Chapter Eleven

Brown, featureless desert slipped beneath the keel of the drifting airboat: the Lesser Waste, in all respects similar to the great dead region North of Duirinish, the spoliated remnants of an industrial hinterland once administrated from Thing Fifty.

tegeus-Cromis, Birkin Grif and Tomb the dwarf, locked in the cargo hold with the dead megatheria, paced restlessly the throbbing crystal deck. With a power blade at the neck of Methvet Nian, Norvin Trinor had forced the dwarf to give up his armour, although he had allowed him to keep his axe. He looked like an ancient, twisted child.

'A chance may come when I breach the defences of the organic.brain,'he said. He fondled the axe. He shrugged. 'Indeed, I may slip, and kill us all.'

The boat lurched in an updraught: white carcasses slid about the hold. Cromis stared from the single porthole down at the desert. Unknown to him, his fingers plucked at 'the hilt of the nameless sword.

'Whatever is done, it must not involve a fight. You understand that, Grif? I want no fighting unless we can be sure the Queen will remain unharmed.'

Grif nodded sulkily.

'In other words, do nothing,'he said.

As he spoke, the bulkhead door opened. Norvin Trinor stepped through, two of his wolves flanking him. He pulled at his drooping moustache.

'A commendable plan,'he said. 'Most wise.'He looked at Grif for some moments, then turned to Tomb. 'Dwarf, we have arrived. Look down there and tell me if this place was mentioned in your information.'

Tomb moved to the porthole.

'It is a desert. Deserts were indeed mentioned to me.'He showed his rotting teeth. 'Trinor, you are displaying a traditional foolishness. I can tell nothing for sure until we land.'

The traitor nodded curtly, and left. A few moments later, the airboat began to descend, bucking a little as it entered a low d level of wind.

Trinor's pilot settled the ship on a bare shield of black rock like an island in the rolling limbo of the dunes. The engines ceased to pulse, and a soft, intermittent hissing sound commenced beyond the hull. Time is erosion: an icy wind blew streams of dust across the surface of the rock. It had been blowing for a millennium.

They stood in the lee of the vehicle, eddies of wind wrapping their cloaks about them. Dust in their eyes and mouths. Cromis looked at the thin, hunched shoulders of the Queen. We are nothing but eroded men, he thought, Wind clothing our eyes with white ice. Benedict Paucemanly flew to the Earth. It is we who live on the barren Moon…

'Well?'said Trinor.

A hundred yards away reared the curving flank of a dune. From it poked the ends of broken and melted load girders, like a grove of buckled steel trees. They were bright, polished and eroded. Cromis, eyeing the desolation silently, became aware that beneath the muted cry of the archaic wind was a low humming: the rock beneath his feet was vibrating faintly.

Tomb the dwarf walked about. He bent down and put his ear to the rock. He got up again and dusted his leather leggings.

'This is the place,'he said. 'Begin digging at the base of the dune.'He grinned cockily at Cromis. 'The wolves become moles,'he said loudly. 'This would have taken us weeks without them. Perhaps we should thank Lord Traitor.'He strutted off to examine the girder-forest, his long white hair knotting in the wind.

With surly gruts, the Northmen were set to work; and by noon of the following day, their labours had exposed a rectangular doorway in the flank of the dune: a long low slit sealed with a slab of the same resistant obsidian stuff as had been used to construct the Birdmaker's tower.

The maker of the door had cut deep ideographs in it. Time and the desert had been unable to equal him in this respect:

the slab was as smooth and the ciphers as precise as if they had been made the day before. It seemed a pity that no one could read them.

Trinor was jubilant.

'We have a door,'he said, pulling at his moustache. 'Now let us see if our dwarf can provide a key.'He slapped Tomb jovially on the shoulder.

'You forget yourself,'murmured the dwarf.

He stood before the door, his lips moving silently. Perhaps he was recalling his apprenticeship on the fifth floor. He knelt. He passed his hands over a row of ideographs. A red glow sprang up and followed them. He murmured something:

repeated it.

'NEEDS YOU,'intoned the door abruptly, in a precise, hollow voice: 'NEEDS YOU. BAA, BAA. BAA. OUROBUNDOS-'

The gathered Northmen dropped their spades. Many of them made religious signs with their fingers. Eyes round, they clutched their weapons, breathing though their open mouths.

'DOG MOON, DOG YEARS,'moaned the door: 'BAA, BAA, BAA.'

And to each ritualistic syllable, Tomb made a suitable reply. Their dialogue lasted for some minutes before silence descended and he began again the process of moving his hands across the ancient script.

'GOLEBOG!'screamed the door.

A brief, intense flare of white light obscured the dwarf. He staggered out of it, beatig at his clothes. He chuckled. His hair reeked, his leggings smouldered. He blew on his fingers.

