
Aaron v. Target Corp., 328n105

AARP, 32, 137 abolitionists, 53-54

Ackerman, Bruce, 60, 109-11, 29in2i8

Adams, John, 36

affirmative harm, 128-30, 152, 303n42

Affordable Care Act, 179

African Americans: eminent domain

and, 138; Kelo v. City of New London

opposed by, 138; Negro removal, 88;

property rights of, 64, 68; state reforms

and, 167; urban renewal and, 88

Alito, Samuel, 116, 239

Allee King Rosen & Fleming, Inc.

(AKRF), 189-90

Amar, Akhil, 62, 70, 212

amicus briefs, 32, 88, 93, 124, 137, 260n153

Ansolabehere, Stephen, 138

architectural holdouts, 93

Arizona Homeowners’ Protection Effort, 320-21n46

Arizona Supreme Court, 146

Armendariz v. Penman, 327n105

Athenian, Byron, 20, 22; in Parcel 3, 27-28,


Audacity of Hope, The (Obama), 245

bad faith takings, 193

Balaker, Courtney, 243

Balaker, Ted, 243

Baldwin James, 88

Baltimore Colts, 225

Barnett, Randy, 65

Barron, John, 43

Barron v. City of Baltimore, 43

Barros, Benjamin, 212

Baycol, Inc. v. Downtown Development Authority, 272n176

Beachy, Lloyd, 19, 28; plastic village and, 22

Becher, Debbie, 89, 220

Been, Vicki, 221

Bell, Abraham, 206-7, 332n14

Bell-Parchomovsky proposal, 206-7, 332n14

Benedict, Jeff, 11

Benson, Bruce, 96

Benson v. State, 183

Berger, Lawrence, 40, 44

Berliner, Dana, 24-25, 31

Berman v. Parker, 9, 24-25, 125, 203;

blight takings and, 84, 86-88; case for overruling, 105; condemnations and, 58; federalism rationale, 120; living Constitution and, 243; New Deal jurists, 109; oligopoly, 129; originalism and, 243; overruling, 241, 243; precedent and, 103, 112-14, 185; public use and, 58-61, 238; rationale, 128-30; societal reliance, 241; standard of review, 115; sweeping language, 126, 128; validity, 244

Beyer, Richard, 179; evictions and, 20; in Fort Trumbull neighborhood, 12; legal fees, 24; on local economy, 14-15; on organized land grab, 17; on Palmer apology, 234-35; in Parcel 3, 27-28; resistance, 22

Bill of Rights, 6, 35, 105; applying to states, 43; drafting of, 37; enforcement, 126; Fourteenth Amendment and, 70; guarantees, 117; incorporating, 125; meaning and scope, 273-7411196; originalism and, 62; Privileges or Immunities Clause and, 62; Thomas on, 62; U.S. Supreme Court on, 240, 266-67n90

Bingham, John, 64

Blackstone, William, 39, 42

Blescus, Erika, 21

blight takings, 3, 7; ban on condemnations, 10; Berman v. Parker and, 84, 86-88; blight definitions, 84-86, 303n40, 303n42, 307n71, 309n90, 310n97, 312n122; community say in, 219-21; conclusion, 231; condemnations in neighborhoods, 86-90, 303n42; economic development takings and, 129-30; failing bans, 225-31; federalism and interjurisdictional mobility, 221-25; heightened scrutiny test and, 214-19; increasing compensation for, 205-9; judicial reaction upholding unlimited definition of, 187-91; physical conditions and, 309n84; procedural safeguards, 209-12; protection for homes, 212-13; public health and, 146-49, 156, 303n42; Public Use Clauses and, 117, 132-33, 203; reforming or banning, 204-31; solution to, 90; state decisions, 185-87; state reforms, 145-57; victims, 106, 127-28, 213, 217, 226

Bologna, Dominick, 197-98

Bond, Christopher, 162-63

Bond Amendment, 162-63

Bork, Robert, 70

Breyer, Stephen, 75; on just compensation, 205-6

bribery, 234

bright-line rule, 218

Brooks, John, 19

Brown v. Beatty, 45

Brown v. Board of Education, 58, 69, 108, 131

Bruegmann, Robert, 98

Bullock, Scott, 24-25, 31, 33

Burnett, David, 15, 17

Burnett, Guy F., 253n11

Bush, George W., 163, 168, 228

Calder v. Bull, 38-39, 43, 267n93

California League of Cities (CLC), 173-74, 175

California Proposition 99, 159, 174-75, 316n158, 316n161

California Supreme Court, 151, 225

Carole Media v. New Jersey Transit Corp., 195-96

Casino Reinvestment Development Authority v. Banin, 278n12

Chase, Samuel P., 38

China displacements, 244

Chrysler Corporation, 215 citizen-initiated referendums, 174-75

City of Detroit v. Vavro, 76

City of Jamestown v. Leevers Supermarkets, Inc., 272n182, 278n25

City of Las Vegas Downtown Redevelopment Agency v. Pappas, 85, 282n61

City of Little Rock v. Raines, 272n176

City of Minneapolis v. Wurtele, 278n25

City of Oakland v. Oakland Raiders, 338n110

civil rights movement, 242

Clarke, Daniel, 53

Clark v. Nash, 124, 133

Clinton, Bill, 137

Coalition to Save Fort Trumbull

Neighborhood, 22-23, 235

Cohen, Lloyd, 94

collusion, 234

Columbia University, 85, 189-90, 194, 199, 326n74

Columbia v. Heller, 65

Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States (Story), 49-50

Commentaries on the Laws of England (Blackstone), 39

Commission on Civil Rights, 282n61 common carriers, 6, 95-97, 265n71, 312n122, 316-17n165

