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African-Americans, 56, 65, 227
Ali–Frazier fights and, 230
and Ali’s attempts to book fights, 163–64
and Ali’s conflicts with Frazier, 190–91
Ali’s politics and, 159, 161–62
Baldwin on, 107
blaxploitation films and, 176
and campaign for Clark County sheriff, 148, 151
Gandy and, 251
“heavyweight jinx” and, 140
Liston’s comeback and, 66
Liston’s drug dealing and, 83
Liston’s physical appearance and, 71
Liston’s relationship with, 40, 42, 46
and Liston’s relationship with Louis, 135
Louis–Schmeling fight and, 135–36
and racism and segregation in Las Vegas, 3–4, 31–33, 35–39, 109, 148–51, 276
Sleeper’s demotion and, 91
in St. Louis, 26
Agnew, Spiro, 146
Alabama Sports Hall of Fame, 137
Aladdin (hotel/casino), 107
Albany-Troy Celtics, 48
Alcorn, Manuel, 150–51
Cage’s arrest and, 17, 19, 123, 268
Liston investigation and, 124
Liston’s arrest and, 18–20
Ali, Muhammad (Cassius Clay), 34–36, 44n, 46, 49, 78, 128–29, 159–72, 196
Atlanta exhibition rounds of, 166–67, 170
attempting to book fights, 163–65
Bonavena’s fight with, 186–89
boxing disavowed by, 161–62
closed-circuit technology and, 59, 168–69
draft-dodging charges against, 160, 164–65, 186, 230
finances of, 62–63, 161, 163, 168, 193–94, 208, 212, 273
Frazier’s conflicts with, 189–91
Frazier’s fights with, 7, 186–93, 205, 208, 230
Jackson’s relationship with, 35–36
Liston–Wepner fight and, 102–3
Liston’s fights with, 5–7, 14, 53–64, 67–68, 72, 74, 102, 159, 161, 166, 168–71, 190, 193, 232, 273
name change, 159–60
paranoia of, 55–56
Quarry’s fight with, 168–72, 186, 192
religious beliefs of, 160–63, 191, 230
stripped of his title, 83n
style and method of, 166–67, 187, 230
Arkush, Michael, 164n, 168, 187, 192
Arrington, Robert, 37
Arum, Bob, 193
Ali–Quarry fight in, 168–72, 186
Ali’s exhibition rounds in, 166–67, 170
Ali’s press conference in, 165–66
Bailey, Bob, 91
Bailey, Pearl, 11
Baker, Barney, 208
Baldwin, James, 107
Liston–Wepner fight and, 103, 105
Liston’s comeback and, 70, 84–85
on Liston’s funeral, 218
on Liston’s injuries from car accident, 178–79
on Liston’s relationship with Louis, 138
on Liston’s womanizing, 107–8
Barbara C., 107–9
Barnes, H. Lee, 88–89, 252–53, 260, 263
Basie, Count, 152
Batdorf & Rodney, 272
Beckman, Pete, 251
Beckwith, Gary, 226–30, 232–43
drug investigations of, 227–28, 232, 235, 240–41
Gandy and, 228–29, 233, 235–39, 241–42, 250, 253, 263
Lamb and, 88
Liston’s alleged murder and, 234–35, 240–43, 245
Liston’s death and, 224, 227–28, 232
Liston’s last days and, 210–11, 278
Peters interviewed by, 232–36, 243
Peters’s death and, 250
Bell, Tom, 185
Beverly Wilshire, 71
Big Brothers, 43
Biltmore Hotel, 209–10
Black Scholar, The, 161, 163, 190
Bond, Julian, 170
Boston Garden, 57
Boston Globe, The, 231
Boyle, Robert, 242
Braddock, James, 62
Brassell, Rufus, 167
Braverman, Al, 97–100
Liston–Wepner fight and, 97–98, 103–4
Breslin, Jimmy, 61
Brooks, Fred, 59
Browning, Richard, 269–70
Bufano, Dominick, 100–101
