1 Cf. the following, from The Craft to Know Well to Dü, chap. IV, Comper’s ed. (p. 73) : * And after he [the person dying] ought to require the apostles, the martyrs, the confessors and the virgins, and in special all the saints that he most loved ever.’

2 The favourite deity of the deceased is the tutelary (Tib. yi-dam), usually one of the Buddhas or Bodhisattvas, of whom Chenrazee is the most popular.

3 Text: Jo—vo—thugs—rje—chen—po (pron. Jo—wo—thu—ji—chen—po) : * Great Compassionate Lord’, synonymous with Tib. Spyan—ras—gsigs (pron. Chin—rå—zi) : Skt. A valokiteshvara.

4 A person may have heard a detailed description of the art of swimming and yet never have tried to swim. Suddenly thrown into water he finds himself unable to swim. So with those who have beei. taught the theory of how to act in the time of death and have not applied, through yogic practices, the theory : they cannot maintain unbroken continuity of consciousness; they grow bewildered at the changed conditions ; and fail to progress or to take advantage of the opportunity offered by death, unless upheld and directed by a living guru. Even with all that a guru can do, they ordinarily, because of bad karma, fail to recognize the Bardo as such.