1 See p. 109s.
2 It is interesting to compare with this Northern Buddhist prayer the following medieval Christian prayer, to Saint Michael, from The Craft to Know Well to Die, chap. VI, Comper’s ed. (pp. 84—5): * Saint Michael Archangel of God, succour us now before the right high Judge. O champion invincible, be thou present now and assist thou this (Name), our brother, which strongly laboureth towards his end, and defend him mightily from the dragon infernal, and from all the frauds of the evil spirits. O yet furthermore, we pray thee, which art the right clear and much fair shower of the divinity, to the end that in this last hour of the life of this (Name), our brother, thou wilt benignly and sweetly receive his soul into thy right holy bosom ; and that thou wilt bring him in the place of refreshing, of peace and rest. Amen.’