1 ‘Here, as elsewhere in our text, ‘nerve—centre’ refers to a psychic nerve—centre. The psychic nerve—centre of Wisdom is located in the heart. (Cf. pp. 217 ff.)

2 Text: Shespa (pron. Shepd): ‘Mind’, ‘Knower’; i.e. the mind in its knowing, or cognizing, functions.

3 Text: Sprosbral (pron. Todal) : ‘devoid of formative activity’; i. e. the mind in its natural, or primal, state. The mind in its unnatural state, that is to say, when incarnate in a human body, is, because of the driving force of the five senses, continuously in thought—formation activity. Its natural, or discántate, state is a state of quiescence, comparable to its condition in the highest of dhyäna (or deep meditation) when still united to a human body. The conscious recognition of the Clear Light induces an ecstatic condition of consciousness such as saints and mystics of the West have called Illumination.

4 Text: lung (pron. lung): ‘vital—air’, or ‘vital —force’, or ‘psychic—force’.

5 Text: rtsa—gyas—gyon (pron. tsa—yay—yön) : ‘right and left [psuchic] nerves’; Skt. Pingäla—nädl (right [psychic] nerve) and Idä—nådi (left [psychic] nerve). (Cf. p. 215.)