddenness |
5890 |
Pan’s voice is heard, a cry as loud as thunder-roll and ocean roar, uncertainty reigns everywhere: brave battle lines become a rout amid which even heroes tremble. |
5895 |
All honor, then, where honor’s due, and hail to him who’s brought us here!
While metallic strands of wealth glitter in their rocky fissures and divining rods alone |
5900 |
trace their labyrinthine courses, we, as troglodytes, shall build |
vaulted homes in somber caverns, |
and, where bright pure breezes blow, |
you’ll bestow largesse of treasure. |
5905 |
Now, however, here beside us |
we have found a wondrous fountain |
which should provide with little effort |
wealth hardly to be had before. |
Its perfecting needs your help; |
5910 |
Sire, be its guardian: |
any treasure you control |
serves the welfare of mankind. |
PLUTUS (to the HERALD). |
We must maintain complete composure |
and, come what may, not intervene. |
5915 |
I know you’ve always shown the greatest courage, |
but what’s about to happen will seem utter horror; |
since chroniclers will stubbornly deny its truth, |
record it faithfully in your report. |
HERALD (laying hold of his staff, which PLUTUS does not relinquish). |
Slowly, the gnomes conduct Great Pan |
5920 |
towards the fountainhead of fire; |
it surges up from its abyss, |
then sinks again down to the bottom, |
and only gaping darkness shows; |
again it wells up, glowing, seething, |
5925 |
Great Pan stands dauntless and enjoys |
the strange and wondrous sight, |
and iridescent bubbles spray about. |
How can he trust such goings-on— |
he’s bending low to look inside! – |
5930 |
Why, now his beard is falling off! – |
To whom can the smooth-shaven chin belong |
that’s hidden by his hand? |
A great disaster now ensues: |
his beard bursts into flame and, flying back, |
5935 |
sets fire to his crown, his hair, his torso, |
and merriment turns into agony. – |
The members of his crew rush to his aid, |
but none of them escapes the flames, |
and efforts to beat down the fire |
5940 |
only ignite still further flames; |
trapped in this sea of fire, |
all of this group of masqueraders bum to death. |
But what is this I hear reported |
and spread by mouth from ear to ear! |
5945 |
O evermore ill-fated night, what hurt and grief you’ve caused us! Tomorrow will proclaim abroad tidings no one will want to hear; |
but what I hear cried everywhere, is that the Emperor’s a victim too.
If only something else were true!
The Emperor and all with him on fire!
A curse on them who led him so astray, |
5950 |
who strapped themselves in boughs of resin to bellow songs and in their frenzy produce this universal ruin!
O youth, when will you ever learn to moderate exuberance? |
5955 |
O princes, will you never be as sensible as you are sovereign?
Our forest has caught fire now, and tongues of pointed flame strive toward the rafters of the coffered ceiling |
5960 |
and threaten us with conflagration. Our cup of misery is overflowing,
I can’t imagine who might save us. Tomorrow this imperial magnificence will be the ash-heap of one night. |
5965 |
PLUTUS. There has been sufficient panic; let relief now be provided! – Sacred staff, smite with such might that this floor will shake and echo! Airy spaces of this room, |
5970 |
quickly fill with fragrant coolness! Wisps of fog, rain-bearing mists, come and hover all about, hide this fiery confusion! Cloudlets, trickle, murmur, whirl, |
5975 |
billow softly, gently dampen, fight the flames, put out all fires, and as soothing rain and moisture change the futile glow of fire into harmless summer lightning! – |
5980 |
When demonic forces threaten, magic must come to our aid. |
5985 |
FAUST. Do you forgive our fiery illusion, Sire?
EMPEROR (gesturing to him and MEPHISTOPHELES to rise).
I’ll welcome many more such entertainments. – There I was suddenly inside a realm of fire— |
almost like Pluto, was what came to mind—
and saw a floor of coal-black rock
that glowed with tiny flares. From various abysses
myriads of savage flames swirled up
and merged as one to form a vault of fire |
5990 |
whose lofty cupola, the tongues of all these flames, was always taking shapes that never stayed the same. In this vast space I saw my peoples, in long lines, move past its twisted fiery pillars; from every compass point they crowded toward me |
5995 |
to do me homage in their usual ways.
I recognized some members of my court among them, and fancied I was lord of countless salamanders.