Bugner, Joe, 106
Burbank, Jeff, 153n
Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs (BNDD), 20, 93, 148, 215
Cage’s arrest and, 17, 123, 268
history of, 120–21
Liston investigated by, 124, 141, 197
Liston’s last day and, 278
Sutton and, 121, 123–24, 140–43, 195–97, 210, 278
Byrne, Garrett, 58–59
Caesars Palace, 11–12, 107, 134, 141, 190, 195, 212
FBI’s investigation of, 199, 274–75
Liston’s alleged murder and, 274
Louis’s dementia and, 138
Resnick and, 47, 49–50, 74, 244
Cage, Earl, 16–17, 147, 211–12, 262–63
arrest of, 17, 19, 27–29, 87, 123, 263, 268, 270
Liston’s alleged murder and, 263, 270–71, 279
Peters’s death and, 262
California State Athletic Commission, 67–68, 84
Campbell, William, 146–47
Canby, Vincent, 125n
Chamberlain, Wilt, 50–51
Chicago Outfit, 227
Chudnick, Robert (Red Rodney), 147, 211–12, 281
and drugs, 75–76, 78–83, 133, 271–72
Liston mistrusted by, 131–32
Liston’s alleged murder and, 271–72
Liston’s relationship with, 78–79, 271
musical career of, 78–82, 132–33
Pittman raid and, 131
civil rights movement, 42, 151
Clancy, Gil, 186–87
Clark, Gene, 216
Clark, Henry, 70
Clay, Cassius. See Ali, Muhammad
Clay, Rudolph, 58
Cohen, Carl, 153
Cole, Nat King, 33
Collins, Bud, 231
Collins, Gene, 193–94
Como, Perry, 107
Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act, 173
Congress, U.S., 49, 59n, 174, 269
Armed Services Committee of, 164
on banning prize fighting, 61
Cambodian invasion and, 119–20
Liston’s testimony for, 40–41
Cosell, Howard
Ali–Bonavena fight and, 187–89
Ali’s relationship with, 163
Liston’s comeback and, 84–86
“Criswell Predicts,” 113–14, 175
Crocetti, Joe “The Crow,” 37, 251–52, 276–79
Liston’s alleged murder and, 277
Liston’s last days and, 278–79
Culinary Workers Union, 108n
Daily Worker, 136
Damone, Vic, 106
Liston’s comeback and, 66–69, 84
Dawson, James P., 135
Liston harassed by police in, 43–44
Liston’s arrest in, 58
Liston’s home in, 64
Denver Post, The, 43–44
DePaula, Frankie, 96–97
Desert Inn, 13, 115–16, 180, 182–83, 185
Devil and Sonny Liston, The (Tosches), 100
Dundee, Angelo, 56–57, 170, 187
Durante, Jimmy, 106
Durham, Yancey “Yank,” 187–88, 190
Ebony, 140
El Rancho Vegas, 48
Ellington, Duke, 11
Ellis, Jimmy, 83–84, 162, 170, 191–92
Fabulous Las Vegas (magazine), 113–14, 175
Caesars Palace investigated by, 199, 274–75
Chamberlain and, 50–51
Liston–Ali fights and, 53, 57, 72, 74
Liston’s alleged murder and, 273
Liston’s comeback and, 68
Louis and, 49–51
Peters’s death and, 249
Resnick and, 47–54, 57, 68, 72–74, 117, 275
Felix, Barney, 102–4
Fight of the Century, The (Arkush), 164n, 168, 192
Flamingo Hotel, 11–12, 108, 116–17
Forbes, 118n
Foreman, George, 86–87, 230–31
Forrest City, Ark., 23–24
Foster, Bob, 168
Foster, Mac, 162
Foxx, Redd, 27, 71, 139, 152, 257
Franklin, George, Jr., 92, 154, 156
on Hughes, 181–82
Ali–Bonavena fight and, 186–88
Ali’s Atlanta exhibition rounds and, 167
Ali’s conflicts with, 189–91
Ali’s fights with, 7, 186–93, 205, 208, 230
closed-circuit technology and, 168–69
