1 In the transcendental state of the Illumination of Buddhahood, on the Inner, or Secret, Path, into Vajra—Sattva merge, in at—one—ment, all the Peaceful and Wrathful Deities of the greater mam/a/a described by our text; in all, one—hundred and ten,—forty—two in the heart—centre, ten in the throat—centre, and fifty—eight in the brain—centre. (Cf. pp. 217—8.)

2 There are irreconcilable differences between the colours assigned to these light—paths in the Block—Print (35b) and in our MS. The Block—Print gives them as follows: white, from the devas ; red, from the asuras; blue, from human beings; green, from the brutes; yellow, from the prgtas; smoke—coloured from Hell. According to the translator, the colours should correspond to the colour of the Buddha of each oka, thus : dtva, white; asura, green ; human, yellow; brute, blue; preta, red; Hell, smoke—coloured or black. Therefore, the Biock—Print is wrong in all save the first and last; and the MS. is wrong in assigning dull blue to the human and black or smoke—coloured to the animal world. On folio 23, the MS. correctly assigns yellow to the human world light—path. The necessary corrections have been made in the translation herein and in the corresponding passages in folio 46 following.