1According to the esotericism of Northern Buddhism, man is, in the senseimplied by the mystical philosophies of ancient Egypt and Greece, the microcosm of the macrocosm.
2Text: dkyil—hkhor (pron. kyil—kkor): Skt. matízala, i. e. conclave of deities.* The Tutelary Deities, too, in the last analysis, are the visualizations of the person believing in them. The Demchok Tantra says that the ‘Devatäs are but symbols representing the various things which occur on the Path, such as the helpful impulses and the stages attained by their means’; and that ’should doubts arise as to the divinity of these Devatäs, one should say “The Däkinl is only the recollection of the body” and remember that the deities constitute the Path’ (cf. A. Avalon, Tantrik Texis, London, 1919, vii. 41).