6. ‘The Setting—Face—to Face of the Sidpa—Bardo’;
7. ‘The Salvation by Attaching [whereby] the Body Aggregate is Self—Liberated’—a version of the Tadhol Doctrine—(see pp. 1361, 152’, 194 of ourtext);
8. ‘The Prayer to Protect [One] from the Fears in the Bardo ’;
9. ‘The Self—Liberating Diagnosis of the Symptoms of Death’—(cf. pp. 86,89—97 of our text);
10. ‘The Setting—Face—to—Face called ‘The Naked Vision", and the Self—Liberation [by that]’;
11. ‘The Special Teaching showing the Forms of Merit or Demerit, while in the Sidpa Bardo, called " The Self.Liberating in the Sidpa Bardo "’; ia. The Addenda [to the above, " The Special Teaching "]’;
13. ‘Prayer to the Line [of Gurus’] of the Divine Self—Liberating Doctrine’;
14. ‘The Ransoming of the Dying’;
15. ‘Self—Liberation called " Absolution by Confession"’;
16. ‘The Best Wish—Granting Tadhol’ —another form of the Tadhol Doctrine;
17. ‘The Ritual called " The Self—Liberation from Habitual Propensities " ’.Herein, the treatises numbered 1, a, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 correspond—in slightly different versions—to the matter contained in our manuscript. The manuscript, moreover, contains much matter in the Appendix not contained in this Block—Print. The Block—Print itself is quite new, but the blocks ‘from which it was printed may be quite old—how old, we have been unable to ascertain.