Black—type figures indicate the chief references, most of which may be used as a Glossary.
Abkidhamma, 1671.
Adi (Primordial) Buddha, xxx, 9n, 112—13, 16, 1112, 2l8, 231, 232
Adi—Kåya, 1674.
Aeschylus, 1671.
Aesop’s Fables, 3, 31, 57.
Agamemnon, 50, 51.
AggaMa Süttánta, 233.
Aggregate: see Skandha.
— Bodhtc Wisdom, of, 16.
— Body, of, 16, 72n, 1091, 1924
— Consciousness, of, 9n, 15, 106n, 1091, 1924.
— Feelings, of, 9n, 16, 114, 1924.
— Matter, of, 9,9n, 15, 106.
— Touch (or Sensation), of, 9n, 16, 111, 1924.
— Volition, of, 9n, 16, 111, 1924.
AinSoph, 62.
Ajartf å Cave, 38, 56.
Ajax,5o, 51.
Akåsha(Ether), 9, 16, 63, 1744, 179.
Akasha–Garbha, 1112.
Akshobhya, 91, 16, 1081, 1261, 220.
Aloke (Aloka), 1135.
Amitåbha, xxviii, xxix, xxxix, xlviii, lxxii, 9n, 13, 16—18, 20, 28, 32, 55, 70, 96,1131, 114—15, 120, 123, 140, 1892, 200, 2021, 220.
– State, 964.
Amogha–Siddhi, xxviii, xlviii, 9n, 16—17, 32, 55, 70, 1151, 116—18, 120, 141, 200, 2021, 220.
Amrita–Dhåra, 1205.
Animism, Ivii.
Antdrabhdva, Ixvi, lxxxi.
Anthropology, 11, 59.
Apollo, 1134.
Apparitions, lxxiii, 32, 98, 101 ff., 103, 104, 162, 204: see Hallucinations.
– Psychology of, 1321, 168, 181, 213.
Apuleius, xiii1, xli. ‘Archetypes’, xliv, xlv, xlvi. li.
Arhani (Pali: Arahant), 41, 54, 1601.
Ars Moriendi {Craft of Dying), xiii—xvii, Ixvi, 32, 882—2, 932, 951, 99l. 1072, 1342, 1512. 1722, 1982.
Arthurian Legend, 54.
Asañga, 2121.
Ashvaghosha, 112, 154, 225—33, 2361.
Asoka, Edicts of, 170n.
— Missionaries of, 14.
Astrology, 19, 27, 75, 871, 193n, 214n.
Asura(Titan), 17, 24, 63, 1172, 121, 150n: see Light–Path, and Lokas.
— Birth, 156, 185.
— Existence, 1212, 1941.
Atalanta, 50, 51.
Atfeha, 1352, 234n.
Atmd, lxviii, lxxii, lxxxiii, 1891.
Avalokiteshvara, xxxiv, 232, 991, 1132, 1162, 1202, 1342, 1491: see Chenraiee.
Avatamsaka Sutra, lxxiii—lxxiv.
Awakening of Faith, The, ii2, 154, 2251—31.
Bardo, xvi, xxxiii1, lxi, lxii, Ixvi, lxxvi—lxxvii, 281, 38: see Bardo Thödol, Judgement, and Rebirth.
— Astral Light, 1612.
— Birth, 1562.
— Birth—Place, 1021, 202.
— Body, xlvii, 16, 30, 31, 871, 924, 1oo1, 1033, 104, 1262, 148, 155ff., 1612, 1662, 177, 187, 195, 219.
— Chikhai, xxxvi, xli, xlix, Ixvi, Ixxiv, 89—100, 1024, 151, 203.
— Chönyid,ix, xxxvi, xli, xlii, xliii, xlvi, xlvii—xlviii, xlix, Ixvi, Ixxiv, 20, 29, 71, 891, 101—51, 1025, 1352, 1524, 193, 203, 217.
—Consciousness, 182: seeConsciousness.
— Dawning of, 90, 202—4.
— Dhyána, 1022, 203.
— Dream—State, 1022, 202.
— Dream–World, 17, 34, 66, 1871.
— Dwellers in, 1871.
— Ending of, 30, 34, 188n.
— Existence (or, realm), xxxv, xxxviii, xlix.
— Food in, 164.
— Forty—Nine Days of, xxvii,6—7, 20,30, 44, 48, 104, 161, 183.
— Friends in, 164.
— Intellect in, 172, 195.
— Liberation from, 118, 126, 1352; see Liberation.
— Plato and, 36, 49—53: seePlato.
— Prayers, 71, 88, 192, 197—208, 237.
— Psychology, 31—5, 66, 1401, 195.
— Recognition of, 892, 902, 97, 99, 994, 101, 103—5, 112, 118—19, 124—6, 131—3, 1352, 137—41, 146—9, 151, 155—8, 165, 168, 173, 181, 193—4.
— Sidpa, viii, ix, xxxvi, xli, xlii, xlv—xlvi, Ixvi, 20, 29, 49, 55, 72n, 891 1026, 135—6n, 151, 153—93, 193, 204, 206.
— Six States of, lxi, 102, 202—4.