MEPHISTOPHELES. You are that, Sire, for every element acknowledges imperial supremacy. |
6000 |
You now have proof that fire is your servant; but should you plunge into the wildest sea, the moment that you tread its pearl-strewn floor its billows will enclose you in a splendid sphere, and you’ll see waves, light green and purple-edged, |
6005 |
unite to build a glorious mansion
whose center you will be. Move where you will,
these halls will follow step by step.
Their very walls will teem with life that darts about and surges to and fro. |
6010 |
Sea monsters will crowd toward the new, soft light, lunge at your sphere, but never enter it.
Gold-scaled and colorful, sea dragons frolic here,
and though the shark may gape, its jaws will make you laugh.
However proud your present court may be, |
6015 |
you’ve never seen such crowds as these.
Nor will you lack what’s always loveliest:
their curiosity will bring the Nereids—
the youngest shy yet, eager to be baited,
their elders shrewd—to see the sumptuous dwelling here |
6020 |
in this eternal freshness. Thetis hears the news and grants her person to a second Peleus. – If, next, you choose to sit on Mount Olympus … |
6025 |
EMPEROR. You need not bother with ethereal regions— the throne up there is all too soon ascended. |
MEPHISTO. As for this earth, you are its sovereign now!
EMPEROR. What happy chance has brought you straight to us from the Arabian Nights?
If you can match Scheherazade’s fertile mind,
I promise you the highest favors I can grant. |
6030 |
Always be ready when, as often happens,
I find this routine world unbearable.
Enter LORD STEWARD, hastily.
STEWARD. Your Highness, never in my life did I expect I would announce
this splendid news, which fills me with such great delight |
6035 |
that, in your presence, I am still in transports:
all our accounts are settled,
the claws of usury have been appeased,
I’m rid of those infernal torments; in paradise things can’t be looking brighter.
GRAND-MASTER (following quickly). |
6040 |
We’ve started to pay off what’s owed the mercenaries, our troops have all signed up again, the lansquenets feel like new men, and wench and landlord prosper.
EMPEROR. How easily you breathe today! |
6045 |
How cheerful have become your furrowed faces! How briskly you approach the throne! |
6050 |
INTENDANT (entering as the EMPEROR speaks, and indicating FAUST and
MEPHISTOPHELES). Ask these, who did it, how this came about.
FAUST. Rightly, the Chancellor should give the explanation.
CHANCELLOR (arriving slowly).
Who, in old age, can be carefree at last. – |
Now hear, and see, the fateful document that has transformed all grief into contentment.
(Reading.) “To whom it may concern, be by these presents known, this note is legal tender for one thousand crowns and is secured by the immense reserves of wealth |
6055 |
safely stored underground in our Imperial States.
It is provided that, as soon as it be raised, said treasure shall redeem this note.”
EMPEROR. There’s been some great and criminal fraud, I fear. Who forged the Emperor’s signature to this? |
6060 |
Does this crime still remain unpunished?
INTENDANT. Don’t you recall, only last night you signed your name yourself? You were Great Pan; the Chancellor came up with us to you, and said: |
6065 |
“Allow yourself the culminating festive pleasure— salvation for your peoples—with a few strokes of the pen.” |
6070 |
You signed, and then before the night was over quick conjurors made copies by the thousands.
To guarantee that all may share this blessing,
at the same time we placed your name on a whole series;
thus tens and thirties, fifties, hundreds too are ready. |
6075 |
You can’t imagine how this pleased your subjects. See how the town, so long half-dead and mildewed, is full of life and teems with pleasure seekers! Although your name has long been much beloved, never before has it been viewed with such affection. |
6080 |
The alphabet is really now superfluous, for in this sign all men can find salvation.
EMPEROR. And people value this the same as honest gold? The court and army take it as full pay?
Much as I find it strange, I see I must accept it. |
6085 |
LORD STEWARD. There is no way these bills can be recaptured; they fled with lightning speed and are dispersed.
The money changers’ shops are all wide open; there every note is honored and exchanged— at discount, to be sure—for gold and silver coin |
6090 |
which soon gets to the butcher’s, baker’s, and the dramshop; half the world seems obsessed with eating well, the other half with showing off new clothes.
The drapers cut their cloth, the tailors sew.
