1 These are : patricide, matricide, setting two religious bodies at war, killinga saint, and causing blood to flow from the body of a Tathågata (i. e. a Buddha).
2 Here the Block—Print has : ‘This is the Tantra of all doctrines’
3 This refers to the Thadol. (See p. 19a4.)
4 The Block—Print text, corresponding in all essentials, and in almost every important detail, word for word with the text of our Manuscript, contains (on folio 48 b), as the parallel concluding sentence of the Chönyid Bardo, the following, which diners from our own: ‘The Teaching for the Intermediate State, the Setting—Face—to—Face while experiencing Reality, from The Great Liberation by Hearing While in the Intermediate State, Liberating by Merely Being Heard, And Liberating By Merely Being Seen, is finished.’