Maria Grigoriadis


Sometimes I think I am the luckiest woman in the world. Especially when I’m least expecting it. One night I was in my apartment watching TV all alone, minding my own business, when the doorbell rang. I answered it to find this cute woman I’d never seen before standing there.
“Hi,” she said. “Are you ready?”
“Umm sure, I guess, for what?”
“Oh, you’re funny tonight, aren’t you?”
I was so confused. I didn’t mean to be funny. I didn’t even know what the hell was going on.
“Are you going to let me stand out here in the hallway, or are you going to invite me in?”
I didn’t want to be rude, so I invited her in. When I said before she was cute, I wasn’t kidding. She had a great little body that was evident even through the clothes she was wearing. Her jeans fit her so well I’d have been jealous of her, if her ass hadn’t looked so appealing in them. She had on a tight T-shirt that showed off muscles she had obviously worked really hard to achieve. By the time I closed the door behind her and turned around to ask her who she was and what she was doing there, she had taken off her shirt. She wasn’t wearing a bra. She didn’t need one, really. Her breasts were small, but oh god were they beautiful. And apparently, it was colder in my apartment than I thought it was. Without her shirt on, it was delightfully obvious that her well-muscled arms were not the only part of her body that she had worked to perfection. Staring at her, I realized I just wanted to lick her abs. She was tan, though not overly so, and she had no tan lines. Nice touch, I thought. Before I could open my mouth to ask her all the questions I had for her, she rushed over to me, put her index finger to my mouth and shushed me.
“No talking, remember?”
Actually no, I don’t remember, I thought. But, now I was really hoping that she would refresh my memory. She took my hand and led me around my apartment, until she found what she was looking for. When we got into the bathroom, she turned on the light and ran the water for the shower. Then she took off her jeans. No underwear. I was really beginning to like my newly found friend. She placed both of my hands on her breasts and then leaned in and kissed me on the mouth. Her tongue explored my mouth, while my hands did the same to her breasts. I tried once again to speak, but she bit my lower lip.
“I thought I said no talking.”
This time her tone was stern, with a hint of annoyance. I could see that she had blood on her lips from where she’d bitten mine. This was getting serious, but my curiosity got the better of me, and I put my arms around her and began kissing her neck. This seemed to relax her and make her happy. She put her hands between our bodies, pushed me back a little bit, and began unbuttoning my jeans. She slid my pants and underwear to the floor together. I stepped out of my clothes. I reached for the buttons on my shirt, but she grabbed my hand and shook her head no. She unbuttoned my shirt for me and I could see surprise in her eyes when she saw I was not wearing a bra tonight either. She put her mouth on my breast and began rolling her tongue around my nipple. I ran my hands through her hair as she made my nipple hard in her mouth. She did the same to my other breast and I could feel the wetness between my legs. A moan escaped my mouth. She looked up at me, smiled, and guided us into the shower.
I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed a shower more in my entire life. Having her hands all over me as she shampooed my hair and washed my body was amazing. Her hands were so gentle as they made their way around my body. Although the water was steaming hot, I was shivering from pleasure and anticipation of what was to come. She would stop every few minutes to kiss me and occasionally wink at me and smile. I couldn’t help but laugh. Who was this woman? And how had I ended up naked with her in my shower? I had so many questions for her, but I didn’t want her to stop if I spoke, so I made better use of my mouth. I returned all of her kisses with a passion that surprised me, given that she was a stranger. I made my way around her body and kissed the back of her neck and her back as I reached around and held her breasts in my hands.


This time I was the one who led her around my apartment. When we got to my bedroom, I motioned for her to lie down on my bed. At first I just looked at her. Lying there. Beautiful. Naked. Waiting for me. Waiting to be touched, kissed. Waiting for me to put my hands on her, in her. I got into bed next to her and propped myself up on my elbow. I continued to stare at her as I ran my fingers gently down her body, from her mouth, to her neck, between her breasts, down her belly to the hair between her legs. I lingered here as I twirled the hair between my fingers and watched her close her eyes and tilt her head back a bit. I rolled on top of her and used my eager mouth to travel the same path as my hand had just taken. With one breast in my mouth, teasing her nipple with my tongue, I squeezed the other nipple between my thumb and index finger. She sat up quickly and gave me a hurt look.
“Oww,” she cried out. “That hurt.”
“No, no. No talking. Relax. Lie back down.”
I met her stare for a moment. When she didn’t do as I told her, I kissed her hard on the mouth and forced her back down with the weight of my body. Good girl, I thought, as she stopped resisting me and I felt her body relax under mine. I don’t know who you are, or why you came to my door, but now that you’re here in my bedroom, it’s my bed and my rules, I thought. I positioned my legs between hers and spread them apart. Sliding my hand between her legs, I felt her wetness. I teased her by sliding my finger around her clit, putting only the one finger in her. She arched her hips up to meet my hand each time I entered her. I could feel the rhythm of a woman who had been fucked before and needed it again.
I gave her what she came for. I wrapped my free arm under her and around her waist and then I drove my index and middle fingers into her deeply. She cried out again, but not a word was spoken. I matched the rhythm of her hips. After all, this was her fuck. I was here for her pleasure. Her moans were intoxicating to me. Everything else melted away around us. All I could see was her. All I could hear was her pleasure. All I could smell was her. I continued fucking her, putting three fingers inside and using my thumb to rub her clit. Soon she tightened around my fingers and her clit was hard under my thumb. When she came I enjoyed it, but only for a moment. I pulled my fingers out of her and slid between her legs. I put my mouth on her clit, feeling her pulse and throb in my mouth. I licked her swollen clit gently and she shuddered as I did so.
“Stop, stop, stop…please,” she said in a whisper I barely heard. “Come back up here to me.”
I did as she asked and we both stared at the ceiling on our backs for a few minutes. Thinking we were done, I closed my eyes and relished the moment. When she rolled on top of me and got between my legs I was surprised again. She put her hands under my knees and pushed my legs up. She put her entire mouth on me and began licking my clit. It felt so good to have her hot, wet mouth on me. When I came, she did something I love to have done to me. I couldn’t believe she was actually doing it to me without my having to ask for it. She put her fingers inside me and kept them inside me until I stopped throbbing on her hand.


When we were both staring up at the ceiling again, she finally spoke to me.
“Thank you for that. You are everything you said you’d be. You didn’t lie about yourself.”
“Hold on, I’ve been dying to ask you all night, who are you?”
With that she sat upright and gave me a frightened look.
“What are you talking about? You don’t know who I am? Aren’t you Sue?”
“No, I’m not. My name is Alexis. How could you think I was someone else? Don’t you know this Sue woman?”
“No, I don’t know her. Well, that’s not true. I know her. I just have never seen her before. We met online last weekend. We exchanged some hot email, but we’ve never met. Last night she wrote that she wanted to meet. That’s what tonight was all about. She told me to show up at her apartment wearing no underclothes, and take off my clothes immediately. And she demanded no talking, just sex.”
I couldn’t help myself; I began to laugh.
“You were not by any chance looking for Susan Davis, were you?”
“I don’t know, there were no last names.”
“No, 5D. Her email said 5D. I’m sure of it.”
“Well, either she typed her apartment number in wrong, or you wrote it down wrong. Susan lives next door, and you and I have never exchanged email, hot or otherwise.”
That was almost two years ago now. Susan still lives next door and every time Kate and I see her in the hallway, we wave extra hard to thank her for bringing us together. Then we rush into our apartment and have the hottest sex, just like I promised Kate we would have in the emails we eventually exchanged.