common law, 7

common law constitutionalism, 102-5 communism, 218

community: development, 148, 153; economic development and blight takings input of, 219-21; organizers, 220-21; welfare of, 148

compensations: Breyer on just, 205-6; fair market value formula, 205, 213, 301n29, 332n11; Fifth Amendment requirement, 102, 118; Hawaii Housing Authority v. Midkiff and, 207; increasing for blight takings, 205-9; increasing for economic development takings, 205-9; Kennedy on adjusting, 205; over and under compensations, 333n31; Poletown Neighborhood Council v. City of Detroit and, 207-8, 210; Public Use Clause requirement, 2; under Takings Clause, 61

Compromise of 1877, 47

condemnations: ban on, 10; Berman v.

Parker and, 58; economic development takings ignoring costs of, 78-80; erroneous, 95; in Fort Trumbull neighborhood, 19-23; justifying, 279n25, 285n110; in legitimately blighted neighborhoods, 86-90, 303n42; mill acts and, 41, 266n85; New London Development Corporation and, 19; O’Connor on, 127; Poletown Neighborhood Council v. City of Detroit and, 78-80; private roads and, 39; procedural remedies for abuse, 210-12; property characteristics, 311n114; public health and, 130; Public Use Clauses and, 117, 132-33, 203; quick-take, 181-82, 184-85; risk, 222; state decisions, 185-87. See also blight takings; private-to-private condemnations; public purpose; public use

Congressional Research Service, 162 Connecticut Superior Court, 26-27 Connecticut Supreme Court, 77, 193, 234; on economic development, 29-30, 80; U.S. Supreme Court criticizing, 31

Constitution, U.S., 54-55, 68; common law constitutionalism, 102-5; constitutional moments, 109-11; Contracts Clause, 50; economic development takings and, 278n25; interpreting, 7, 8; mill acts and, 266n88; moral theory of constitutional interpretation, 105-6; popular constitutionalism, 7-8, 106-8; U.S. Supreme Court interpretation, 30, 67. See also Bill of Rights; living Constitution; specifi c amendments

Contracts Clause, 50

Cooley, Thomas, 6, 44, 68; public use and, 54-55

Corcoran Jennison, 30 Corradino, Thomas J., 26-28 corruption, 234-35; political, 187; risk of, 95 Cottonwood Christian Center v. Cypress

Redevelopment Agency, 328n105 County of Hawaii v. C&J Coupe Family

Ltd. Partnership, 193

County of Wayne v. Hathcock, 61, 74-75, 128, 159-60

Cristofaro, Margarita, 12, 13; house, 13; memorial plaque, 233; in Parcel 3, 27-28, 236

Cristofaro, Michael, 14, 33; on elderly, 21; on harassment, 20; on New London Development Corporation, 233; protests, 233; resistance, 22

Cristofaro, Pasquale, 12, 13; house, 13; in Parcel 3, 27-28, 236; settlement, 233

Curtis, Michael Kent, 70-71

Day, The, 16, 20, 123

Dean, Howard, 137

Democratic Party, 15, 42, 56, 107, 137-38, 167

Dery, Charles, 14, 22, 233

Dery, Matthew, 14, 20, 22, 26, 233; in

Parcel 4A, 27-29, 237

Dery, Wilhelmina, 14, 22; death of, 233 deteriorated structures, 149-50, 306n58, 308n71, 309n87, 310n74

development: areas, 149; community, 148, 153; domain-driven, 230; economic, 29-30, 80; economic underdevelopment, 187; Empire State Development Corporation, 187-90, 197; Fort Trumbull neighborhood plan, 18; Gallenthin Reality Development, Inc. v. Borough of Paulsboro, 186; Goldstein v. New York State Urban Development Corp., 187-88, 190; Kaur v. New York State Urban Development Corp., 187, 189-90, 193-94, 199; private-to-private economic, 229-30; Rhode Island Economic Development Corp. v. the Parking Co., 184-85, 329n114. See also economic development takings; New London Development Corporation; redevelopment

Didden, Bart, 197-98

Didden v. Village of Port Chester, 197-99 disease, 84, 86, 304n42

Disney Corporation, 94-97, 287n136 displacements: China, 244; minorities, 58;

owners giving in, 281n55; Poletown Neighborhood Council v. City of Detroit, 87, 279n32

District of Columbia Court of Appeals,


District of Columbia emancipation debate, 51-54

domain-driven development, 230

Douglas, William O., 58 drainage, 45, 307n71 Dred Scott v. Sandford, 52 Due Process Clause: cases, 8; Fifth

