1 The first Bardo is the Chikhai Bardo ; the second, the Chönyid Bardo; the third, the Sidpa Bardo, (See p. ioa4—8.)
2 See p. 856.
3 ‘Text: Yar—gyi—sang—thal—chen—po : the ‘Great Straight Upward Path’. One of the Doctrines peculiar to Northern Buddhism is that spiritual emancipation, even Buddahood, may be won instantaneously, without entering upon the Bardo Plane and without further suffering on the age—long pathway of normal evolution which traverses the various worlds of sangsäric existence. The doctrine underlies the whole of the Bardo Thödol, Faith is the first step on the Secret Pathway. Then comes Illumination; and, with it, Certainty; and, when the Goal is won, Emancipation. But here again success implies very unusual proficiency in yoga, as well as much accumulated merit, or good karma, on the part of the devotee. If the disciple can be made to see and to grasp the Truth as soon as the guru reveals it, that is to say, if he has the power to die consciously, and at the supreme moment of quitting the body can recognize the Clear Light which will dawn upon him then, and become one with it, all sangsäric bonds of illusion are broken asunder immediately: the Dreamer is awakened into Reality simultaneously with the mighty achievement of recognition.