A familiar song echoed through the park. I knew it by heart. It was the ice-cream truck!
“Before I start, would you like a frozen treat?” the werewolf asked us. “My friend owns the truck, and I’m really hungry.”
The Itsy-Bitsy Ice-Cream truck rolled up by the dog park, and its side window slid open.
“Hi, John. I’ve got your frozen bones,” said the ice-cream driver. Then he said, “Oh, you have friends.”
“Thanks, Anthony,” growled the werewolf. “Will you give these two anything they want?”
Wait, did that werewolf just say anything they want?
After Desmond and I let the dogs back into the dog park, we ate ice cream and listened to John the werewolf as he talked about his life.
“It’s hard to make friends as a werewolf,” he said. “People are too scared, cats are too scared, and even lions at the zoo are too scared.”
“You got that right,” I told him.
Then John the werewolf howled. “Sorry, it’s a habit. Anyway, I spent a long time looking for friends, until I realized something. Who loves you no matter what? I mean, other than your family.”
Maybe the ice cream was clouding my mind, but I couldn’t think of anyone.
But Desmond knew right away. “Dogs!” he said. “Dogs love everyone!”
“That’s right!” snarled John the werewolf. “So I became an animal control officer—um, we’re not called ‘dogcatcher’ anymore. Now, before every full moon, I round up as many dogs as possible, and we hang out all night.”
I had to admit that it was kind of brilliant. I guess dogs don’t ever judge people or werewolves. Then, once the werewolf was friends with the dogs, other dog people—like Anthony became friends with John too!
So that night we played with the pups, and it was amazing. Desmond was as happy as a kid with a million dogs could be! And me? I had my ice cream!
Now, every time there’s a full moon, John lets us join the pack as honorary members. Not only that—he lets us help out at the pound, too. Or actually it’s called the shelter. Desmond loves it!
And me? Okay. Maybe, just maybe, I’m becoming a dog person. I mean, they’re all so cute! I even think Desmond’s puppy is adorable in his own way.
But don’t worry. I’ll probably never ever ever become a werewolf person, except for maybe once in a full moon.