Mizuhara Shshi was the eldest son of a doctor who ran a clinic in Tokyo. After getting his own medical degree in 1926, he began teaching at Showa Medical College and practicing in his father’s clinic. In 1932 he became medical adviser to the Imperial Household, retiring from medicine twenty years later. He liked to visit Buddhist temples and to attend baseball games.
Shshi started writing poetry as a student, beginning with tanka and moving on to haiku. He became a follower of Kyoshi and the conservative branch of haiku. He continued to use the traditional form and seasonal reference after breaking with Kyoshi to form his own group, but leaned toward the lyrical and romantic. He believed one should use the imagination in haiku, and not just record objective observations of nature. He criticized Shiki’s idea of word-sketching from nature, by ridiculing the image of a poet, notebook in hand, following after a cloud’s shadow. His style involves being open to a wide range of subject matter and using theatrical or dramatic effects. His best haiku have a cinematic quality: “the huge dog / rises to greet the guest / May darkness.” His baseball haiku also reflect this concern with action and mood to create drama.
night game
our team’s good luck heralded
by the lightning
nait ya tsuki no hajime no hatatagami
a night game’s
bright lights across
the great river
nait no k
taiga hedate keri
[Five] Scenes at Jingu Baseball Stadium
the siren starts the game
autumn sunlight breaks
through the clouds
sairen no naru toki akihi kumo wo yaburu
[In Japan a siren signals the start of a baseball game]
cheering fans
fly kites from the stadium
over the autumn garden
en no tako koso agare en no aki
[Jingu Stadium is next to the Meiji Shrine and garden]
the player takes
his position in the outfield
a cricket’s cry
gaiyashu no mamori ni nakeru mushi aware
the grass so green
music booms across it from
the loudspeakers
aoshiba ya gaku wo kanazuru kakuseiki
evening glow
everyone looks up at
the winning team’s waving flag
yyakeshi sh
ri no hata wo mina aogu