2007 Saint Index Survey Questions on Post- Kelo Reform1

Question 9.

In 2005, the US Supreme Court ruled that the government could take private property by eminent domain to give it to another private owner to promote economic development. Since that ruling, some states have passed new laws that restrict the government’s power to take private property. Do you happen to know if your state is one of those that has passed such a law?

Question 10 (asked only of those who chose answer A on Question 9).

Do you think that the new laws in your state will be effective in preventing the condemnation of private property for economic development?

Note: For purposes of table 6.1, I counted the first two answers as effective” and the second two as “ineffective” and marked “don’t know” as automatically mistaken. Respondents in states that had passed ineffective reforms were given credit for “correct” answers if they picked either C or D. Those in states with effective laws similarly counted as “correct” if they chose either A or B.