Amendment, 52; Fourteenth Amendment, 6, 48-49, 110, 124, 296n82; originalism and, 62; original meaning and, 65-68

Dworkin, Ronald, 8, 105-6

Echeverria, John, 124

economic development takings, 1,

4; accountability, 82; ban on, 10, 170-71, 176-77; blight takings and, 129-30; bright-line rule against, 218; community say in, 219-21; conclusion, 231; Connecticut Supreme Court on, 29-30, 80; constitutionality, 278n25; exploitation and, 208; failing bans, 22531; federalism and interjurisdictional mobility, 221-25; heightened scrutiny test and, 214-19; ignoring costs of condemnation, 78-80; increasing compensation for, 205-9; interest groups and, 74-76, 81-84; Kelo v. City of New London and, 73, 75, 77, 84; lack of binding obligations, 76-78;

London Development Corporation, 127; Michigan Supreme Court on, 128; minorities and, 7, 131; nonmonetary costs, 80; Pfizer, Inc., 26; procedural safeguards, 209-12; protection for homes, 212-13; public health and, 315n144; public purpose and, 74-84; public reaction and, 139; rationale, 81; reforming or banning, 204-31; state reforms and, 147; upholding, 278n25; victims, 80, 82-83, 100, 106, 127-28, 207, 211, 213, 217, 226, 230

economic dislocation, 306n58

economic underdevelopment, 187

Eighth Amendment, 71

Ellef, Peter, 15, 234

Ellickson, Robert, 221, 223-24

Ely, James, 117

Ely, John Hart, 99-102

emancipation: advocates, 268n120; District of Columbia public use debate, 51-54; Emancipation Proclamation, 52;

Madison and, 71; Public Use Clauses and, 52

eminent domain, 5; abuse, 180, 219;

African Americans and, 138; alleviating abuse, 9-10; broad view, 266n85; Commission on Civil Rights report, 282n61; costs, 223; curbing, 173; government restricting, 63; grasping hand, 1, 245; historical use, 224;

holdout problems and, 217; Kelo on, 26; Lewis on, 67; minorities and, 32, 138; NAACP and, 301n22; negotiation and, 97-98; New London Development Corporation threats, 19-22; official resistance, 281n54; ongoing legal and political struggle, 241-45; pressure to reform, 172; for private development, 73, 89; Private Property Rights Protection Act and, 161; protection for homes, 213; public reaction, 83-84; Public Use Clauses and, 71; state laws, 3;

unconstrained use, 8-9; victims, 98, 101-2, 219; voluntary sales and, 19-20. See also public use

Empire State Development Corporation (ESDC), 187-90, 197

Epstein, Richard, 93, 217-19

Equal Protection Clause, 227 Establishment Clause, 62-63 excavation, 307n71 exit limitations, 222-25

fair market value formula, 205, 213,

301n29, 332n11

Fallbrook Irrigation District v. Bradley, 124-25

Farber, Daniel, 212

favoritism, 120-23

federalism, 183; blight and economic development takings and, 221-25; impact of immobility, 221-25; interjurisdictional mobility and, 221-25; limitations of exit and voice, 222-25

Federalist, 10, 39, 136, 178

Federalist, 78, 69

federal reforms: Bond Amendment, 162-63; Bush Executive Order, 163; political backlash and, 160-63; Private Property Rights Protection Act, 160-61

feminist movement, 107

Fifth Amendment: applying, 124-25; compensation requirement, 102, 118; constraints, 229; Due Process Clause, 52; framers, 133; grand jury indictment requirement, 273n194; pretextual takings and, 199; state laws and, 6;

Takings Clause, 4-5, 36-37, 42, 43, 51, 240. See also Public Use Clauses financial crisis of 2008, 235

Finizio, Daryl Justin, 235

First Amendment: enforcing, 118-19;

Establishment Clause, 62-63; judicial enforcement, 101

Fitz Randolph, Carman, 55

Florida Constitutional Amendment 8, 157 foreclosures: procedures, 90; public health and, 90; in rem judicial, 285n112

Fort Trumbull neighborhood, 4, 5; Beyer in, 12; bulldozing path to prosperity in, 12-19; Coalition to Save Fort Trumbull Neighborhood, 22-25, 235; condemnations in, 19-23; Institute for Justice and, 24-26; legal battle, 24-29; municipal development plan, 18; overview, 11; Von Winkle in, 12

Founding era, 6, 67, 69; property rights, 71; public use, 36-43, 72

Fourteenth Amendment, 295n80; adoption, 35, 273-74n196; antidiscrimination provisions, 110; Bill of Rights and, 70; drafting, 47; Due Process Clause, 6, 48-49, 110, 124, 296n82; enactment, 5, 43, 44, 55, 133; enforcing, 118-20; Equal Protection Clause, 227; ratification, 52; Takings Clause, 6, 62, 64

Fourth Amendment, 71; enforcing, 118-20; unreasonable searches and seizures, 117-19

Frankfurter, Felix, 57

Freedom of Information Act, 16

Furman v. Georgia, 135

Gallenthin Reality Development, Inc. v.

