The Astrology for the Dead—a, Tibetan work, in many versions, for determining (by using the moment of death as a basis for astrological calculations) the appropriate time, place, and method for the disposal of the corpse, and the after—death realm to which the deceased is destined and the land and condition in which he will be reborn on earth—prescribes such use of the TahdoL
1 Text: Chö-spyod-bag-chags-rang-grol), (pron.Chö-chod-bag-chah-rang-dol), the title of a metrical version, in brief form, of the Bardo Tltödol, which, being easyto memorize and thereafter recite as a matter of habit, is referred to as liberatingbecause of such acquired habit or propensity on the part of the deceased, it beingsupposed that the deceased knows the ritual by heart and that its reading willremind him of it and thereby bring about his liberation.*
2 Sec pp. 85—6, above.9
4 Or ‘narrow passages’, or ‘ambuscades’.