Ellis’s fight with, 83–84, 162, 170, 191–92
finances of, 168, 189, 191–93, 208
Liston’s comeback and, 69, 78, 86
Quarry’s fight with, 170
training of, 189
Freedom Riders, 42
Friedman, Bruce Jay, 134
Friendly Liquor Store, 34, 37–38, 193–94, 276
Frontier Hotel, 11, 106, 115, 119, 134, 152, 195
Gallender, Paul, 208
Galloway, Roger, 128–29
Gandy, Larry, 228–30, 234–35, 237, 249–63, 274–75
arrest and sentencing of, 237–39, 245, 246–47
Assael’s meeting with, 254–63, 270, 275–76
Barnes and, 252–53
Beckwith and, 228–29, 233, 235–39, 241–42, 250, 253, 263
burglaries/robberies committed by, 233–38, 240, 242, 246, 250–51, 261, 276
drug investigations by, 228–29, 233, 252–53, 256–60, 275, 277
drugs and, 233, 238–40, 246, 251, 260, 263, 275–76
Liston’s alleged murder and, 234, 240–42, 245, 255, 263, 270–71, 274, 276–77, 280
Liston’s death and, 277
Peters and, 232–38, 241–42, 246, 249–50, 253, 260–62, 274–78, 280
Gandy, Terri, 239
García, José Luis, 106
Gardner, Ava, 153
Gay, Frank William “Bill,” 183–85
Gay, Jimmy, 282
Giardello, Joey, 102
Gilbert’s Liquor Store, 32, 35
Gillespie, Dizzy, 79
Godfather, The, 176
Golden West Shopping Center, 34, 37–39
Goodell, Charles, 120
Gordy, Berry, 139
Greene, Abe, 102
Greenspun, Hank, 180
Gregory, Dick, 42
Griffin, Merv, 12–13
Griffith, Andy, 176
Hamill, Pete, 49n
Harry’s (eatery), 209
Hatfield, Mark, 120
Head, 125
Herman, Mark E., 220–21, 268–70
Hill, George, 167
Hilton family, 118–19
Hilton, Barron, 118
Hoover, J. Edgar, 49n, 51, 74, 128
Hsieh, Tony, 266
Hudgins, Johnny, 167
Huggins, Max, 19, 215–16, 250–51
Hughes, Howard, 87, 180–85, 266
Ali and, 163
disappearance of, 180, 183–85, 280
gaming license of, 181–82
paranoia of, 182
pneumonia of, 185
rivalry between Kerkorian and, 14, 114–18
Sinatra’s relationship with, 153
Intercontinental Promotions, 59, 169
International Hotel, 11, 13–15, 107, 152, 178, 197, 209
Kerkorian–Hughes rivalry and, 115–18
as Liston’s base, 15, 78–79, 196–200, 202–3, 205
Liston’s comeback and, 84–85
Jackson, Wilbur, 3, 35–36, 39–40, 162
Jerry’s Nugget Casino, 194
Jet, 166
Johnson, Jack, 128
Johnson, Leroy, 164–65
Joiner, Billy “Willie Swift,” 16, 70
Justice Department, U.S., 73, 141, 156, 160
Kane, Martin, 167
Kassel, Robert, 166
Kefauver, Estes, 40–41, 51, 128
Kennedy, Edward “Ted,” 59n
Kennedy, Robert, 59n
finances of, 13–14, 114, 116, 118
government investigations of, 116–17
International and, 13–15, 115–18
Liston’s relationship with, 14–15
rivalry between Hughes and, 14, 114–18
Ketchum, Willie, 171
King, Martin Luther, Sr., 167
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 26, 42, 164n, 166
Kirk, Claude, 163
Knockouts, 190
La Fontaine, Barbara, 45
Lamb, Floyd, 87
campaign for sheriff of, 146–47, 151–52, 155, 211
Liston’s first meeting with, 88–89
Sinatra case and, 155
tax evasion charges against, 147n, 155n
Las Vegas, 2, 44–52, 70, 139, 148–57, 193–96, 207, 225–28, 231–32, 236, 240, 246, 250, 273
BNDD in, 124, 140–43, 148, 195–96, 210, 215