Borough of Paulsboro, 186

Gans, Herbert, 87-88

Gaudiani, Claire, 15, 17, 19; resignation, 234; social justice and, 22

gays and lesbians, 100; gay marriage, 136, 242; protecting, 109; rights movement, 107, 179

General Building Contractors v. Board of Shawnee City Commissioners, 278n25

General Motors, 59, 76-80, 82, 208, 210, 215

Georgia Department of Transportation v.

Jasper County, 272n180

Georgia Supreme Court, 266n85

Goldstein v. New York State Urban Development Corp., 187-88, 190

Goldstein v. Pataki, 196-97, 199

Goodridge v. Department of Public Health, 135-36

grasping hand: eminent domain, 1, 245; invisible hand compared to, 1-2; minorities and, 245

Gregg v. Georgia, 299n3

Guam Supreme Court, 196, 199-200 gun rights movement, 242

Guretsky, James, 22; bankruptcy and, 257n77; in Parcel 4A, 27-29, 237

Guretsky, Laura, 22; bankruptcy and, 257n77; in Parcel 4A, 27-29, 237

Hamilton, Alexander, 36-37; legislative overreaching and, 69

Hand, Learned, 109

Hankins v. Lawrence, 265n77

harm: affirmative, 128-30, 152, 303n42; risk of, 306n51

Harvard University, 95-97

Hawaii Housing Authority v. Midkiff, 24, 103, 112, 125; compensations and, 207; O’Connor and, 32, 59-60, 127-29; oligopoly, 59, 128, 129, 271n169; overruling, 243; precedent and, 112-14; public use and, 58-61, 238; rational-basis test, 115; rationale, 128-30; standard of review, 115; sweeping language, 126, 128

Hawaii Supreme Court, 193

Head v. Amoskeag Mfg. Co., 266n86 heightened scrutiny test: blight and economic development takings and, 214-19; genuine holdout problems and, 217-19; means-ends scrutiny and, 21617; Poletown Neighborhood Council v. City of Detroit and, 214-16

Heller, Michael, 91, 219-20

Hicks, James, 26

Hills, Roderick, 219-20

Hispanics: Kelo v. City of New London opposed by, 138; urban renewal and, 88

History of the Connecticut Supreme Court, The (Horton), 30-31

Hogue v. Port of Seattle, 272n176, 311n112 holdout problems, 253n11; architectural holdouts, 91-92; eminent domain and, 217; heightened scrutiny test and, 217-19; implications, 97-99; negotiation and, 97-98; precommitment strategies, 96-97, 288n146; in public purpose, 90-99; secret assembly and, 94-96; sincere dissenters, 91-93; strategic holdouts, 91-92; subsidies and, 98

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 56-57 hortatory fluff, 182

Horton, Wesley, 19, 30-32, 92, 123; O’Connor and, 33-34, 127; on Thomas, 132

Hurricane Katrina, 157

Idaho Supreme Court, 147

Ilagan v. Ungacta, 199-200

Illinois Supreme Court, 277n3 incorporation, 62, 70, 124, 273-74n196, 276n235

Indiana Supreme Court, 265n77 in rem judicial foreclosure, 285n112 Institute for Justice (IJ), 5; counteroffer, 28; critics, 28; data limitations, 215-16; Fort Trumbull neighborhood case and, 24-26; intervention by, 83, 212; on Iowa, 302n31; Kelo on, 25; lawyers, 122; means-ends scrutiny and, 216; pro bono lawyers, 25-26; public use and, 26-27, 30; seeking cases, 242; on Utah, 311n116; Von Winkle on, 25

interest groups: capture, 81-84; economic development takings and, 74-76, 81-84; enriching, 244; influence, 74-76; lobbying, 227; political backlash and, 175-78

interjurisdictional mobility, 221-25 International Paper Company, 57, 270n148 invisible hand, 1-2

Italian Dramatic Club, 23, 23, 83, 93

Jacobs, Jane, 80

judicial deference: public use and, 55-57;

Public Use Clauses, 124, 199

judicial enforcement: First Amendment, 101; public use, 4

judicial protection, 100

judicial reaction: conclusion, 202-3; interpreting state Public Use Clauses, 182-83; invalidating quick-take condemnations, 184-85; overview, 181-82; political backlash and, 191-92; pretextual takings and, 192-202; state decisions blight condemnations, 18587; upholding unlimited definition of blight, 187-91

juvenile delinquency, 303n42

Kagan, Elena, 61

Kansas Supreme Court, 272n182

Karesh v. City of Charleston, 272n176

Kaufman, Wallace, 207

Kaur v. New York State Urban Development

Corp., 187, 189-90, 193-94, 199

Kelly, Daniel, 95, 192, 220

Kelo, Susette, 122, 151; on eminent domain, 26; former house site, 236; on Institute of Justice, 25; little pink house, 13; Palmer apology to, 234-35; in Parcel 4A, 27-29, 237; on pressure, 21; resistance, 22; settlement, 233