'The door mechanism has become insane over the years,'he said. 'It -'Here, he said a word that no one knew '- me, but I misled it. Look.'

Slowly, and with no sound, the obsidian slab had hinged downwards until it rested like the lower lip of a shack mechanical mouth on the dust, compacting it; and behind it stretched a sloping corridor lit by a pale, shifting pastel glow.

'Your door is open,'he told Trinor. 'The defences are down.'

Trinor rubbed the scar on his cheek.

'One hopes that they are,'he said. 'tegeus-Cromis enters first. If there should be a misunderstanding between him and the door, the Queen will follow.'

There were no accidents.

As Cromis entered the bunker, the door whispered malevolently to him, but it left him alone. The light shifted frequency several times as he stood there staring at the vanishing-point of the gently-sloping passage. Vague, unidentifiable musical sounds were all around him. Growing from the walls were clumps of crystal that reminded him of the Metal Salt Marsh; they pulsed regularly.

He felt no fear.

'Remain where you are, Lord Cromis.'Trinor's voice seemed muffled, distant, as though affected by passage through the open door. 'I shall expect to find you when I come through -'

He entered with sword drawn. He grinned.

'Just in case you had planned… Well, of course, I'm sure you hadn't.'He raised his voice. 'Bring the Queen through first.'

When they had assembled, the Northmen sullen and silent, keeping their eyes fixed on the floor and mis-hearing their orders, he made Tomb take the lead. 'Any… defences… you should disarm. Remember where the knife is held, dwarf, and who holds it.'

That corridor stretched for two miles into the earth. Shortly after they had begun to walk, they found that the incline had levelled off. The nature of the walls changed: ±e clumps of crystal were replaced by yard-square windows, armanged at four foot intervals. Nothing could be clearly discerned through them, but they were filled with a milky light in which were suspended vague but menacing organic shapes.

There were no turnings. Their footfalls echoed.

There were no junctions or side-passages. They did not speak.

They came eventually to a great circular chamber, in the centre of which columns of light and great rods of shadow wove patterns umpossible to understand, like spectral dancers at the end of Time. Its roof and walls, all of green diamond, made a perfect half-globe. Twelve corridors, including their own, led off it from twelve vaulting arches. Otherwise, it was totally featureless.

Those columns and cylinders of light and darkness flickered, intertwined, exchanged their substance, reversed their directions of motion. Motes of brighter light appeared suddenly among them, hovered like insects, and vanished. A single musical chord filled the place, a high cathedral resonance.

Cromis saw nothing he recognised as a machine.

'You had better begin,'said Trinor to the dwarf, looking uneasily about. His voice was taken by the diamond walls and flung about. As if in response, the visual display of the brain increased its activity. 'It is aware of us. I would like to leave here as soon as possible. Well?'

For a moment, the dwarf ignored him. His ugly features had softened, there was a gleam in his knowing eye. He was enraptured. He sniggered suddenly, swivelled slowly on his heel to face the traitor.

'My lord,'he said satirically, 'you ask too much. It will take a century to understand this.'He shrugged. 'Ah yes, you hold the knife, I remember.'He shook his head sadly. 'I can shut it down in a week – perhaps a little more. It is a matter of finding the right…, combination. A week: no less.'Trinor fingered his scar.

For the next few days, Cromis saw nothing of Tomb or the Queen: they were kept in the central chamber of the complex, constantly under the eyes and swords of the reluctant Northmen, while he and Grif were limited to the cargo hold of the airboat, and lived out a dreary captivity among the dead sloths.

Each day, a Nortimman brought them food.

Cromis's in-turning nature enabled him to come to terms with this – he made verses while gazing from the porthole at the unchanging waste: but it betrayed him also in the end, in that it kept him unaware of Birkin Grif's shift of mood.

Confinement chafed the big Methven. He grew irritable and posed questions without answer. 'How long do you suppose we will live after the shutdown? Tell me that.'And: 'The dwarf cares only for his machines. Are we to rot here?'

He took to sharpening his broadsword twice a day.

Later, he lay morose and withdrawn on a pile of bloody pelts, humming songs of defiance. He tapped his fingers dangerously.

Each day, a Northman brought them food.

On the sixth day after the discovery of the central chamber, Birkin Grif stood behind the door of the hold, honing his sword.

The door opened, their jailor entered.

He had an energy blade in his right hand, but it did him no good.

Grif stood over the folded corpse, eyeing with satisfaction its pumping stomach wound. He wiped his broadsword on the hem of its cloak, sheathed it. He wrested the flickering power-blade from its tightening grip. A terrible light was in his eye.

'Now,'he said.

Cromis found himself dulled and slowed by horror.

'Grif,'he murmured, 'You are mad.'

Birkin Grif stared levelly at him.

'Have we become cowards?'he said.