— Sute, xvi, xlii, 7, 38—30, 38, 59, 66, 91ff., 1002, 1051, 1251, 1302, 158 ff., 1642, 1871, 195, 240.
— Supernormal Powers in, 158 ff.
Bardo Thödol, vii, xvi, xxxv ff, liii ff., Ivii, lix ff., 2, 33, 152, 196: see Bardo.
— Appendix, The, 196—208.
— Block—Print, 69, 71, 73, 1061, 1082, 1091, 1181 1242, 1422, 1441, 1451—2, 1461, 1521,4, 1531.
Bardo Thödol, Colophon 209.
— Corruptions of, 58, 77, 1561, 1741, 1791, 1922
— Deities, 361.
— Discipleship and, lxii.
— Divisions of, 85, 1531.
— Doctrine, 41, 136, 194—6, 211.
— Illustrations, xxvii—xxxiv, 70—1.
— Instructions of, set Teachings, below.
— Jung’s Commentary on, xxxv—lii.
— Manuscript, 68—73, 1062, 1242, 1524, 1531, 1741, 1842.
— Origin of, 35—6, 54—5, 73—8, 1964, 2332
— Padma Sambhava and, 13: seePadma Sam bhava.
— Plato and, 36, 49—53: seePlato.
— Psychology, 31—5, 193—6.
— Purpose of, xlix ff.
— Reading of, 19, 20, 87 ff., 135, 151, 183, 195—6.
— Rebirth Symbols, 49 ff.: see Rebirth.
— Ritual, 75.
— Root Verses of, lx.
— Science and, 8—9, 41, 66, 77.
— Symbolism, 2—6: see Esotericism.
— Tantricism, 213—20.
— Teachings, xiv, xix, xl ff., 1, Ix, lxx ff., 10—17, 32—5, 66—8, 892, 132, 151—2, 1642, 176, 180, 182—3, 186, 188, 190, 194—6, 212—13, 222, 225, 235, 238.
— Texts and Versions, 71—2.
— Translating and Editing, 1, 78—81.
— Yoga and, 211—14n: see Yoga.
Bell, Sir Charles, xxi.
Bhagavad–Gitå, The, vii, xi, xviii.
Bhagavän, 1054, 1192, 149, 201.
Bkikhhuni, 210.
Bhutan, 80, 188n, 218n.
Bhatashuddki rite, lxxiv. Birth, death and, vii, lx—Ixi.
— Four Kinds of, 178, 182.
— Supernormal, 1561, 178, 188—90, 206.
Birth–trauma, xli, xlii.
Blavatsky, H. P., 71.
Bodki (or Bodhic), 10, 11, 17, 52, 964, 116, 1231, 230.
Bodkisatttfas, xxvii, lxxiv, lxxvi, 14, 542, 67, 76, 108, 111, 113, 116, 121n, 122, 1342, 1601, 183, 191—2, 218, 228, 232.
— Invocation of, 711, 155, 197—8.
Body, Nine Apertures of, lxx.
Bön, 23, 361, 74—5, 1401.
Bönism and the Bönpos, lv ff.
Book of Dead, 1—2, 22, 36, 77. See also Bardo Thödol
— Egyptian, xiv, xvi, xxxv, xxxvi—xxxvii, lxvi, 2, 22, 35, 77, 871, 1361, 1481.
Brahma, 62
Brahman, 62, 111.
Bråhmana, Tattiriya, 46n.
Vagga, 40, 1582.
Bräkmarandkra, lxix, lxx, Ixxi, 18, 872, 921, 981, 1581, 215—16
Brähmins, 4811, 170a, 1911, 233
Buddha, vii, lvii, 54, 1054, 1064, 1192, 1251, 1681.
— Birth of, 53, 1911, 2073.
— Body of, xlviii, 10, 2072.
— Bone–Reliques of, 1632.
— Christ as, 240.
— Consciousness, 1891.
— Death of, 1911.
— Eyes of, 1601, 216.
— Invocation of, 711, 155, 183, 192.
— Lives of, 54.
— Mind of, 96.
— Pre–existence and, 40—1, 1822.
— Realization of, 97n.
— Realm of, 1072, 201—2.
— Seeing the, 97n.
— St. Jehoshaphat as, 3n.
— Teachings of, 17, 38—42, 67—8, 233, 235—7.
— Words of, 171.
— Worship of, 237.
— Yoga and, 1582.
Buddhaghosa, 41, 412, 232.
Buddhahood, lxxii, lxxvi, 10, 15, 30, 58, 94, 952, 96, 962, 971, 107, 110, 112, 115, 118—19, 123—4, 126n, 132—3n, 136, 138—41, 150, 188—9, 1952, 199, 200—1: see liberation, and Nirvana.
— Path to, 55, 892, 1241, 126.
— State of, 1241, 149.
— Winning of, 892, 114, 126, 1352, 136, 146—8.
Buddkakarita, 2361.
Buddhism, xxxvii, liv, lv, et passim.
— Christianity, and, 14, 232—41.
— Esoteric, 4—5, 233—5.
— Flesh–Eating and, 1694, 1954.
— Northern, 232—8.