Kelo v. City of New London: African Americans opposing, 138; aftermath, 86; assessment of majority, 116-23; as black stain, 235; case for overruling, 105, 107; conclusion, 134; courts prior to, 60; defenders, 88; deferring to flawed political process, 116-20; divided ruling, 61; economic development takings and, 73, 75, 77, 84; favoritism and, 120-23; feature film, 243; federalism rationale, 118-20; future of, 237-45; as guide, 104-5;

Hispanics opposing, 138; judicial protection and, 100; Kennedy opinion, 8, 34, 114-16, 120-23, 128, 192, 195, 201; liberal opposition, 239; O’Connor dissent, 2, 8, 34, 87, 104, 127-31, 182, 241; oral arguments, 32-33, 92; orthodoxy, 72; overruling, 7, 238-41; political influence and, 82-83; property rights and, 2-5; public opinion, 235; public reaction, 8-9, 66, 108; public use and, 238; rationale, 130; reform laws, 136-37; settlement with New London Development Corporation, 232-33; state court reaction, 9; Stevens’ majority opinion, 4, 8, 71, 103-4, 112-14, 118, 120, 123-26, 192, 240; substantive due process precedents and public use, 123-26; Thomas dissent, 3, 51, 101, 110, 131-34. See also Berman v. Parker; Hawaii Housing Authority v. Midkiff; judicial reaction; Poletown Neighborhood Council v. City of Detroit; political backlash; specifi c topics

Kennedy, Anthony: on adjusting compensations, 205; on favoritism, 121-23; Kelo v. City of New London concurring opinion, 8, 34, 114-16, 120-23, 128, 192, 195, 201; O’Connor on, 123; Posner on, 293n32; on pretextual takings, 194; public use issues, 116; rational-basis test, 115

Kentucky Supreme Court, 277n3 Klass, Alexandra, 228 Knowledge Networks, 138 Kramer, John, 25

Krauter v. Lower Big Blue Natural Resource District, 278n12

Kreckovic, Peter, 24-25

Krier, James, 206

land acquisition, 220

land assembly district (LAD), 219-20 land values, 89, 223

Lash, Kurt, 62, 273-74n196

Lawson, Gary, 65, 67-68 Lefcoe, George, 259n127 legislative response, 141-42 Lewis, John: on eminent domain, 67;

public use and, 54-55; treatise, 44, 264n58, 265n77, 268-69n124

liberalism, 42

liberal moral theory, 8

Limbaugh, Rush, 107, 300n15

living Constitution, 4, 7-8, 74; Berman

v. Parker and, 243; common law constitutionalism, 102-5; constitutional moments, 109-11; moral theory of constitutional interpretation, 105-6;

popular constitutionalism, 106-8; public use and, 99-111; Public Use Clauses and, 99; representation-reinforcement theory, 99-102, 289n166; Thayerian idea, 108; versions, 61

Lochner era, 124, 126, 297n94

Lochner v. New York, 124

Locke, John, 38-39, 42

Loughbridge v. Harris, 266n85

Loving v. Virginia, 69

low-density living, 98

Luberoff, David, 228

Madison, James, 42, 136, 178; emancipation and, 71; property rights and, 63-64

Mahoney, Julia, 134

majoritarian voting process, 220-21

Marks v. United States, 295n65

Marley, Marguerite, 21

Maryland Court of Appeals, 279n25

Maryland Supreme Court, 181, 185

Mayor of Baltimore v. Valsamaki, 185, 328n114

Mayor of the City of Vicksburg v. Thomas, 277n12

McGoldrick, Joseph, 86

means-ends scrutiny, 216-17

Melton, Buckner, 60

Merrill, Thomas, 118, 124, 206

MHC Financing Ltd. Partnership v. City

of San Rafael, 195

Miceli, Thomas, 217

Michigan Court of Appeals, 215

Michigan Supreme Court, 6, 44, 59-60, 74, 87; on economic development takings, 128

Middletown Township v. Lands of Stone, 193, 328n114

Midkiff, 8

migration patterns, 222

mill acts, 265n77; condemnations and, 41, 266n85; constitutionality, 266n88;

mill acts (cont.)

history, 40; nineteenth century, 47-49; private roads and, 39-43; public use and, 40-41

Mills, Henry, 55

Milne, George, 15, 19

minorities, 220, 300n11; displacements, 58; economic development takings and, 7, 131; eminent domain and, 32, 138; Equal Protection Clause and, 227; grasping hand and, 245; insular, 100-101; as invaders, 86; politically weak, 101-2, 110-11; private-to-private condemnations and, 82; protecting, 74; public use and, 110; targeting, 88-89; victims, 82, 106, 289n166. See also African Americans; gays and lesbians; Hispanics

miracle of aggregation, 170-71

Missouri Supreme Club, 305n46 moral theory of constitutional interpretation, 105-6

Morrill, Lot, 53

Morris, Gouverneur, 42

Murphy, Thomas, 76

NAACP, 88, 107, 137-38, 239; eminent domain and, 301n22

Nader, Ralph, 59, 107, 239, 300n15

Naval Undersea Warfare Center, 14,


Nazism, 218

negotiation, 97-98

Negro removal, 88

Nevada Supreme Court, 225-26

New Deal: Berman v. Parker jurists, 109; consensus breakdown, 243; constitutional doctrine, 291n218; ideology, 6-7, 59; orthodoxy, 134, 203; transformations, 110

