1These Lords of Death are Yama—Rāja and his Court of Associates, including,perhaps, the Executive Furies. These last are, as Tormenting Furies, comparable to the Eumenides of Aeschylus* great drama—elements of one’s ownconsciousness—content. Following the Abhidhamma, of Southern Buddhism,there are mind (Skt. efci/, Tib. sems —pron. sent) and impulses of mind (Skt. chittavritti Tib. sems—hbyung —pron. scm—jung) ; and the impulses of mind are theFuries. (Cf. pp. 147—8.)

2Text: JRagsha—glang—mgo (pron. Ragsha—lang—go) : * Bull—headed Spirit ofDeath ’, commonly depicted as having a buffalo—head. The chief tutelary deityof the Gelugpa or Yellow Hat Sect, called Jampa I Shinjeshed (Tib. Hjam—dpalGshin—rje—gshed), meaning ‘Jampa/ (Skt. Mañjusrhi), the Destroyer of the Lordof Death (Skt. Yamåntakd) \ is often represented as a blue buffalo—headed deity.

3 See pp. 10—15.

4 Tib. Gowo—nyidku \ Skt. Ädi—Kāya (’ First Body’), which is synonymous with the Dharma—Kāya.