Bonanza section of, 16, 32, 35
Cage’s arrest and, 123
campaign for Clark County sheriff, 147–48, 152, 155
Charleston Heights section of, 75–76, 82–83
crime, violence, and rioting in, 3–4, 37–39, 149–50
drug use and dealing in, 76, 78, 80, 82–83, 123
finances and efficiency of casinos in, 12–13
Hughes and, 114–18, 163, 180–85, 266, 280
and investigation of Liston, 196, 203
Liston’s alleged murder and, 242, 268, 280, 282–83
Liston’s arrest in, 19
Liston’s comeback and, 84
Liston’s death and, 8
Liston’s enemies in, 7
Liston’s finances and, 66
Liston’s homes in, 14–15, 21–23, 25–26, 65, 72, 81, 88–89, 97, 106, 132, 163, 198–201, 210–11, 213–16, 227, 277
Liston’s move to, 88–89
and Liston’s relationship with Chudnick, 78–79
and Liston’s relationship with Louis, 5
Liston’s training in, 44, 52, 98, 135
Magids and, 51–52
Mob Museum in, 266
nostalgia of, 118–19
Paradise Palms section of, 21–23, 25–27, 31, 74, 89–90, 93, 131, 182
Pittman raid and, 90–93
racism and segregation in, 3–4, 31–33, 35–39, 109, 148–51, 276
show business in, 11–14, 27, 80, 106–7, 116, 118–19, 152–55, 195, 207
Sleeper’s demotion and, 92
Sutton and, 157
Westside section of, 3–4, 27, 31–39, 76, 99, 152, 162, 178, 227–28, 256, 258–59, 262, 271, 281
Las Vegas Babylon (Burbank), 153n
Las Vegas Police Department (LVPD), 27–28, 88, 225, 246–47, 271, 279
Cage’s arrest and, 27
drugs dealt by officers in, 243
Gandy and, 228–29, 233, 236–41, 250–63, 275–76
Liston arrested by, 18–20
Liston and drugs and, 152, 215
Liston’s alleged murder and, 240–41, 244, 267, 280
Liston’s death and, 213–15, 224, 281
Liston’s last day and, 211–12
Peters’s interviews and, 232, 235
Pittman raid and, 90–92
and racism and segregation in Las Vegas, 35
and violence in Las Vegas, 37–39
Las Vegas Review-Journal, 150–51
Las Vegas Sun, 12, 118–19, 145, 184
Cage’s arrest and, 27
and campaign for Clark County sheriff, 148, 156
Hughes’s disappearance and, 180
Liston’s acting career and, 176
Liston’s alleged murder and, 270–71
Liston’s car accident and, 179–80
Liston’s death and, 216
Liston’s last day and, 210, 278
mob and, 140–41
Moulin Rouge and, 33
Pittman raid and, 90–91
Sleeper’s Justice Department letter and, 156
Las Vegas Voice, 150
Laxalt, Paul, 118, 163, 174, 185
Lemmon, S., 214
Lewiston, Me., 59, 61, 63, 67–68, 273
Lincoln, Amos “Big Train,” 16, 70
Liston, Arletha (stepdaughter), 64, 127
Liston, Charles “Sonny”
acting career of, 2, 112, 124–27, 175–77, 179, 209–10, 220
alleged murder of, 234–35, 240–45, 255, 263, 267–68, 270–77, 279–80, 282–83
arrests of, 14–15, 18–20, 24–26, 40–41, 43, 58, 88, 205
autopsy of, 216, 220–21, 234, 268–70
awards and honors of, 3, 15, 18–19, 25, 43, 58, 75, 77, 129, 134, 140, 216–17, 231, 243, 267, 273, 280
birth and birthplace of, 23, 45
books on, 23, 40n, 56, 59n, 100
boxing learned by, 24–25
brawling of, 14–15, 19, 25, 126
Cadillacs of, 4, 15, 34, 44, 65–66, 72, 89, 98, 106–8, 178–79, 196, 200–201, 204, 209, 265, 267
car accident of, 178–80, 196, 203, 205, 269
cemetery plot of, 282–83
