
Baking, as all cooks know, is different, though I’ve tried to make even challenging recipes as simple and accessible as everything else in the How to Cook Everything series. I could not have done that alone so, as usual, I have many people to thank in helping to produce this book. Chief among them is Jennifer Griffin, who oversaw everything. It’s worth noting that Jen edited the original How to Cook Everything book, so her (triumphant) return to the team is fitting. Remy Robert and Daniel Meyer did much of the heavy lifting on this book with an able assist from Julie Myers.

Many thanks to my longtime literary agent, Angela Miller; Kerri Conan, my right hand; and Kelly Doe, whose incredible design has enhanced every How to Cook Everything book for the last ten years or so. My other valued colleagues include Emily Stephenson, Pam Hoenig, Daniel Meyer, Julie Myers, and Chris Benton. Thanks as well to our recipe testers: JoAnne, Maya, and Ruby Ling, Marisa Rendina, David Bowers, Alison Spiegel, Grace Rosanova, and Alex Ramirez.

The people at Houghton Mifflin Harcourt labored valiantly behind the scenes to publish this book. Thanks to editors Stephanie Fletcher and Adam Kowit, publishers Bruce Nichols and Natalie Chapman, publicist Rebecca Liss, marketing executives Brad Parsons and Jessica Gilo, editorial associate Molly Aronica, managing editor Marina Padakis Lowry, production editor Jamie Selzer, art directors Melissa Lotfy and Michaela Sullivan, production coordinators Tom Hyland and Kevin Watt, and production and editorial operations manager David Futato.