— Persecution and, liv.
— Reality and, 224—32.
— Schools of, liv, lvi.
— Soul and, 86n, 224—5.
— Southern, 232—8.
— Tantric, 72, 74, 150n
— Tibetan, liv, lxiii1, 74, 150a.
— Woman and, 2091.
— Yoga and, 212: see Yoga.
Budh–Gayå, 1584.
Chag–na–Dorje, 1164: see Vajra–Påni.
Chakra, 216, 219—20.
Chakravartin, 10.
Chenrazee, xxviii, xxx, xxxiv, 992, 2, 1132, 1342, 1491, 1501, 1682—4: see Avälokiteshvara.
Christianity, Buddhism and, xlix—l, Ixvii, lxxxi, 4n, 14, 1273, 1391, 232—41.
— Church–Council, 235.
— Esoteric, 234—5.
— Flesh–Eating and, 170n.
— Heaven and, 1844.
— Hell–World and, 1791, 1852.
— Karma and, 239.
— Monasticism and, 234.
— Origen and, 2341.
— Rebirth and, 234.
— Trinity and, 14.
Chistes, 32.
Chromatism, Mystical, xxviii ff.
Collective Unconscious, The. See Unconscious.
Consciousness, lxxii, 11, 174, 1832, 189l, 225, 2292.
— Bardo, in, 182.
— Birth, lxxxi.
— Bodhic, 16.
— Content of, 29, 32—3, 1171 1662, 1671, 1871.
— Continuity of, 30.
— Death, at, Ixxiv, lxxxi el passim, 872, 982, 1002, 216.
— Principle, 7, 18—19, 29, 44, 56, 58—9, 86n, 872, 92, 971, 98, 1091, 1252, 151, 1581, 1622, 1821, 1871, 188, 214, 216, 219.
— Restoration of, 23.
— States, lxvi, 30, 901, 961,2, 982, 174, 179, 182, 1891, 202, 214, 225.
— Transference, 85—7, 91, 1782, 188—90, 193, 203.
Coomaraswami, A. K., Hinduism and Buddhism, lxiii1.
Cosmography, 61—6, 1463, 184.
Daemons (Demons), 19, 27, 32, 36, 74, 1283, 162, 1643, 1661, 186, 1871, 232, 240.
Dåkini (Fairy), 32, 1221, 1271, 1282, 130, 199, 201.
Death, Art of, xiii—xvii, lxvi, 133, 224: see Bardo, Daemons, Dharma—Raja, and Yama—Raja.
— Astrology of, 19, 27, 871, 193n.
— Cause of, 27, 84.
— Ceremonies, 18—28, 169, 183, 1952.
— Cults, 1, 26.
— Demons, 27.
— Effigy, xxvii, 19, 20—3.
— Feasts, 24a.
— Guide–books for, lxvi.
— Horoscope, 19, 27.
— Imagination and, lxxv—Ixxvi.
— King of, 38, 1691.
— Lords of, 32, 98, 147—8, 166—71, 169, 198.
— Messengers of, 38—9, 84, 198.
— Phenomena, 133—5, 164 ff.
— Process, 18, 924, 1002, 1581, 1622, 216.
— Rite of, xiv ff.
— Science of, lxv—lxxxiv.
— Symptoms, 72n, 86, 88—9, 93a, 196.
Deities (or gods, divinities), xxvii, xxviii—xxx, xxxi, xxxvi, xlviii, Iv, lvi, lvii, lxxvii et passim.
Deva(God), 17, 24, 301, 107, 150n, 160n, 199, 218n, 232: see Light—Path, and Lokas.
— Birth, 301, 156, 160, 184, 1902.
— Existence, 1941.
– Eyes, 1601.
Devadüta Silttam, 38.
Devadüta Vagga, 38.
Devas, xxix.
Devalas, 1222. See Deities.
Dharma, xxxiii, lv, lviii, 14, 171, 204.
Dharma—Oiakra, xxxiii.
Dharma—Dhätu, xlviii, Ixxvi, 15, 952, 1052, 230n, 2311.
— Wisdom, 15, 106—7, 122.
Dharma—Kdya, xxxv1, xxxix, xlv, xlviii, Ixxvi1, lxxvii, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15—16, 32, 55, 82, 89, 92, 952, 97, 981, 1214, 135, 146, 167, 1674, 174, 225, 2282, 231l, 233: see Void.
— Clear Light, 94, 1462, 211.
— State of, 96, 962, 1032, 1462—2.
Dharma Måtri Putra, 1003.
Dhaniiapäla, 121n, 128.
Dliarma—Pradlpikå, 233.
Dharma—Råja, xxx—xxxi, 35. 36—7, 1213, 1472.
Dharma Samgraha, 1083.
Dhupema (Dhüpa), 1114.
Dhyäna, 902, 92, 1003, 1022, 1191, 160, 1602, 186, 203.
Dhyåni Buddhas, xxvii, li, lxxvii, 81, 11, 13, 15—17, 1054, 118, 120, 130, 217—18, 232, 235.
— Symbolism of, 55, 220.
Diamond (or Immutable) Sütra, 1, 97n.
Dibpanamse! (DIpani), 1165.