childhood and adolescence of, 23–24, 79
and children, 64–65, 82, 127, 128–29
closed-circuit technology and, 168–69
comeback of, 64, 66–72, 78, 84–87, 231
death of, 2–6, 8, 212–21, 224, 227–28, 230–32, 234, 242, 268–72, 276–77, 279–81, 283
discovery and transporting of corpse of, 2–3, 6, 213–15, 220, 271, 279
drinking and, 2, 4, 15, 19, 27, 34–35, 37, 40, 58, 71–72, 83, 193–94, 204–5, 209–12
drug use and dealing of, 5–7, 15–17, 37, 40, 76–78, 82–83, 99, 126, 132–34, 136, 152, 174, 178, 196, 199, 202–5, 208, 211, 214–17, 221, 227–28, 232, 234, 243–44, 262, 267–71, 273–76, 279–82
education, lack of, 24, 40–42, 82, 177
entourage of, 4, 53, 71, 135, 205
epitaphs for, 219–20
fame and popularity of, 2–4, 14–16, 70–71, 84–85, 99, 128–29, 199, 203–4, 218
finances of, 5, 7, 14–15, 25, 41, 62–67, 70, 72, 76–77, 99–100, 105–6, 126–27, 135, 168–69, 177, 193–94, 200, 202, 205, 208–9, 211, 232, 244, 273
funeral of, 1, 6, 8, 217–19, 268, 282
gambling of, 2, 15, 34, 105, 134–35, 178, 212
gravestone of, 220
heavyweight rankings of, 163, 179
homes of, 14–15, 21–23, 25–26, 31, 40, 54, 64–65, 72, 81, 88–89, 93, 97, 106, 132, 163, 178–79, 198–201, 209–11, 213–16, 227, 234, 243, 272, 277–81
illnesses of, 84–85
imprisonments of, 15, 24–26, 70
injuries of, 56–57, 66, 85, 126, 178–79, 184–85, 193, 203, 269
investigated by law enforcement, 7, 51, 124, 129, 141, 143, 195–205, 210, 217, 275
last days of, 1, 4, 208–12, 266–67, 278–79
media on, 4, 24, 41–45, 57–59, 61, 64–66, 68–72, 101–2, 107, 134, 140, 176, 179–80, 196, 199, 205, 220, 231, 242, 245, 267, 270–71, 278
moodiness of, 86, 99, 177, 205–6
optimism of, 207–9
parties and partying of, 27, 81, 86–87, 216
physical appearance of, 1–2, 4–5, 8, 15, 18, 55, 57, 71, 76, 77, 82, 85–86, 101, 103, 105, 132–33, 177–79, 198, 201–2, 213–14, 217, 219–20
police harassment of, 43–44
power of, 1–2, 4, 8, 25, 43, 57–58, 66, 76–77, 85, 103–4, 231
secrecy of, 6
sense of humor of, 4, 82, 127, 209, 220
speeches of, 43
threats against, 7
training of, 43–44, 52, 57, 98, 101, 126, 135, 218
womanizing of, 2, 4, 7, 52–53, 64, 70–71, 107–9, 126–29, 135, 201, 208, 211, 218, 277, 281
worries and fears of, 67–68, 211–12
Liston, Daniel (son), 1, 7, 22, 34, 127–29
father’s death and funeral and, 212, 218, 219
father’s first meeting with, 64–65
Liston, Eleanor (stepdaughter), 64, 127
Liston, Geraldine (wife), 1–3, 7, 16, 25, 34, 43, 52, 97, 107, 126–29, 179, 199, 205–9, 212–20
and adopted son, 64–65
employment of, 231
Sonny’s acting career and, 126
Sonny’s alleged murder and, 268
Sonny’s comeback and, 66–67, 69, 85–87
Sonny’s corpse discovered by, 2–3, 6, 213
Sonny’s death and, 2–3, 5–6, 212–15, 219–20, 227, 231–32, 281
Sonny’s drug use and, 5, 203, 215
Sonny’s funeral and, 1, 6, 8, 217–18, 268
Sonny’s last days and, 1, 208–9, 212
Sonny’s moodiness and, 205–6
Sonny’s parties and, 81
Sonny’s womanizing and, 2, 64, 201
Liston, Helen (mother), 23–24
Liston, Tobe (father), 23–24, 41, 79
Little Caesar, 58
