1 In addition to the normal human eyes with their limited vision, antas say that there are five sorts of eyes: (i) Eyes of Instinct (or Eyes of the Flesh), like those of birds and beasts of prey, which, in most cases, possess a greater range of vision than human eyes; (a) Celestial Eyes, like the eyes of the devas, capable of seeing the human world as well as their own, and the past and future births of beings in both worlds throughout many lifetimes; (3) Eyes of Truth, like the eyes of Bodhisattvas and Arhants, capable of seeing throughout hundreds of world—periods (or kalpas) backwards and in the future; (4) Divine Eyes, of the most highly advanced Bodhisattvas, capable of seeing throughout millions of world—periods that which has been and that which will be; and (5) Eyes of Wisdom of the Buddhas, capable of seeing, in like manner, throughout eternity.
2 Ordinarily it is only when clairvoyant vision is induced by dhyäna, or exists naturally in certain specially gifted clairvoyants, and directed to the eleva— world, that the devas are seen; sometimes, however, the devas appear unexpectedly. The Tri—Pitaka like the canonical literature of Northern Buddhism, is replete with visions and unexpected visitations of devas as Christian and Moslem sacred literature is replete with lore concerning angels.