New Jersey Nets, 187

New Jersey Supreme Court, 186

New London Development Corporation (NLDC), 5, 259n127; condemnations, 19; Cristofaro, M., on, 233; economic development takings, 127; eminent domain threats, 19-22; evictions, 20; exemptions, 83, 93; Gaudiani resignation, 234; Horton and, 31-32; Kelo v. City of New London settlement, 232-33; legal battle with, 24-29; lobbying and, 122; municipal development plan, 18, 19; redevelopment and, 15-17; U.S. Supreme Court and, 15, 32-34

New York Court of Appeals, 182-94, 196, 199, 202

New York Times, 17, 235

Niagara Falls Power Company, 270n148

Nichols, Philip, Jr., 56

99 Cents Only Stores v. Lancaster Redevelopment Agency, 114, 194, 328n105

Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, 195, 196, 199-200

Norwood v. Horney, 182, 186

Oakland Raiders, 225, 338n110, 338n112

Obama, Barack, 168, 245

O’Connell, Ed, 17

O’Connor, Sandra Day: Alito replacing, 239; on condemnations, 127; court departure, 116; dissent in Kelo v. City of New London, 2, 8, 34, 87, 104, 127-31, 182, 241; Hawaii Housing Authority v. Midkiff and, 32, 59-60, 127-29; Horton and, 33-34, 127; on Kennedy, 123

Ohio Supreme Court, 182-83, 186

Oklahoma Supreme Court, 182-83 oligopoly: Berman v. Parker, 129; Hawaii

Housing Authority v. Midkiff, 59, 128, 129, 271n169

Olympics, Beijing, 2008, 244

Oregonians in Action Political Action

Committee, 320-21n46

originalism, 4, 7, 253n11; Berman v.

Parker and, 243; Bill of Rights and, 62; Due Process Clause and, 62; nonmainstream objections, 70-72; original intent and, 63-64; original meaning and, 65-68; public use and, 61-72; uncertainty and, 69-70

Owensboro v. McCormick, 272n176

Pacific Legal Foundation, 150, 242

Palmer, Richard, 234-35

Parcel 3: Athenian in, 27-28, 236; Beyer in, 27-28; Cristofaro, M., in, 27-28, 236; Cristofaro, P., in, 27-28, 236

Parcel 4A: Dery, M., in, 27-29, 237;

Guretsky, J., in, 27-29, 237; Guretsky,

L., in, 27-29, 237; Kelo in, 27-29, 237;

Von Winkle in, 27-29, 237

Parchomovsky, Gideon, 206-7, 332n14 Paterson, William, 37-38

Paxton, Frederick, 22-23, 235

Penalver, Eduardo, 194, 212

Pennsylvania Supreme Court, 193

People’s Initiative to Stop the Taking of Our Land (PISTOL), 320-21n46

Persily, Nathaniel, 138

Pfizer, Inc., 5, 201, 210, 237; collusion and, 234; economic development takings, 26; lobbying and, 122; New London headquarters, 19; redevelopment and, 15-17; shut down, 235

plastic village, 22

Poletown Neighborhood Council v. City of Detroit, 59, 76-78, 82, 83, 128, 180; compensations and, 207-8, 210; condemnations, 78-80; displacements, 87; heightened scrutiny test and, 21416; job losses, 279n32, 279n33, 280n34

political backlash, 8, 298n1; conclusion, 164, 178-80; falling short, 165-88; federal reforms, 160-63; interest groups and, 175-78; judicial reaction and, 191-92; legislative response, 141-42; overview, 135-37; paucity of effective reform laws, 173-74; political ignorance theory and, 165-66, 172, 177-78; public ignorance of reform laws, 166-72, 168; public reaction and, 137-41, 139, 140; state reforms and, 142-60, 143-44; success of citizen-initiated referendums, 174-75; timing of, 172-78

political corruption, 187

political ignorance theory, 165-66, 172, 177-78

politically vulnerable groups, 224

political mobilization, 242

popular constitutionalism, 7-8, 106-8 Posner, Richard, 100, 136, 229-30; on

Kennedy, 293n32

Powell, Lazarus, 52

precommitment strategies, 96-97, 288n146

Prentiss, Samuel, 53

pressure tactics, 5

pretextual takings: determining, 192-93;

extreme deference and, 196-200; Fifth

Amendment and, 199; future of claims, 200-202; government’s intentions, 193-94; judicial reaction and, 192202; Kennedy on, 194; magnitude of expected benefits, 194-95; main beneficiary and, 195-96; planning process and, 195

Pritchett, Wendell, 58, 87

Private Property Rights Protection Act, 160-61

private roads: condemnations and, 39; mill acts and, 39-43; statues, 40-41, 264n60; takings, 41, 133, 227, 265n69

private-to-private condemnations, 186, 314n137; banning, 204; minorities and, 82; state reforms, 142, 145-57, 247-50

private-to-private economic development, 229-30

privilege, 231

Privileges or Immunities Clause, 62 procedural safeguards, 209-12

Progressive ideology, 6-7, 56, 113 property rights, 1; advocates, 232; of

African Americans, 64, 68; debate, 3; Founders and, 36-39; Founding era, 71; and, 2-5; Madison and, 63-64; ongoing legal and political struggle, 241-45;