Los Angeles, 13, 21, 32, 50, 71, 106, 135–37, 154, 156, 192, 209
Hughes and, 183–84
Liston’s acting career and, 126, 177
Liston’s comeback and, 70
and Liston’s drug use and dealing, 203–4, 217
Los Angeles Lakers, 50–51, 192
Los Angeles Sentinel, 204
Los Angeles Times, 61
Louis, Joe, Sr., 2–5, 45, 128, 136, 166, 193, 196
Braddock’s fight with, 62
comparisons between Ali and, 160
comparisons between Liston and, 25, 134–36, 139–40
dementia of, 137–40
FBI and, 49–51
gambling of, 218
Liston’s death and, 4–5, 214, 218–19
Liston’s relationship with, 2–3, 5, 119, 134–35, 138–39
Resnick’s relationship with, 49–50, 52
Schmeling’s fight with, 135–36
Louis, Martha, 136–39
Love, American Style, 177, 179
Loves Cocktail Lounge, 34, 218
Lucchese crime family, 41
Lyle, Ron, 231
Madison Square Garden, 44n, 83, 96, 162, 186, 189, 191, 193, 208, 231
Magids, Barnett, 51–57
imprisonment of, 73
Liston–Ali fights and, 53–57
Liston’s alleged murder and, 273
Liston’s comeback and, 68
Maheu, Robert
Gay’s relationship with, 183–85
Marciano, Rocky, 136
Margolin, Arnold, 177
Margolis, Sam, 63
Markson, Harry, 186
Markus, Robert, 159–60
Massachusetts, 57–59
Maule, Tex, 61
McMurray, Bill, 68
McNair, Barbara, 81
Merchant, Larry, 43
Merrick, Jim, 210
Mexico, 122, 128–29, 163, 227, 232
and war on drugs, 29–30
MGM Grand, 118n
Liston–Ali fight in, 53–56, 72, 168–69, 190, 273
Miami Beach Boxing Commission, 54
Miller, Jerry, 39
mob/mobsters, 16, 27, 96, 118, 140–42, 147n
Hughes’s gaming license and, 181–82
Kerkorian’s ties to, 116–17
Lamb and, 88
Liston–Wepner fight and, 100
Liston’s ties to, 26, 41–42, 44, 51, 59n, 63, 65–68, 75, 99–100, 169, 242
Moulin Rouge and, 33
Resnick’s ties to, 48–49, 53, 67, 117
Tocco’s ties to, 98
Mob Museum, 266
Montgomery Improvement Association, 26
Moore, Sonny, 70
Morehouse College, 166
Morgan, Stanley, 22
Mother Cabrini Shrine (Golden, Col.), 57, 218
Motown, 139
Moulin Rouge, 32–33, 50, 91, 265–66
Mulkins, Ryan, 249
Murphy, Edward, 218–19
My Life (Louis), 137–38
Nack, William, 212
Nagler, Barney, 137–38
Napier, Chuck, 126
and Ali, 7, 55–56, 59, 62–63, 160, 193
NBC, 176
Neon Museum, 266
Nevada, 12–13, 84, 163, 174, 193–94, 245–46
crime rate in, 145–46
drug war in, 146
Gandy’s arrest and, 238
Nixon’s drug war and, 173
Nevada, University of, 181
Nevada Boxing Hall of Fame, 267
Nevada Gaming Control Board, 118
New York (magazine), 243
New York Herald Tribune, 136
New York Times, The, 29, 61, 125n, 135, 266
Liston’s comeback and, 68–69, 231
Nicholson, Jack, 125n
Nilon, Jack, 57
demonstrations against, 173–74
drug war of, 29–30, 120–21, 146, 172–73
Hughes and, 182
invasion of Cambodia and, 119–20
North American Boxing Federation (NABF), 84
Norton, Ken, 106
Operation Intercept, 29–30
Overdrive, 124
Owens, Jesse, 137
Palermo, Frank “Blinky,” 59n, 65
Palmer & Krisel, 21–22
Paramount Studios, 71, 125, 177, 209–10
Parker, Charlie, 79
Parkhurst, Michael, 112, 124–27, 219–20
Parks, Gordon, 176
Patterson, Floyd, 3, 40, 44n, 46, 106, 201
closed-circuit technology and, 168