And he turned and ran from the hold, quick and silent.

Cromis bent over the ruin that meant death for the Queen. In the distance, cries of pain and surprise: Grif had come against the Northmen in the forepart of the ship, berserk.

The nameless sword in his hand, Cromis followed the trail of slaughter. On the command-bridge, three dead men. They sprawled grotesquely, expressions of surprise on their faces, their blood splashed over the walls. The place stank. The open hatch yawned. Wind blew in from the desert, filling the dead eyes with fine dust.

Outside, the wind tugged at him. A fifth corpse lay at the entrance to the bunkers. The door moaned and hissed as he entered. 'OURUBUNDOS,'it said. It snickered. Cromis caught up with Grif halfway down the corridor that led to the brain-chamber – too late.

His ragged cobalt mail was smeared with blood, his hands were red with murder. Over the corpse of his final victim, he faced Norvin Trinor. And behind the traitor, their blades spitting, stood ten Northern wolves.

Trinor acknowledged Cromis'arrival with an ironical nod. 'I did not expect quite such stupidity,'he said. 'I will make no more contracts with you. I see they are worthless.'

Birkin Grif ground his heel into the chest of the dead Northman. His eyes sought Trinor's, held them.

'You have killed your Queen,'Trinor said. 'Yourself, too.'

Grif moved a pace forward.

'Listen to me, Norvin Trinor,'he whispered. 'Your mother was had by a pig. At the age of ten, she gave you a disease. You have since licked the arse of Canna Moidart.

'But I will tell you this. There is still Methven enough in you to meet me now, without your dirty henchmen -'

He turned to the Northerners. 'Make a combat ring,'he said. Trinor fingered his scar. He laughed. 'I will fight you,'he said. 'It will change nothing. Four men are with Methvet Nian.

They have instructions to kill both her and the dwarf if I do not shortly return to them. You understand: die or live, you or I, it will change nothing.'

Birkin Grif dropped the stolen energy-blade and slid his broadsword from its scabbard.

The dead Northman was dragged away. In the strange milky light from the windows of the corridor, the combatants faced each other. They were not well matched. Grif, though a head taller, and of longer reach, had expended much of his strength in. the cabin of the airboat: and his slow, terrible rage made him tremble. Trinor regarded him calmly.

In the days of King Methven, both of them had learned much from tegeus-Cromis – but only one of them had ever matched his viperish speed.

They clashed.

Behind the windows, queer objects stirred and drifted, on currents of thick liquid.

Two blades made white webs in the air. The Northmen cheered, and made bets. They cut, and whirled, and leapt -Grif cumbersome, Trinor lithe and quick. Fifteen years or more before they had fought thus side by side, and killed fifty men in a morning. Against his will, Cromis drew closer, joined the combat-ring and marked the quick two-handed jab, the blade thrown up to block…

Grif stumbled.

A thin line of blood was drawn across his chest. He swore and hacked.

Trinor chuckied suddenly. He allowed the blow to nick his cheek. Then he ducked under Grif's outstretched arms and stepped inside the circle of his sword. He chopped, shortarmed, for the ribs.

Grif grunted; threw himself back, spun round; crashed unharmed into the ring of Northmen.

And Trinor, allowing his momentum to carry him crouching forward, turned the rib-cut into an oblique, descending stroke that bit into the torn mail beneath his pponent's knees, hamstringing him.

Grif staggered.

He looked down at his ruined legs. He showed his teeth. When Trinor's sword couched itself in his lower belly, he whimpered. A quick, violent shudder went through him. Blood dribbled down his thighs. He reached slowly down and put his hands on the sword.

He sat down carefully. He coughed. He stared straight at Cromis and said clearly: 'You should have killed him when you had the chance. Cromis, you should have done it -'

Blood filled his mouth and ran into his beard.

tegeus-Cromis, sometime soldier and sophisticate of the Pastel City, who imagined himself a better poet than swordsman, clenched his long, delicate fingers until Lheir rings of intagliated, non-precious metal cracked his knuckles and his nails made bloody half-moons on his palms.

A huge, insane cry welled up out of him. Desolation and murder bloomed like bitter flowers in his head.

'Trinor!'he bawled. 'Grif! Grif!'

And before the turncoat's hand had time to reach the energy blade his victim had discarded – long, long before he had time to form a stroke with his arm, or a word with his lips – the nameless blade was buried to its hilt in his mouth, its point had levered apart the bones of his neck and burst with a soft noise through the back of his skull.

tegeus-Cromis shuddered. He threw back his head and howled like a beast. He put his foot against the dead man's breastbone and pulled out his blade.

'You were never good enough, Trinor,'he said, savagely. 'Never.'

He turned to face his death and the death of the world, weeping.

'Come and kill me,'he pleaded. 'Just come and try.'

But the Northmen had no eyes for him.