Private Property Rights Protection Act, 161; security of, 4

public health: blight takings and, 146-49, 156, 303n42; condemnations and, 86, 130; economic development takings and, 315n144; foreclosures and, 90

public hearings, 209

public purpose, 55-56, 312n122; blight takings, 84-90; conclusion, 111;

economic development takings and, 74-84; holdout problems, 90-99;

overview, 73-74; public use and living Constitution, 99-100

public use: Berman v. Parker and, 58-61, 238; conclusion, 72; constraints, 229;

Cooley and, 54-55; District of Columbia emancipation debate, 51-54; Founding era, 36-43, 72; future of, 237-45; Hawaii Housing Authority v. Midkiff and, 5861, 238; Institute for Justice and, 26-27, 30; interpreting, 7; judicial deference and, 55-57; judicial enforcement, 4;

Kelo v. City of New London and, 238;

public use (cont.)

Kennedy and, 116; Lewis and, 54-55;

living Constitution and, 99-111; mill acts and, 40-41; minorities and, 110; narrow view, 6; in nineteenth century, 43-55; originalism and, 61-72; original meaning and, 131-32; overview, 35-36; precedents, 8; public purpose and, 5556, 99-100; state court interpretations, 44-47, 46, 56; substantive due process precedents and, 123-26; Thomas on, 132-33; U.S. Supreme Court and, 6, 49-51, 57, 239-40

Public Use Clauses, 5, 43; addressing, 57; applications, 35, 133; awareness of, 66; blight condemnations and, 117, 13233, 203; compensation requirement, 2; constraints, 70, 104, 229, 232;

emancipation and, 52; eminent domain and, 71; enforcing, 2-3, 119-20, 131, 239, 297n94; interpretations, 8-9, 56, 58, 130, 180, 230, 241; judicial deference, 124, 199; living Constitution and, 99; meaning, 37, 65; protections, 101-2, 106, 228, 245; scrutiny under, 211; state clauses, 182-92; states recognizing, 49; testing, 63; transfers and, 115; view, 134; violations, 227, 240

public utilities, 6, 36, 40, 45, 95-97, 225-27 public welfare, 147

quick-take condemnations, 181-82, 184-85

racism, 218

Radin, Margaret, 212

Rappaport, Michael, 62

rational-basis test, 115

rational ignorance, 165-66

Ratner, Bruce, 85, 187-89, 196-97 reasonable person, 65-68

Reconstruction era, 45, 47

redevelopment, 309n87, 313n125; City of

Las Vegas Downtown Redevelopment Agency v. Pappas, 85, 282n61; Cottonwood Christian Center v.

Cypress Redevelopment Agency, 328n105; New London Development Corporation and, 15-17; 99 Cents Only Stores v. Lancaster Redevelopment Agency, 114, 194; Pfizer, Inc. and,

15-17; urban redevelopment takings, 283n82

referendums: state reforms by, 157-60; success of citizen-initiated, 174-75

Rehnquist, William, 34, 116 representation-reinforcement theory, 99-102, 289n166

Republican Party, 15, 64, 107, 138, 167, 173

Rhode Island Economic Development

Corp. v. the Parking Co., 184-85, 328-29n114

Rhode Island Supreme Court, 181, 184-85 rights: civil rights movement, 242;

Commission on Civil Rights, 282n61; gays and lesbians, 107, 179; gun rights movement, 242; women’s rights movement, 242. See also Bill of Rights; property rights

risk: condemnations, 222; of corruption, 95; of harm, 306n51

Roberts, John, 116, 136, 299n7

Robertson, John, 52

Rowland, John, 15, 19, 234, 237

Rubenfeld, Jed, 71

Ryan, James, 76-77

Sadler v. Langham, 264n60

safety, 304n42; control, 279n25; endangering, 90; personal, 42;

procedural safeguards, 209-12; threats to, 130, 146-49, 156

Saint Index survey, 138, 165-66; alternative explanations for, 168-72; on knowledge of state reforms, 167, 168, 251-52; miracle of aggregation and, 170-71; questions, 251-52, 319n12

Sales, Nathan, 40

Sandefur, Timothy, 150

Sanders, Bernard, 137

Sawyer, Scott, 21

Scalia, Antonin, 34, 65; call for overruling, 238

secondary rent-seeking costs, 75, 81 Second Circuit Court of Appeals, 197-98

Second Treatise of Civil Government

(Locke), 39

secret assembly, 94-96, 220

Seidman, Guy, 65, 67-68

Serkin, Christopher, 206

Seventh Amendment, 273n194

Shelton, Hilary, 138

sincere dissenters, 91-93

slavery, 51-54

slums, 149-51, 303n42, 308n71, 309n90

Smedley v. Erwin, 265n69

Smith, Adam, 1

Smith, Robert, 188

social liability, 146, 304n42, 305n46, 310n94

Sotomayor, Sonia, 197-98

sound growth, 146, 303n42, 307n71

Souter, David, 116, 138, 205

South Carolina Supreme Court, 158 Southern Christian Leadership, 88, 137 Southwestern Illinois Development