Dölma, 116a: see Tära.
Door—Keepers, xxvii, xxviii, xxx, 120, 143—4, 218; see Yoginls.
Dorje (Skt. Vajra), xxviii, xxxiii, 10, 63, 1082, 1161, opp. 137, 137—8, 142—52.
Dorje—Chang, xxxii.
Dream World, Bardo and, 33—4, 66, 102, 1252, 181, 202.
— State, Bardo and, 1871, 2031.
Druids, 3, 60.
Ecstasy, 35, 902, 97—82, 102, 1191, 213.
Ego, The, xlvii.
Elementáis, 221.
Elements, The Five, 8—10, 1502, 1924, 201—2.
— The Four, 27, 119.
Emerson on Karma, 2.
Empcdocles, 53.
Epeius, 50, 52.
Esoteric Doctrines, 133—4: see Esotericism
Esotericisih (or Occultism), xxxii—xxxiii, I1, 2—17, 36l, 43, 45l, 62—6, 854, 862, 1052,4, 1081, 1261, 1273, 1282, 129n, 1322, 1401, 1428, 1464—5, 1571, 1662, 1791, 215, 218, 219 ff., 2341, 235.
— Rebirth and, 40 ff., 157l, 1791, 1851, 1921.
— Yoga and, 212, 233.
Essenes, 14.
Etaddagga Vagga, 1891.
Eumenides, 1671.
Fairies, 731, 872, 1272, 1282, 1643, 1811
Four Great Ones, The, xlviii.
France, Anatole, xxxviii.
Freemasonry, 4, 1274, 1691.
Freud, Sigmund, viii. See also Psychoanalysis.
Furies, 166, 1671, 185—6, 188.
Gaudharva, Ixxxii, 873, 1811.
Garufa Purdna, lxvi, lxx.
Gelugpa, Ivi—lvii, 29, 72, 1672, 2332.
Genius, Evil, 1661, 239.
— Good, 1652, 238—9.
Ghirdhima (Gitå), 1135.
Ghosh, Sj. Åtal Bihari, xx.
Gnosticism, 4, 185n, 234—5, 239
Gökarmo, 70, 1132.
Grace—Waves, 1092, 191, 208, 224.
Guide, The, 85, 89, 196.
Guru, xxviii, xxxii, lxx, 5, 13, 14, 67, 79, 80, 854, 87, 892, 90 ff., 994, 124—5, 149, 163, 169, 1781, 199, 218n, 221—4.
— Divine, 1611, 214n, 222.
— Norbu, 80.
— Shishya and, 204, 221—4
Hades Legend, 46n.
Hallucinations, 17, 20—31, 33, 35, 58, 66, 98, 156: see Apparitions.
— Karrmc, 101 ff., 1401, 156, 1642, 175, 185 ff., 1871.
— Psychology of, 31–5, 58, 66, 1171, 1401, 146—8, 167, 181, 1871, 219, 225.
Harpies, 1162.
Hathayoga, lxv.
Hayagriva, 1204, 186, 188.
Heaven—World, Origin of, 1844.
Hell—World, xxxii, xxxiii1, lxxix, 24, 30, 34, 109, 1694: see Light—Patli, and Lokas.
— Birth in, 156, 170, 185.
— Christianity and, 1852, 240.
— Existence in, 1941, 2071.
Hermes, 215.
Hermetic Writings, 7.
Herodotus, 45, 50.
Heroes, 128, 130, 134.
Heruka Deities, xxvii, xxix, 13, 70, 137—9, 144, 146, 186, 218.
Hinayána, 232.
Hinduism, Ixxviii, lxxxiii;
Higher, 6, 46.
Hitopadesha, 32, 249.
Homa, 28.
Hpho—bo, 18, 20.
Htamenma, 71, 140 ff., 1401, 218.
Illumination, 892, 213, 217, 224: seeEcstasy.
Indra, xxxiii, 62, 1081, 1211, 144.
Initiation, xl ff., xlix, 3, 5, 71, 13, 17, 371, 40, 451, 50, 53, 62, 133, 136, 1422, 1691, 177, 218n, 219, 221—4.
lshvara, 231l, 236.
Ishvari, 1401.
Jai nism, 234.
Jampal, 1134: see Mañ–jushri.
Japa, lxvii.
Játaka, The,32, 54.
Jeísün Kahbum, 82.
Judgement, After–Death, xxx—xxxiii, 35—9, 1481, 165—9: see Dharma—Räja, and Yama—Räja.
— Christian, 238—41.
— Platonic, 49.
Jung, Dr. C. G., vii, viii—ix.
— Psychological Commentary by, vii, viii, xxxv—lii.
Jupiter, xxxiii, 1081.
Ka, 22, 23.
Kalatna SüUa, 41.
Kandaraka Sultanía, 412.
Kargyütpa, 61, 68, 72, 79, 1352, 2332.
Karma, xli, xlii, xliii, xlviii, li, Ixxviii, Ixxix, lxxxi, lxxxii, lxxxiii, 61, 892
— Absolving of, 171, 237.
— Christianity and, 234—5, 239.