Liston’s fights with, 18, 34, 42–44, 52–53, 59n, 134–35, 168, 218
Pearl, Davey, 97–99, 179, 207, 209
Liston–Wepner fight and, 97–98
Pearson, Cordell, 237–40
Perez, Tony, 172
Peters, Irwin, Jr., 225–26, 232–33, 236, 245–46, 262
Beckwith’s interviewing of, 232–36, 243
burglary reports of, 225, 233–37, 261
Dardis’s interview with, 242–45
death of, 245, 247, 249–50, 260–62, 283
drug dealing of, 243
Gandy and, 232–38, 241–42, 246–47, 249–50, 253, 260–62, 274–78, 280
Liston’s alleged murder and, 234–35, 241–42, 244–45, 273–74, 276, 279–80
Liston’s last days and death and, 277, 279
and Liston’s relationship with Resnick, 243–44
nephew of, 245–47
paranoia of, 246–47
Pett, Harry, 165
Phantom Punch, The (Sneddon), 40n, 55–56, 59n
Philadelphia, 26, 43, 79, 102, 159, 162, 189–92, 267
Philadelphia Daily News, 43, 45
Pileggi, Nick, 243
Pittman, Vail, 90
Pittsburgh Courier, 41
Plimpton, George, 169–70
Powell, Lowell, 205–6
Presley, Elvis, 12, 14, 80, 152–53
Price, Paul, 148
“Prognosis for the 1972 Election,” 120
Quarry, Jerry
Ali’s fight with, 168–72, 186, 192
Liston’s fight with, 231
Rafelson, Bob, 125n
Rancho High School, 148–50
Ravenholt, Otto, 269
Reid, Harry, 174
Remnick, David, 53
Resnick, Ash, 47–58, 99, 147, 199
celebrities courted by, 49–52
FBI and, 47–54, 57, 68, 72–74, 117, 275
gambling of, 52–53, 57, 66, 73, 273
Las Vegas wiretaps and, 47
Liston–Ali fights and, 53–58, 62–63, 72, 74
Liston–Wepner fight and, 97
Liston’s alleged future-earnings deal and, 62–63
Liston’s alleged murder and, 244–45, 273–75, 279
Liston’s comeback and, 67–68, 71
Liston’s death and funeral and, 4–5, 214, 218
Liston’s injuries before Ali fight and, 56–57
Liston’s relationship with, 52–55, 57–58, 66, 74, 207–8, 243–44, 273–75
Louis’s dementia and, 138
Louis’s relationship with, 49–50, 52
Magids and, 51–57, 68, 73, 117
heavyweights ranked by, 162–63, 179
Rischer, Roger, 70
Rivers, L. Mendel, 164
Riviera, 11, 13, 106, 152, 231
Sutton’s investigations at, 141–42
Robinson, Dick
and campaign for Clark County sheriff, 147–48
and investigation of Liston, 196
Liston’s drug stash and, 215
Liston’s last days and death and, 210–11, 217, 278
Sutton’s missions and, 142
Robinson, Jackie, 42
Rodney, Mark, 75–78, 80–83, 271–72
Chudnick’s drug business and, 75–76, 81
Chudnick’s musical career and, 80–81
Liston’s death and, 272
and Liston’s drug use and dealing, 82–83, 133–34
Liston’s first meeting with, 81–82
Liston’s relationship with, 75, 82–83, 131–34
Pittman raid and, 131
warned about Liston, 131–32
Rodney, Red. See Chudnick, Robert
Ross, Diana, 11
Rothstein, Edward, 266
Rowe, Bill, 69
Russo, Anthony, 147n
Sadler, Dick, 84–85
Sahara Health Club, 70, 99, 138
Sahara Hotel, 11, 33, 141, 146
Gay and, 184–85
Sinatra and, 152–54
Saturday Evening Post, The, 26
Savold, Lee, 168
Scherer, Bradley, 245–47
Schmeling, Max, 135–36
Schoeninger, Ray, 43–44
Seamon, Mannie, 166–67
“secret percent theory,” 61–63
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 116–17
Senate, U.S. See Congress, U.S.
