Lexicon of foreign language phrases
Translations of foreign language terms used in the novel
ful medames a spiced Egyptian breakfast dish of cooked and mashed broad beans (fava beans)
Shukran Thank you
Bùxiè No, thank you
Fēng xiàng zhuàn biànshí, you rén zhú qiáng, you rén zào fēngchē When one door closes, another opens
jiǎozi dumplings
nàinài grandmother, specifically father’s mother
Nǐ hǎo Hello (informal)
Nín hǎo Hello (formal)
xiǎo little (also used as a familiar diminutive)
Yīlìshābái Elizabeth
grandmère grandmother
la sainte trinité de polar the holy trinity of crime fiction
ma chérie my dear
ma pauvre petite my poor little one
merveilleuses marvellous
mon chouchou my cabbage (a familiar term of endearment)
mon petit chou my little cabbage
petit en case a little in case (usually a small stash of dried fruit and nuts)
polar crime fiction
Hola Hello
tenaz tenacious
bach little (also used as a familiar diminutive)
bara brith a bread made with tea and currants or raisins
Bore da Good morning
cariad darling
cawl mamgu grandmother’s soup
Da iawn Very good
Diolch Thank you
Ffwrdd a ni! Let’s go!
Hwyaden Hallt Cymreig Welsh salted duck
Paned o de? Cup of tea?
Sut da chi? How are you? (formal)
taid grandfather
Y Barri Barry (a town in Glamorgan)