A number of publications helped me with the historical and sociological aspects of this book. Of the many works I consulted, I would like to acknowledge my debt to George Wright-Nooth’s ‘Prisoner of the Turnip Heads’ and Philip Snow’s ‘The Fall of Hong Kong: Britain, China and the Japanese Occupation’.
I am deeply grateful to my agent Kate Hordern for her undying encouragement, inspiration and support.
To my parents, John and Sandra, for always being there for me. To Ming, my wonderful wife, for her understanding. To my three cheeky children, Gus, Amber and Aisha, for their love and laughter. And to Boobert for putting a smile on my face every morning.
I would also like to thank Matt (Roland) Cross for planting the seeds of this story and to my old friend Johnnie Hardy for the many happy hours we’ve spent together on the banks of the Helmsdale River.