— Continuity of, 135, 1761—7, 194, 2041.
— Illusions of, xxxvi, xliii, xlvi, xlviii, 101 ff., 1622, 175, 185 ff.
— James, William, on, 611.
— Land, 73, 77.
— Law of, 2, 43, 471, 63, 236.
— Lords of, 58.
— Making of, 112.
— Mirror of, xxxi, 36, 166.
— Pathways of, xxxi.
— Power of, 100, 106, 109, 126, 131, 149, 155—6 ff., 159, 161, 171, 173—5, 188, 191, 198, 205—6.
— Propensities of, 58, 86n, 971, 1171, 133n, 1401, 148, 150, 157, 1641, 173, 1762, 191, 206, 213.
— Psychic Heredity and, xliii.
Karma, Records of, 49, 1481.
— Wind of, 161, 198.
— Workings of, 29—34, 38—9, 43, 48n, 57—8, 67, 941, 971, 982, 1262, 155, 1592, 163, 165, 1692—4, 183, 219, 237.
Karmic Deities, 140—1.
Katha Upanishad, 46n.
Kazi Dawa—Samdup, Lama, xxi, Ixiii, Ixxxiit—lxxxiv et passim.
Kerima, 71, 140 ff., 1401, 1421, 218.
Kesar Saga, 1481.
Knowledge—Holding Deities, xxix—xxx, 70, 126—3111, 134, Opp. 136, 201, 218.
Kosba, 214.
Krotishaurima, 1372—40.
Kshitigarbha, 1084.
Kurujlalini, 216, 221, 224.
Kwanyin, 1132.
Lama, Astrologer, 19.
— Confessor, 23.
–Dalai, 26, 1132, 1871, 232.
— Funereal, 20.
— Kazi Dawa–Samdup, xxi, lxiii, lxxxiii—lxxxiv, 11, 3, 71, 112—14, 44, 78—81, 82, 852, 861—2, 912, 1162, 1191, 2122, 2l8n.
— Oracular, 1871.
— Táshi, 26, 1132, 232.
Låmaism, Heads of, 232.
— Music of, 129n.
— Origin of, 74—5.
— Protectors of, 1342.
Lamentations, 18, 87, 1952.
Lang–gochan, xxxi.
Lanisacharacters, xxiv.
Lasema (Läsyä), 1084.
La Vallée Poussin, De, lxxx, lxxxi.
Lechas, 188n.
Liberation, xvi, lix—lx, lxxi, lxxiii, lxxvii, 9, 111, 17, 67, 711, 72n, 862, 90, 971, 100, 101, 118, 131—2, 137—41, 151, 155, 157, 168, 189, 1931: see Bud–dhahood, and Nirvana.
Liberation, Bardo, from, 30, 165, 182—3, 193—51, 196, 213.
— Faith, by, 126, 134, 1351, 152.
— Paths to, 15, 892, 1052, 107, 109, 112, 114, 117, 1222, 1241, 126, 1351, 136, 150n, 193, 196, 222.
— Recognition by, 119, 126, 131—2, 137—8, 141, 148, 151, 158, 168, 173, 193, 194.
Light—Path, 125, 150a: see Lokas, and Wisdoms.
— Asura(green), 117, 124, 150n. 173.
— Brute (blue), 124, 126, 129, 130, 150n, 174.
— Deva (white), 106—7, 124, 150n, 173, 192.
— Dharma—Dhdtu (blue), 106.
— Hell (smoke—coloured), 109, 124, 150n, 174.
— Human (yellow), 111, 112, 124, 150n, 173, 192.
— Preia (red), 113, 114, 124, 150n, 174.
— Purified Propensities (vari—coloured), 127.
Lokas (Worlds), xxix, xxxi—xxxii, lxxii, lxxiii, lxxvii—lxxviii, 17, 24, 38, 107, 118, 125—6, 136n, 160n, 157, 179, 240: see Asura, Deva, Hell, World, Light—Path, and Preta.
— Brute, xxix, 24, 130.
— Buddhos of, 121, 1242, 218.
— ‘Poisons’ of, lxxvii, lxxviii, 1252.
— Six, lxxvii—lxxviii.
Lonaphala Vagga, 40, 1891.
Lotus Deities, 852, 139, 218.
Magic, 1721, 1871, 221—2.
Mahå–Kåla, 1471.
Mahd–Mudrd, 1352.
Mahd–Parinibbåna Süt–tanta, 5.
Mahdydna, xx, xxxvi, lxvi, lxxi, 10, 206, 2121, 2132, 225, 232, 237.
Mahlaima (Måla), 1114.
Maitreya, 1085, 1902, 2121, 232.
Makara, 1424, 144.
Måmaki, 70, 1082, 110, 199: see Tara.
Manas, 9n.
Manéala, xxvii, xxviii—xxix, xlviii, 28, 70, 71, opp. 118, 121n—22, 1241, 126—8, 138, opp. 136, 217ff.
Mañjushri (Mañjughosha), xxviii, 1134, 1214, 1342, 1672.
Manirás, xxxiv, lvi, lxxviii—lxxix, lxxix1, 129, 1342. 1361, 1491, 151, opp. 167, 171, 2061, 220—4.