Wine flows in taverns where your Majesty is toasted |
6095 |
as food is boiled and fried, and dishes make a clatter.
MEPHISTOPHELES. If you should walk about these grounds all by yourself, |
you’d soon espy a lovely lady, dressed to kill and peeking from behind a splendid peacock fan; she’ll smile at you and look to see if you’ve these notes, |
6100 |
which will procure love’s richest favors far quicker than can wit or eloquence.
You do not need to fuss with pouch or purse; a note tucked in your bosom is no burden and fits together nicely with a billet doux. |
6105 |
The pious priest can put one in his breviary,
and so that they can move more swiftly,
soldiers will hasten to reduce the weight around their waists.
I hope your Majesty will pardon if I seem
to minimize the value of this vast achievement. |
6110 |
FAUST. The overplus of wealth that lies, lethargic, deep in the soil beneath your territories, |
still waits to be exploited. But no mind
is vast enough to grasp these treasures’ full extent; |
imagination in its loftiest flight may strain, but cannot ever do them feeble justice.
Yet minds that can look deep will have the vast assurance that vast undertakings need.
MEPHISTOPHELES. These notes, when used in lieu of gold and pearls, |
6115 |
are handy, too; you know right off how much you own and can, without first bargaining or haggling, enjoy the full delights of love and wine.
If metal’s wanted, there are money-changers, and if they’re short, you go and dig a while; |
6120 |
the golden cups and chains can then be sold at auction, and prompt redemption of these shares confounds all sceptics who might mock us.
Once used to this, no one will want another system, and from now on all your imperial states |
6125 |
will thus be well supplied with jewels, gold, and paper.
EMPEROR [addressing FAUST and the INTENDANT OF THE TREASURY]. Our nation owes its great prosperity to you; your services deserve commensurate reward.
To you we now entrust the subsoil of our empire, who most deserve to be its treasurers’ guardians. |
6130 |
You know their full extent and where they’re safely kept, and any digging shall be done as you direct.
Collaborate, you masters of our treasury,
enjoy the honors of your office,
that joins together in one happy union |
6135 |
the upper and the nether worlds.
INTENDANT. Between us there shall never be the slightest discord; |
6140 |
I welcome the magician as my colleague. |
[Exit, with FAUST. |
EMPEROR. I’ll now distribute gifts to all my suite, but each must say what use you’ll put it to. | |
FIRST PAGE (eagerly). High spirits and a merry life for me!
SECOND PAGE (likewise). I’ll buy my girl a necklace and some rings.
The wines I drink will now be twice as good
The dice have started dancing in my purse.
FIRST BANNERET (thoughtfully).
My lands and castle shall be freed of debt.
SECOND BANNERET (likewise). |
6145 |
It’s wealth to place with other things of value.
EMPEROR. I hoped you’d be inspired to new ventures, |
6150 |
but you are no surprise to one who knows you.
This marvelous prosperity, I see, leaves you exactly what you were before.
COURT FOOL (entering).
Since you’re dispensing presents, don’t exclude me! |
6155 |
EMPEROR. If you’ve come back to life, they’ll only go for drink.
FOOL. I don’t quite understand these printed charms.
EMPEROR. I don’t doubt that! You’ll never grasp their proper use.
FOOL. Some dropped; should I do anything about them?
EMPEROR. They fell your way, so you may take them. |
(Exit.) |
FOOL. Five thousand crowns! Is that what I am holding?
MEPHISTOPHELES. Wineskin on legs, have you been resurrected?
FOOL. Many a time, but never with such profit.
MEPHISTOPHELES. You’re sweating with excited happiness!
FOOL. Is what I’m showing you the same as money? |
6165 |
MEPHISTOPHELES. It will supply your gut’s and gullet’s wants.
FOOL. And can I buy some land, a house, and cattle?
MEPHISTOPHELES. Of course! Offer enough and they’ll be yours.
FOOL. A castle, too, with woods, a chase, and fishing?
MEPHISTOPHELES. I’d give a lot to see you as a country squire! |
6170 |
FOOL. Tonight I’ll dream of my estates. |
(Exit.) |
MEPHISTOPHELES (solus). Who still can doubt our Fool has wit!
