Here’s an exercise to get started with. It’s called The Gunnas Challenge. I end my Gunnas Masterclasses with it.

Commit to writing for one hour a day, four days a week for four weeks, and see how you feel.

If you write for more than an hour, it doesn’t count towards the next day’s time. The point is to write for at least an hour a day four days a week for four weeks. Bum on seat, fingers on keyboard, eyes on the screen and internet off.

An hour a day, four days a week, for four weeks.

Go on. The worst thing that can happen is you fail. Then at least you’ll know you don’t really want to write. You can stop beating yourself up and just let yourself off the hook. So when you are lying on the couch bingeing on Seinfeld repeats or starting fights on Facebook, you won’t be thinking ‘I should be writing’. No. You don’t really want to write. Even for just an hour a day, four days a week, for four weeks.

Fuck reading. Make this next four weeks the month of writing. After that you can give up if you want.

Go on. See what happens.