Mantra—Ydna, 13, 132, 134, 136n, 151, 2061
Manu, 101, 471.
Mara, xxix, 15, 62, 147, 194, 206.
Marett, Dr. R. R., xx.
Marpa, 79, 1352, 234n.
Målris, 63, 1162—7, 201, 2l8n.
Mdyd, lxxii, lxxiv, 62, 188, 212, 219, 224, 225.
Mdyd–Rüpa, 1001.
Medical Buddhas, 24.
Memory, liii, 183.
—Past Lives, of, 40—1, 1891, 2074.
— Records, 9, 60, 1891.
Mem, Mt., 62, 63—5, 1465, 147, 158—9, 215.
Milarepa, xv, lxxix1, 79, 82, 1352.
Mithras, 371.
Moksha, 111
Monasticism, 234.
Mudra 71, 1274.
Mukti, 222.
Mysteries, Antiquity, of, 451: see Initiation.
— Buddhist, 7.
— Celtic, 3, 371.
— Egyptian, 361, 43, 451, 1221.
— Greek, 3, 9, 43, 451, 50, 51, 53, 1221.
— Indian, 224.
— Tibetan, 32, 361, 221, 224.
Nddl, 902, 215—16.
Nälanda, 2, 74.
Naropa, 1352.
Nepal, 74.
Nestorians, 233.
Niddnas, lxxvii, 56.
Nidhema (Naivedya), 1167
Nikdya, Angultara, 38—41, 84,1582, 1891.
— Dlgha, 5, 2074, 233.
— Majjhima, 38, 412.
Ningmapa, 72, 2332.
Nirmdna—Kdya, lxxvi, lxxvii, 10—12, 13, 58, 135, 136n, 168.
Nirvdya, xxxiii1, lxv, Ixvii, lxxii, 62, 11, 15, 30, 35, 46, 62, 67—8, 971, 1064, 107, 1141, 1251, 1572, 1844, 212, 226, 227n, 2312—3, 236: seeBuddha–hood, and Liberation.
— Realization of, 1301, 1321, 1924, 213, 2292.
Occultism: see Esotericism.
Odysseus, 50, 51.
Og–tnin,62, 1072.
Oracle–Temples, lvi.
Origen, 2341.
Orpheus, 49, 51.
Osirian Faith, 234, 238.
Osiris, 22, 35—6, 451.
Padma Sambhava, xxviii, liv, lv, 13, 23, 33, 65, 72—7, 79, 85, 1352, 150n, 1901, 2332.
Panchatantra, 32.
Parsee Funeral, 25, 27.
Peaceful Deities, xxvii, xxviii—xxix, lxxviii, 13, 231, 31, 85, 103—4 ff–, opp. 118, 1241, 1261, 131, 135, 146—0, 156, 193—4, 199, 204—8, 217, 219, 220.
Philosophy, Eastern and Western, compared, xxxvii ff.
Pho–wa, xiii1, xix, 852.
Pindar, 53.
Pistis Sophia, 2341.
Plato, 36—7, 49 ff., 77, 1784–91, 1882.
Pluto, 35.
Potaliya Sultanía, 412.
Prajñd—Páramitd, lxxii, 1134, 1214.
Prdna, lxix, 214 ff.
Pre–existence, Memory of 9: see Rebirth.
Preta (Unhappy Ghost) Ixvi, lxxv, 1141, 121, 124, 150n, 170: see Lokas.
— Birth, 157, 185.
— Existence, 1941, 2071.
— Origin of, 186—7.
— Rite of Pretd–Shdddha, lxxv.
Proserpine Lore, 37.
Psalms of the Early Buddhists, xxii, 210.
Psyche, xliii, xliv, Ixviii.
— metaphysicsand, xxxvii+—xxxviii. See also Soul.
Psychical Research, 77, 1871.
Psychoanalysis, Freudian, viii—x, xli ff., ixxx.
Plah—hotep, Precepts of, 110n.
Püjd, lv.
Punarutpalti, Ixxx.
Purdna, Ixx.
Purgatory (Limbo), lxvii, 34, 37, 39.
—Origin of, 371.
Puma, lxxii.
Pushpema (Pushpä), 1084.
Pythagoras, 3, 53.
Ra, 1092.
Rdksfiasa, 32, 65, 1282, 144—5, 162, 186.
Ratna Deities, 138—9.
Ratna—Sambhava, xlviii, 9n, 16—17, 32, 55, 70, 1082, 1101–12, 120, 123, 139, 146, 200, 2021, 220.
Reality, xlviii, 1, 68, 224—32.
Rebirth, vii, x, li, Ixi1, Ixvi, lxxix, Ixxx.
— Anthropology and, 59.
— Bardo, xlv et passim, 30, 102, 153—93, 204.
— Bön, 74.
— Cause of, 39.
— Celtic, 37, 60.
— Christianity and, 37, 2341—5, 239.
— Continents, 184, 190.
— Doctrine, 39—61.
— Ending of, 1491.
— Esotericism of, 40, 41—9
— Greek, 49 ff., 53.
— Herodotus and, 45.
— Huxley and, 60—1.
