Makes: Enough for a 9-inch pie
Time: 30 minutes
Who doesn’t love hash browns? Their deep golden exterior, tender centers, and surprisingly neutral flavor make a fabulous crust for any savory pie filling you like. It’s especially good with quiche (page 518). Try the sweet potato variation for something a little bolder.
1. Heat the oven to 400°F and lightly grease a deep-dish pie plate or 9-inch cast-iron skillet.
2. Use a food processor or box grater to shred the potatoes. Put the shredded potatoes in a large bowl, cover completely with water, and set aside for a couple of minutes; this helps get rid of excess starch so the crust can crisp up.
3. Drain the potatoes and place in a clean dish towel. Use the towel to thoroughly wring out as much water as you can. Transfer to a large bowl and toss with the olive oil, salt, and pepper, then press the mixture over the bottom and sides of the prepared pie plate, packing it into an even layer.
4. Bake the crust for about 20 minutes, until it’s golden brown and the edges are starting to crisp. Cool on a rack for at least a few minutes before filling. Bake with filling as directed.
SWEET POTATO HASH BROWN PIECRUST Substitute 1¼ pounds sweet potatoes for russets. Finely grate or chop 1 small onion and add it to the potatoes. Instead of soaking the mixture in water, place it in a colander and cover with the salt for 5 minutes or so, then squeeze dry and proceed with the recipe.