EMPEROR and PRINCES, with COURTIERS; there is much coming and going. |
We still are waiting for the phantom scene you owe us; |
our master is impatient, so get started! |
His Highness asked just now about it; |
do not embarrass him by more delays. |
6310 |
MEPHISTOPHELES. That’s why my friend has disappeared, |
he is the expert in these matters; |
in undisturbed seclusion, he is working hard |
at what demands his total concentration; |
the man who would reveal the treasure Beauty |
6315 |
must use that highest art, the magic of the sages. |
STEWARD. What arts are used is immaterial— |
the Emperor wants you to be ready now. |
A word, kind sir! You see my clear complexion, |
but summertime does nasty things to it; |
6320 |
that’s when a hundred red-brown blemishes appear |
and cover this white skin and vex me. |
I’d like a remedy! |
MEPHISTOPHELES. It’s sad that beauty so translucent |
should, when May comes, be spotted like a panther cub! |
Take spawn of frogs and tongues of toads, mix well, |
6325 |
distill this carefully in full-moon light; |
apply, where needed only, as the moon is waning, |
and when spring comes your spots will all be gone. |
A BRUNETTE. The crowd that seeks your favors is increasing. |
I beg you for a cure. A chilblained foot |
6330 |
impairs my walking and my dancing; |
it even makes it hard for me to curtsy. |
MEPHISTOPHELES. You’ll have to let me press your foot with mine. |
BRUNETTE. Why, that’s the sort of thing that lovers do! |
MEPHISTO. A kick from me, my child, means something more important. |
Similia similibus applies to all disorders; |
as foot cures foot, so does each other member. |
Come close! And mind you don’t reciprocate! |
BRUNETTE (screaming). That hurts! My foot’s on fire! It was as if |
a horse’s hoof had kicked me hard. |
MEPHISTOPHELES. But you are cured. |
6340 |
Now you can have your fill of dancing |
and press your lover’s foot beneath the banquet table. |
A LADY (pushing forward). Let me get through! I cannot bear |
the burning pains that rack my being; till yesterday |
he searched my eyes in quest of happiness, |
6345 |
but now he’s turned his back and only talks to her. |
MEPHISTOPHELES. Your case is serious, but follow this advice: |
you must steal softly up to him |
and, with this charcoal, draw a line somewhere |
on his sleeve, cloak, or shoulder; |
6350 |
his heart will suffer pricks of sweet remorse. |
You must, however, promptly swallow the charcoal, |
letting no wine or water touch your lips, |
and he’ll be sighing at your door this very night. |
LADY. This isn’t harmful? |
MEPHISTOPHELES (indignantly). Please! You owe me more respect! |
6355 |
To find its like you’d have to go some distance; |
it comes from where we once, when zeal was greater, |
eagerly fanned the flames around the stake. |
A PAGE. Though I’m in love, they tell me I am too young. |
I hardly know to whom to listen next. |
6360 |
(To the Page.). Don’t set your heart on someone very young; |
elderly women will appreciate you best. |
(More people crowd in about him.) |
More yet! This gets to be a struggle. |
I may end up by having recourse to the truth; |
my plight’s so bad, I’ll take the worst expedient. – |
6365 |
O Mothers, Mothers, free Faust from your spell! |
(Looking about.) In the great hall the candles are now dimmer, |
and suddenly the whole Court starts to move. |
I see the decorous procession go |
through corridors and distant galleries. |
6370 |
Good! They’re assembling in the old Knights’ Hall |
that, though it’s large, can hardly hold them. |
Its spacious walls are richly hung with tapestries, |
its nooks and corners filled with armor. |
In such a place, I think, spells are not needed; |
6375 |
ghosts will come here without an invitation. |
HERALD. Mysterious forces of the spirit world prevent |
my usual announcing of the play; |
there’s no point trying to explain |
all the confusion in some rational way. |
6380 |
The chairs have been arranged already; the Emperor is placed so that he’ll face the wall, so close that he can contemplate in perfect comfort tapestried battles fought in days of glory.
He now is seated, with his court around him |
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and crowded benches in the background; but even at this time of somber apparitions love provides room for lovers side by side.
And now that all have found their proper places,
our work is finished. Let the ghosts appear! (Trumpets.) |
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ASTROLOGER. By royal command the play shall start at once. Become an opening, what now is wall!
When magic operates, all things are easy; like jetsam swept by tides, the arras vanishes; the wall divides and is reversed, |
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creating the effect of a deep stage
as we seem bathed in some mysterious glow;
I’ll now climb up to its proscenium.