— Interpretation of, 39—41ff., 1851.
— Jewish, 37.
— Karma and, 198: see Karma.
— Ldmas and, 40.
— Memory, 40—12, 1822, 1891.
— Origen and, 2341.
— Platonic, 49—53, 1788, 1791, 1882.
— Process of, 34, 40, 45, 50, 67, 862, 924, 974, 982, 1141, 1321, 165, 170, 172, 175 ff., 179, 190ff., 219, 224.
— Rig–Veda on, 451
— Science and, 41, 60—1.
— Sex at, xli, 179—80, 2062.
— States of, 40, 150n, 208n: see Lokas.
— Symbolism of, 49 ff., 1622, 1652, 1786, 1791, 1851: see Esotericism.
— Transmigration and, 42ff., 59, 1263, 1784, 1791, 1851, 1921.
— Visions, 157 ff., 169 ff., 173 ff., 183 ff., 188n.
— Yoga of, 30, 41.
Re—incarnation, xiii, xxxvi, xliii, liii, lxvii, Ixxx, ixxxi—lxxxii, Ixxxiii, lxix. See alsoRebirth.
—Resurrection and, Ixvii.
Rig–Veda, on Rebirth, 451.
Rig–zitt, 73, 77, 1271.
Ruh, lxviii.
Rüpa–Káya, 233.
Saddharma—Pandarika, 4.
Sädhand, 1962.
Sahasrára—Padnia, 216—17, 221, 224.
Salamanders, 8.
Samädhi, xv, xvii, 1022, 1232, 124, 159, 1631, 167, 173, 1742, 186, 203, 206: see Dhydna, and Yoga.
Samanta–Bühadra, xxvii, xxx, 12, 16, 32, 62, 952, 1112, 121, 1214, 2021: see Ädi—Buddha.
— Prayer, 112.
— State, 962, 964.
Sambhogha—Käya, lxxvi, Ixxvii, 10, 11—13, 15, 107—81, 110, 112, 115, 118—19, 124, 1353, 138, 150, 167, 188.
Samgili Sütta, 2074.
Sanglia, 5, 14, 171.
Sangsåra, xxix, xxxiii, lxv, Ixvii, Ixxii, ixxviii, lxxx, 2, 62, 8, 11—12, 15, 1031, 146, 180—1, 189—90, 225, 236: see Lokas.
— Emancipation from, 9, 67, 125, 1352,: see Liberation, and Nirvdtia.
— Line of, Ixxvii.
— Projections of, xxix.
— Renunciation of, 1272, 1422, 213.
— Worlds of, 24.
Sangskára, lxxiv, Ixxxiii.
Sangyay—Chanma, 70, 111
Sa—tschha, 24.
Science, Western, Oriental ideas and, viii—x, xvi—xvii, xix.
Semitic Faiths and Soul, 225.
Shakti, xxvii, xxviii, xxix, XXX, 62, 32, 70, 1206—9, 1214, 1781, 2131, 214n, 2171—18.
Shangkarächåryya, lxxiii.
Shape–Shifting, 1591, 186.
Shigatze, 26.
Shikhd, Ixx.
Shinje, Ixxxi, 35—7, 240.
Shishya (Chela), xxviii, 67, 222—4.
Shiva, 1208, 214n.
Shanyatd, 11a: see Void.
Siddhi, lxix, 1282, 1912, 2042, 2221—3.
Sikkim, 20, 22, 27—8, 37, 55, 71—2, 79, 80, 1871.
—Maharaja of, 80.
Six Doctrines, The, 1622, 1643.
Skandha, lxviii, lxxvii, lxxx, 1891, 1924, 2312.
— Vijñdna, 1062, 1821, 214.
Socrates, 53, 66.
Soul, The, xxx1, xxxviii ff., lxxxii.
Soul—Complex, lxviii, lxxvii, lxxix.
Spiritism, 166a, 1871.
Spirits, 32, 186, 1871.
Spyang–pii, 20—4.
Srong–Tsan–Gampo, 74.
Stüpa,24, 1632.
Sub–Consciousness, 9, 40, 412, 60, 1171, 1891, 1924, 314.
Sukhåvati, 28.
Swedenborg, xlv, lxxv.
Symbolism: see Esoterictsm.
Tadhot, 727.10, 1361, 1522, 1924.
Tantra, xx, lvi, lxxi, lxxvii, lxxviii, 93, 1465—7, 1522, 156, 180, 2131—2, 216, 219, 222.
— Demchok, 1222.
— of the Great Liberation, 1004.
— Raja, lxix.
— Shrichakra—sambhára, So.
Tantricism, 291, 75—6, 78, 854, 1271, 1462, 213—20, 232—3.
— Abuse of, 218n.
— Tibetan, 74.
Taoism, 33, 234.
Tapas, lxvii.
Tårå (Dölma), 70, 108, 118, 200.
Tathägata, 54, 1064, 1521, 226, 2292.
Taltvas lxxiv, 2292.
Telepathy, 223.
Termas (Scriptures), liv—lv, lviií.
Terton, liv, 73, 75—7, 150n
Thamyras, 50, 51.
