1 Text: Saugs—rgyas—spyaii—nia (pron. Sang—yay Chan—ma): ’She of theBuddha Eye (or Eyes).’

2 Text: Nant—mkhahi—snying—po (pron. Nam—khai—nying—po) : Skt. Åkåsha—Garbha, ‘Womb (or Matrix) of the Sky’.

3 Text: Kwttu—bzang—po (pron. Kiintu—zang—po) : Skt. Samanta—Bhadra, All—Good’. This is not the Ädi—Buddha Samanta—Bhadra (cf. p. 95s), but the spiritual son of the Dhyānī Buddha Vairochana.

4 Text: Mahlaima, ’She Who Holds (or Bears) the Rosaryf; and Dhnptma, She Who Holds (or Bears) the Incense’. These are corrupt forms, hybrids of Sanskrit and Tibetan, their Sanskrit equivalents being Måla and Dhupa, and their Tibetan equivalents Hphnttg—ba—ma (pron. Phreng—ba—tna) and Bdug—spös—ma (pron. Dng—po—wa), The colour of these goddesses, corresponding to that of the earth—light, is yellow.