MEPHISTOPHELES (popping up in the prompter’s box). I trust my being here will be approved by all: the devil’s eloquence is always sotto voce. |
6400 |
As one who knows the tempi of the stars, you’ll understand my prompting perfectly.
ASTROLOGER. By dint of magic there is here revealed the massive structure of an ancient temple.
Like Atlas, formerly the skies’ support, |
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its serried rows of columns stand, no doubt sufficient to hold the weight of stone they stand beneath, since two could well support a mighty edifice.
AN ARCHITECT. They call this Classical! I can’t see much to praise; awkward and cumbersome would be more apt. |
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What’s crude is labeled noble, and what’s clumsy, grand. Give me slim pillars striving toward infinity, ogival zeniths that exalt the spirit; these make our edifices uniquely edifying.
ASTROLOGER. Welcome with awe this well-starred hour; |
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let Reason be the thrall of Magic, and let bold Phantasy appear in all her freedom, all her glory.
See now before your eyes what you have dared to ask for: what is impossible, and hence is surely truth! |
6420 |
(FAUST climbs on to the proscenium at the opposite side.)
Behold the thaumaturge, in priestly robe and wreath, who’ll now complete his daring enterprise. |
A tripod rises with him from a cavernous hole; I think I now smell incense from its bowl. |
He is prepared to consecrate his mighty feat; only good fortune can attend him now.
FAUST (grandiosely).
In your name, Mothers, who in boundless space
dwell enthroned in eternal solitude,
yet sociably. About your heads there hover, |
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moving but lifeless, images of living things. Resplendent glories, now no more, are stirring still, for they would be eternal. And you, in your omnipotence, assign them to light’s pavillion or the vault of darkness. |
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Some are caught up in life’s propitious course; others, the dauntless sorcerer seeks out, who generously displays for all to see the marvels that their hearts desire.
ASTROLOGER. His glowing key’s no sooner touched the bowl |
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than smokelike haze obscures the stage, first creeping in, then billowing like clouds that swell, condense, entwine, divide, and join.
Heed how the master now controls the spirit-world— as the shapes move, the air is filled with music. |
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Aerial tones produce a strange effect and, as they flow, all is melodious.
Each column with its triglyphs resonates, and the whole temple seems to me to sing. The mist subsides; from the thin haze, |
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in time with the music, a comely youth steps forth. Here I may pause, for there’s no need to name him— who would not know that this was lovely Paris!
A LADY. He glows with adolescent vigor!
SECOND LADY. As fresh and juicy as a peach! |
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A THIRD. What finely chiseled, sweetly swollen lips!
A FOURTH. That is a cup you’d surely like to sip from.
A FIFTH. He’s quite good-looking, but a bit coarse too.
A SIXTH. He might be just a bit less stiff.
A KNIGHT. I think that I detect the shepherd in him; |
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nothing suggests a prince or courtier.
SECOND KNIGHT. Half-naked he’s no doubt a handsome boy, but we would need to see him wearing armor!
LADY. He’s sitting down with almost feminine langour.
KNIGHT. Perhaps you’d feel at home there on his knees? |
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SECOND LADY. How gracefully he rests his arm upon his head!