Tkeraváda, xxi, 5, 61, 10, 10, 35, 54l
Thersites, 52.
Thi–Srong–Detsan, 74.
Thomas, Dr. F. W., xx.
Thoth, 36.
Thought–Forms, 17, 29–32, 34, 1034, 1232, 1252, 148, 156, 1871, 205, 211, 219, 227.
— Body of, 101, 1041, 1262.
— Recognition of, 104, 1262, 141, 143—4, 146—7, 204
Ti–Piiaka{Skt. TriPitakal 5, 301, 1602, 233.
Totemism, 361, 1401.
Transmigration: see Rebirth.
Tri–Kåya, 10, 12n—14, 147, 202, 232—3.
Trinity, Buddhist, 13—14, 871, 88, 1032, 148, 155, 163, 165, 170, 192, 197—8.
— Christian, 14, 234.
Tri—Ratna, xxix.
Tsi–pa, 19.
Tsoñ Khapa, xxviii, 2332.
Tushita Heavens, 53, 1902—3.
Tutelary Deity, 991.
Udäna, 681.
Unconscious, The, xxxv1, xlv.
— dominants of, xlv, xlvii.
Upanishads, xii, 46n.
Vairochana, xxvii, xxviii, xlviii, lxxvii, 9, 15—17, 32, 46n, 55, 70, 1054—7, 119, 137, 200, 2021, 218, 220.
Vajra Deities, 138.
Vajra–Dhara, 13, 1081.
Vajra–Päni (Chakdor), xxviii, 1164, 1342, 186, 1894.
Vajra–Sattva, xlviii, ixxvii, 9n, 15, 16, 32, 55, 70, 1062, 1081–10, 120, 123—4, 126, 138, 199, 2021, 220.
Vampire, 26.
Vdyu, lxix.
Våyudhärana, lxix.
Vedänta, lxxiii, 46.
Vijaya, 1202.
Vinaya–Pitaka (or Dulva), 53.
Vissudhi Magga, 412.
Vital–Airs (Prdrut–Vaytt), 214, 221, 224.
Vital Force (Pråna), 90 ff., 982, 1622, 214—16, 224.
Void (Shänyatå), The, lxviii, lxxii, lxxiii, Ixxvi, 10, 112, 15, 952, 964, 1191, 1261, 1462—3, 167, 174, 182, 188.
—Clear Light of, lxxi, lxxiii, lxxiv, 29, 32, 89, 90 ff., 971—81,3, 135, 141, 150—1, 174, 176, 182, 193, 203, 206, 211, 213, 219, 224.
Voidness, The, xxxix, li.
Wangchugma, 140 ff., 1401.
Wheel of Life, lvi, 17, 37—8, 55—6, 971, 131.
— of the Law, xxxiii, 106, opp. 119.
Wisdom, All–Discriminating, xvi, 16, 114—15, 1191, 123, 200.
— All—Performing, 16, 116—191, 200.
— Dhartna—Dhdtu, 15, 106—7, 122.
— Equality, of, 16, 111—12, 1191, 123, 200.
— Four aspects of, xlvii.
— Mirror—Like, 15—16, 109—10, 1191, 123, 199.
— Perfected Actions, of, 9, 123.
— Reality, of, 200.
— Simultaneously – Born, 129—30, 201.
Wisdoms, The, 10—11, 15—16, 1191, 125, 205.
— Four, xlvii, 1191, 122, 125—6.
WoodrofTe, Sir John, xx, lxv—lxxxiv.
World, the, and its ‘given–ness’, xl.
Wrathful Deities, xxvii, xxix—xxx, xxxvi, lxviii, 13, 231, 31, 85, 103, 1241, 1261, 131—49, opp. 136, 156, 193—4, 199, 201, 204—8, 217, 2191, 220.
Yamántaka, 1202.7, 1672.
Vama–Räja, 35, 37, 39, 46n, 471, 1472, 1671.
Yantras, 1924.
Yoga, x, lxx, lxxi, lxxviii, Ixxix, 2, 10, 30, 33, 40—2, 58, 67, 74—5, 79, 862, 892, 924, 971, 994, 1321, 1351, 1572, 1822, 1964, 211—14n, 232: see Dhyána, Ecstasy, Illumination, and Samádhú
— Buddha and, 5, 1582.
— Christian, 234.
— Dream–State, 2031.
— Egyptian, 110n
— Indian, 9, 1352.
— Laya or Kuttdalini, xlvi, lxxiv1, 221.
— Mantra, 150n, 221.
— Mudrá, 1274.
— Rebirth, 41.
— Samddhi, 1232, 1631.
— Serpent–Power, lxxviii, 216.
–Tantric, 1205, 1462, 213—20, 233.
—Tibetan, 9, 1352, 150n, 1622, 1924, 2122.
Yogd–cdrya, 2121, 2131.
Yoiavdshitha, 562.
Yoginls, xxvii, xxx, 144—6.
Yogis, xxix.
Zanom 133n.
Zeus, 51.
Death, that must come, cometh nobly when we give Our wealth, and life, and all, to make men live. The Book of Good Counsels, from the Hitopadesha(Sir Edwin Arnold’s Translation)