Broiled Peaches

Makes: 4 servings

Time: 20 minutes or less

A simple, sophisticated, and delicious dessert. It’s so obvious yet almost always unexpected. This recipe is best made with ripe freestone peaches. Serve with Whipped Cream or Mascarpone Ice Cream.

1. Heat the broiler and put the rack about 4 inches from the heat source.

2. Cut the peaches in half and remove the pits. Set each one on its “back” and fill the cavities with about a teaspoon each butter and honey. Broil for 3 to 5 minutes, until the edges just begin to brown or a little longer. Serve hot or warm.

BROILED PEACHES WITH MOLASSES Substitute molasses for the honey for richer, more intense flavor.

BROILED PEACHES WITH HONEY AND ROSEMARY A really nice balance of flavors: Add 1 teaspoon chopped fresh rosemary to the cavity of each peach.

BROILED GRAPEFRUIT Breakfast turned dessert: Omit the honey and butter and replace the peaches with 2 halved grapefruits. Sprinkle the pulp of each grapefruit with 1 tablespoon brown sugar and broil until brown and bubbling.