Chad Lee Robinson was born on July 8, 1980, in Pierre, South Dakota, and grew up there on the banks of the Missouri River. As a kid he played along with his older brother and some cousins in little league. He usually played right field, but he says “I always preferred a game of catch.” He throws and bats right-handed.
He first learned about haiku in a creative writing class while at South Dakota State University, from which he graduated in 2003 with a BA in English. The class was taught by South Dakota State Poet Laureate, David Allan Evans. “I’ve been captivated by haiku/senryu ever since,” writes Robinson. “I read everything I could find, which wasn’t much, mainly The Haiku Anthology and Haiku Moment. I found some good info online that led me to the Haiku Society of America and the magazines Frogpond, Modern Haiku, and The Heron’s Nest, and I went on from there. My first published haiku was in Mayfly 36, Winter 2003.” He is one of the poets featured in Red Moon Press’s A New Resonance: Emerging Voices in English Language Haiku 4 (2005) and is a member of the Haiku Society of America and the Skipping Stones Haiku Group.
He still lives in Pierre.
long summer day—
spoke by spoke the baseball card
loses its rattle
a ball field’s lights
shining through the trees