CHAMBERLAIN. I think such boorishness cannot be pardoned. |
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LADY. You gentlemen are always finding fault. |
CHAMBERLAIN. To think of lolling in the Emperor’s presence! |
LADY. He’s only acting as if he were all alone. |
CHAMBERLAIN. Here, even in a play, we want decorum. |
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LADY. Now the dear boy is sleeping gently. |
CHAMBERLAIN. You’ll have full truth to nature when he starts to snore! |
YOUNG LADY (ecstatically). |
What perfume’s mingling with the incense |
and bringing cool refreshment to my heart? |
AN OLDER LADY. There really emanates from him a gentle breath |
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that deeply stirs my soul! |
THE OLDEST LADY. It’s youth’s ambrosial bloom |
that in the adolescent is distilled |
and permeates the air about us. |
Enter HELEN. |
MEPHISTOPHELES. So that is she! She won’t make me lose sleep; |
no doubt she’s pretty, but she’s not my style. |
6480 |
ASTROLOGER. I see that at this point I am superfluous, |
and as a man of honor say so frankly. |
Had I but tongues of fire to sing this beauty, |
whose loveliness has long been praised! |
To see her is to lose all sense of self, |
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to have possessed her, undeserved good fortune. |
FAUST. Does some more inward sense than sight perceive |
the overflowing fountainhead of beauty? |
My dread ordeal is gloriously rewarded. |
How circumscribed and empty was my world before! |
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Now, with this priesthood, it at last becomes |
desirable and has a lasting basis. |
May I no longer have the power to breathe |
if I should ever want to live without you! – |
The lovely form that in the magic mirror |
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once ravished me with such delight |
was but this beauty’s feeble counterfeit. – |
To you I offer as my homage |
all my vitality, and passion’s essence: |
devotion, love, idolization, madness. |
6500 |
MEPHISTOPHELES (from the prompter’s box). |
Control yourself, and don’t forget your part! |
The head’s too small for her good height and figure. |
A YOUNGER LADY. Those feet! They hardly could be more ungainly. |
A DIPLOMAT. She has a quality I’ve seen in princesses; |
I find her beautiful from head to toe. |
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A COURTIER. She’s stealing closer to the sleeping figure. |
LADY. Beside unsullied youth how odious she looks!
POET. Her beauty casts a radiance upon him.
LADY. A picture of Diana and Endymion! |
POET. That’s it! The goddess seems about to kneel, but then bends forward to drink in his breath; enviable fate—a kiss! – His cup is full!
A GOVERNESS. In front of people! Really, that’s too much!
FAUST. How awful she should favor such a boy!
6510 |
Don’t interfere in what the phantom’s doing.
COURTIER. She now tiptoes away as he wakes up.
LADY. Just as I thought she would, she’s looking back!
COURTIER. He is surprised by the miraculous!
LADY. She’s not the least surprised by his reaction. |
6515 |
COURTIER. She turns back toward him with great dignity.
LADY. I see that she intends to be his tutor; all men are stupid in such situations, and he no doubt thinks too that he’s the first.
KNIGHT. Don’t carp at elegance and queenly bearing! |
6520 |
LADY. The wanton thing! I call such conduct vulgar.
A PAGE. I wouldn’t mind if I could take his place!
COURTIER. Who would object to being in her toils?
LADY. That piece of jewelry’s more than second-hand and quite a lot of gilt has been worn off it. |
6525 |
SECOND LADY. Since she was ten she’s been a good-for-nothing.
KNIGHT. Sometimes you take the best that is available;
I’d not refuse what’s left of such great beauty.
A PEDANT. Although I see her clearly, I’ll point out that there may be some doubt if she’s authentic. |
6530 |
We’re apt to be misled by what’s before us, and I prefer to trust what’s written down.
There I have read as fact that she found special favor
with all the elders of the Trojans;
that fits the case here perfectly, I think; |
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I find her pleasing, though I am a graybeard.
ASTROLOGER. No longer boy, a man and hero now, he boldly seizes her, scarce able to resist.
On strengthened arm he lifts her high above him— is he perhaps abducting her?
FAUST. Rash fool! |
6540 |
How can you dare! Do you not hear? Desist! Enough!
MEPHISTOPHELES. But you’re the author of this spectral masque!
ASTROLOGER. One last word! Now that the piece has been performed, I can entitle it: The Rape of Helen.
FAUST. A rape indeed! Am I of no importance here? |
6545 |
Does not my hand still hold this key that brought me back to this firm shore through dismal solitudes of rock and sea?
I won’t give way! This is reality, and here the human spirit can contend with spirit beings |
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to win itself a double kingdom.
She was so far away, but now could not be nearer. Once I have rescued her, she will be doubly mine.
I’ll venture all! – This, Mothers, you must grant me! He who discerns her worth can never live without her. |
6555 |
ASTROLOGER. What are you doing, Faust? – With violent hands he seizes her; her figure is already less distinct.
His key is pointed toward the young man now, it touches him! – Woe to us all! In just a moment …! |
6560 |
Explosion. FAUST is seen lying on the floor; the phantom figures dissolve as vapors.
MEPHISTOPHELES (hoisting FAUST on his shoulder).
That’s life for you! To be encumbered with a fool |
can’t even help the devil in the end.
Darkness and noisy confusion as the curtain falls. |
6565 |