Serpico, Frank, 92
Severinsen, Doc, 81
Shaft, 176
Silver Slipper, 65, 115, 195, 226, 243
Sinatra, Frank, 12–13, 27, 50, 152–55, 199, 274, 280
Sinatra at the Sands, 152
Sleeper, John
campaign for sheriff of, 92–93, 146–48, 151–52, 155–56, 211, 279
Justice Department letter of, 156
Liston’s alleged murder and, 270, 279
Liston’s last days and, 211–12, 279
and Peters as informant, 233
Pittman raid and, 89–92
Sneddon, Rob, 40n, 55–56, 58, 59n
Sonny & Cher, 11
Sonny Liston (Young), 23
Spilotro, Tony, 227
Sports Illustrated, 4, 44–45, 65–66
Ali’s Atlanta exhibition rounds and, 167
Liston’s alleged murder and, 242, 245
Liston’s comeback and, 71–72
Liston’s finances and, 66
Liston’s mellowing and, 65
St. Ignatius Loyola Church (Denver), 218–19
Liston’s arrests in, 15, 24–26
Liston’s life in, 24–25, 32, 42, 68
St. Louis Globe-Democrat, 25
St. Louis Golden Gloves, 25
Stardust Country Club, 14, 22, 88, 208
Supreme Court, U.S., 162, 186, 230
Susman, Morton, 161
Sutherland, Donald, 22
Sutton, John, 121–24, 140–43, 156–57, 201
drug investigations of, 122–23, 141–42, 157, 196, 202–5, 210, 217
gambling of, 198
Liston investigated by, 124, 141, 143, 195–205, 217
Liston’s last days and death and, 210, 217, 278
Tampa Tribune, The, 163
Taylor, Elizabeth, 125–26, 192
Theater Network Television, 54
Thunderbird (hotel), 13, 51–53, 55, 73
Tiger, Dick, 102
Time, 148
Tocco, Johnny, 98–100, 105, 212
Today, 78
Tolbert, Norma, 33
Tolson, Clyde, 49n
Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson, The, 78, 81
Torch, The, 39
Tosches, Nick, 100, 205–6, 268
Tourine, Charlie “The Blade,” 49, 117
Town Tavern, 4, 8, 32, 72, 208, 259
Troy, N.Y., Times Record, 48
Union Plaza, 142
United Press International, 173
Vietnam War, 118–20, 150, 256, 274–75
Ali and, 160–61
Volpe, John, 58
Walcott, Jersey Joe, 60–61
Washington Post, The, 70, 135, 205, 230
Waterman, Sanford “Sandy,” 154, 199
Watkins, Clyde “Rabbit,” 72
Ali’s alleged future-earnings deal and, 194
Liston’s alleged murder and, 282
Liston’s last days and death and, 4–5, 8, 208–9, 213–14
Weise, Agnete, 65
Wepner, Chuck, 95–105
Liston’s fight with, 97–98, 100–105, 124, 129
Wepner, Phyllis, 105
Wichter, Paul, 91
Wingate, William, 267
Winston, Henry, 66–68
World Boxing Association (WBA), 57, 83n, 84, 162, 170
Worley, Jo Anne, 106
Young, A. S. “Doc,” 23–24