‘What are you doing, Mum?’
Natalie was used to her daughter’s reproaches. Ordinarily a lecture would follow, such as how to separate papers from non-recyclable plastics. But there was urgency in Sid’s whispered accusation that made Natalie stiffen.
How on earth was she going to explain her absence from the villa all this time? Natalie had thought her plan to take Sid’s car a good one, as her daughter would have no way up the mountain. Unless, of course, she managed to find a really old and very odd-looking Kombi van to borrow.
‘What are you doing here, Sidney?’ Nat demanded, reasoning that attack was the best form of defence. ‘Why aren’t you with your brother?’
‘What am I doing here? What are you doing here?’ Sid whispered. ‘Pearl told me she saw my car arrive ages ago and a woman arguing with–’
‘Hello, Sidney.’ David stepped out into the open.
‘Oh, ah, hi. My mother–’
‘Your mother came to view the gallery,’ he said convincingly. ‘And whatever Pearl thinks she saw, I’ll make sure to remind her that she should know the difference between an argument and a healthy debate about what is and isn’t art. She’s seen me have enough of them.’ David paused to glance in Natalie’s direction. ‘I’d suggest what Pearl saw was someone passionate about artistic expression. Your mother is, in fact, coming back tomorrow so we can continue our discussion and tour of the gallery. Isn’t that right, Natalie?’
Sidney was a statue, her eyelids the only thing moving, her gaze dancing back and forth. She was probably already joining the dots. Once bewilderment passed, the interrogation would begin and Natalie would need to be prepared with some answers.
‘Isn’t that right, Natalie?’ David asked again, gently prompting her for a response.
‘Oh, yes. I would dearly love to continue our, ah, debate. Tomorrow is an excellent idea.’
‘Pearl told me you were closing the gallery for a few days,’ Sid said.
‘Yes, that’s right. In the circumstances I thought it best. For your mother, I’ll make an exception.’
‘So you can look after your brother, Sidney,’ Natalie headed for the car. ‘Thank you so much for today.’ She looked at David, adding, ‘For everything. Are you coming with me, Sid?
‘I’ll see you at the villa, Mum.’