Authority v. National City Environmental, 272n180 sports stadiums, 187, 227-28, 325n48 sprawl, 91, 98, 216, 288n153 stagnation, 85, 186-87, 309n184 state constitutions, 3

state courts: Kelo v. City of New London reaction, 9; public use interpretations, 44-47, 46, 56. See also specifi c state courts

state laws: eminent domain, 3; Fifth Amendment and, 6

state predation, 222

state reforms: African Americans and, 167; for blight condemnations, 14557; California Senate Bill 1206, 150; economic development takings and, 147; effective, 154-56; ineffective, 150-53; paucity of effective, 173-74; political backlash and, 142-60, 143-44; private-to-private condemnations, 142, 145-57, 247-50; public ignorance of, 166-72; by referendum, 157-60; Saint Index survey on, 167, 168; by state legislatures, 145

Steffen, John, 24

Stevens, John Paul: admitting error, 238; majority opinion in Kelo v. City of New London, 4, 8, 71, 103-4, 112-14, 118, 120, 123-26, 192, 240; retirement, 116, 125

Story, Joseph, 49-50, 68

Strahilevitz, Lior, 194

strategic holdouts, 91-92

Strauss, David, 102-5 straw man agents, 94

subsidies: holdout problems, 98; taxes, 89, 98

substantive due process precedents, 123-26, 133

Sumner, Charles, 53-54

Supreme Court, U.S., 1, 5; on Bill of

Rights, 240, 266-67n90; Connecticut

Supreme Court criticized by, 31; Constitution interpretation, 30, 67; New London Development Corporation and, 15, 32-34; public use and, 6, 49-51, 57, 239-40; takings doctrine, 176, 179, 229. See also Kelo v. City of New London; specifi c cases

takings: bad faith, 193; private roads, 41, 133, 227, 265n69; urban redevelopment, 283n82; U.S. Supreme Court doctrine, 176, 179, 229. See also blight takings; economic development takings; pretextual takings

Takings Clause, 50, 67, 70-71, 106, 183; compensation under, 61; Fifth Amendment, 4-5, 36-37, 42, 43, 51, 240; Fourteenth Amendment, 6, 62, 64; original intent and, 63-64; orthodoxy, 60; slavery and, 53

Taney, Roger, 52

taxes: burdens, 223; costs, 209; income, 222; liabilities, 90; property, 206, 224, 237, 285n110; regulation and, 229;

revenues, 29, 33, 75, 81, 122, 148, 151, 158-59, 216, 229; subsidies, 89, 98

Tea Party movement, 107

Texas Rangers, 228

Texas Supreme Court, 227-28

Thayerian idea, 108

Third Amendment, 273n194

Third Circuit Court of Appeals, 195

Thomas, Clarence, 34; on Bill of Rights, 62; dissent in Kelo v. City of New London, 3, 51, 101, 110, 131-34; Horton on, 132; on tearing down homes, 117; on term public use, 132-33

Tiedeman, Christopher, 55

Treatise on the Constitutional Limitations Which Rest upon the Legislative Powers of the States of the American Union, A (Cooley), 54-55, 68

Troubled Asset Relief Program, 168

underwater mortgages, 277n1

United States ex rel. TVA v. Welch, 57

United States v. Carolene Products, 100

United States v. Gettysburg Electric

Railway Co., 50-51

unreasonable searches and seizures,


urban redevelopment takings, 283n82

urban renewal, 86-88, 148

Vanhorne’s Lessee v. Dorrance, 37-39, 43, 267n93

victims: blight takings, 106, 127-28, 213, 217, 226; economic development takings, 80, 82-83, 100, 106, 127-28, 207, 211, 213, 217, 226, 230; eminent domain, 98, 101-2, 219; minorities, 82, 106, 289n166

Virginia Question 1, 158

Virginia Supreme Court, 155

Vitucci v. New York city of School Construction Authority, 278n25

voice limitations, 222-25

Von Winkle, Bill: evictions and, 20;

on finances, 26; in Fort Trumbull

neighborhood, 12; on Institute of

Justice, 25; on Palmer apology, 235; in

Parcel 4A, 27-29, 237; resistance, 22

Wall Street Journal, 21

War on Terror, 179

Washington Supreme Court, 153

Wasser, Gregg, 197

Waters, Maxine, 137

Wealth of Nations, The (Smith), 1

Wechsler, Herbert, 109

welfare of community, 148

West 41st Street Realty v. New York, 84-85

Westlaw data base, 260n157

Wight v. Davidson, 296n82

Wilkinson v. Leland, 267n93

women’s rights movement, 242

Woodbury, Levi, 50, 68

Yale Law Journal, 44, 56, 66

Young, Coleman, 76

Zarella, Peter, 29-31, 234

Zogby survey, 138, 301n26

zoning, 98-99