Glossary of technical terms
Definitions for some terms used in the novel
allele a gene that is found in one of two or more different forms in the same position in a chromosome, and so produces a particular characteristic that can be different for different people, such as eye colour
ante-mortem before death; bone damage in ante-mortem injuries shows evidence of healing
archaeology the study of the buildings, graves, tools and other objects that belonged to people who lived in the past, in order to learn about their culture and society
biological anthropology also known as physical anthropology, is a scientific discipline in which research is concerned with the biological and behavioural variation of human beings, other non-human primates, and extinct hominin ancestors of the human species
congenital a congenital disease or condition exists at or from birth
cranial of the skull
cryptography the practice of creating and understanding codes that keep information secret
dentition the number, type and arrangement of teeth in a person or animal
epigraphology the archaeological study of inscriptions
foramen a natural passage in the body, especially through a bone
gene a unit of heredity that is transferred from a parent to offspring and is held to determine some characteristic of the offspring
mandible in a person or animal, the lower jaw bone
maxilla the upper jaw bone that supports the upper teeth and forms part of the eye sockets and nasal cavity
neonate a medical word for a baby who is less than four weeks old
palaeogenetics the study of the past through the examination of preserved genetic material from the remains of ancient organisms
palaeopathology the branch of science concerned with the pathological conditions found in ancient human and animal remains
pelvic girdle (in vertebrates) the enclosing structure formed by the bony pelvis, providing attachment for the hind limbs or pelvic fins
peri-mortem at or near the time of death; in peri-mortem injuries, bone damage occurring at or near the time of death, without any evidence of healing
perinatal relating to the time, usually a number of weeks, immediately before and after birth
philology the branch of knowledge that deals with the structure, historical development and relationships of a language or languages; in North America, literary or classical scholarship
post-cranial of or relating to the part of the body below the head
pseudoscience a collection of beliefs or practices mistakenly regarded as being based on scientific method
sexual dimorphism of an animal, a distinct difference between the sexes in size or appearance, in addition to the sexual organs themselves
species a group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding