1These three orders of deities are goddesses, Indian and Tibetan in origin,the Kerima having human shape, the Htamtnma and the IVang—chugma, likeEgyptian deities (more or less totemistic), having human—like bodies and animalheads; and each deity symbolizes some particular karmic impulse or propensityappearing as a hallucination in the Bardo consciousness of the deceased. Kerima seems to be a hybrid Sanskrit—Tibetan word (from Skt. Keytlri), which, havingbecome current in Tibet—like so many similar words—was incorporated intoour text unchanged. Htamennta (as pronounced from Tib. Phra—men—ma) isprobably the name of an order of pre—Buddhistic deities belonging to the ancientBön religion of Tibet. Wang—chugma (as pronounced from Tib. Dvang—phyug—ma) is the Tibetan rendering of the Sanskrit IshvarT, meaning MightyGoddesses’.