Please note that index links point to page beginnings from the print edition. Locations are approximate in e-readers, and you may need to page down one or more times after clicking a link to get to the indexed material.
in the direction of your why, 19–21
on immediate issues, 21–23
words vs., 10
Action Steps, xviii–xix
Adams, Boe, 135–136
Addison, John, 4, 6–8, 12, 42–43, 70–71, 91, 130, 147, 191–192, 239, 241
Addison, Kyle, 49, 77, 156–157, 161
Addison, Loveanne, 16, 17, 50, 53, 54, 62–63, 151, 153, 156, 161, 163, 240, 242, 244, 247
Addison, Ruth Dalton, 4–8, 12, 16, 29, 39–40, 92, 93, 100–101, 144, 155, 241
Addison, Tyler, 40, 49, 77, 156–157
Adversity, embracing, 97–100
Aging, 167–168
A.L. Williams, 20, 24, 27–28, 249
change in leadership at, 53–58
criticisms of, 33–34
culture of, 56
field compensation and licensing at, 41–42
Glenn Williams at, 253
growth of, 34
leadership roles at, 104
loss of sales force after leadership change, 59–67
marketing department of, 44–45
as Primerica Financial Services, 67
recruitment of reps for, 29–30
salary at, 50
troubleshooting for, 35–36
Alvarez, Miguel, 141–142
ALW-TV, 45
American Can, 55
Apologizing, 165
Appalachian Trail, 164
Asking questions, 59–63
paying attention to people, 38–41 (See also Shine your light on others [practice #2])
what you focus on grows, 121–123
Avoiding challenges or problems, 22
Awareness, 119
Baker, Ray Stannard (David Grayson), 147–148
Be a lighthouse (practice #7), 173–195
Action Step for, 195
brightness before the storm, 175–177
do the right thing, 188–193
persevere, 184–188
and power of a clear decision, 179–184
stand firm, 177–179
Being the change you want to see, 125
Being you, 167–169
Bernanke, 202
Bradley, Omar, xiii
Britt, Chess, 60
Build on your strengths (practice #3), 53–83
Action Step for, 83
ask the right people the right questions, 59–63
businesses as organisms, 55–59
go beyond your job description, 67–70
know and focus on strengths, 76–82
speak up, 63–66
take a chance, 70–76
Building people, 47–49
Bush, Gary, 212–213
building people as purpose of, 47–49
character revealed in world of, 10
as community, 28–31
Call to adventure, 11–15
Campbell, Joseph, 11
ability to shine during, 103–104
avoiding, 22
embracing adversity, 97–100
from within yourself, 119
Chamberlain, Neville, 235
attitude toward, 174
being the change you want to see, 125
defining moments for, 17
as evolutionary vs. revolutionary, 17
Character, 10
Children, raising, 76–77
Choices, 241
Churchill, Winston, 3, 21, 22, 85–86, 97–98, 150, 173, 184–185, 234–235
Citigroup, 175–178
formation of, 110–111
and house fire, 244–245
and Primerica IPO, 180–184, 186–194, 215–223, 227–234
Primerica’s break from, 201–215
Claman, Liz, 231
Coca Cola Scholars Foundation, 18
Commissions, 61–62
Communicators, speakers vs., 36–38
Compliance systems, 105–106
Conditioning, for success, 129–134
Connecting with people, 37, 73
Control, 2
of inner chaos, 148 (See also Develop a peaceful core [practice #6])
of the past, 9–10
(See also Focus on what you can control [practice #5])
Conventions, 68–70, 175–176, 184
Credit life insurance, 99–100
Crises, 160
Crittenden, Gary, 187–188, 202–204, 208, 209, 211–215
mission and, 57–58
Primerica Financial Services, 90, 190
Dalton, Lois, 80
Dalton, Ruth, 3–4 (See also Addison, Ruth Dalton)
Danielson, Albert, 12–13
Davis, J. Mark, 18
Dawkins, Pete, 66, 70, 73–74, 90, 230
Decide who you are (practice #1), 1–25
Action Step for, 25
answer your call, 11–15
deal with today’s problems, 21–24
keep moving forward, 19–21
know your why, 15–18
look for the best in people, 6–8
role models, 3–6
and who you are vs. what you do, 9–11
Defining moments, 17
Develop a peaceful core (practice #6), 147–170
Action Step for, 170
for dark moments, 151–156
find your peaceful core, 148–150
go on being you, 167–169
let go, 164–167
positive thoughts change your brain, 161–164
pull the weeds, 156–161
Differences among people:
power of, 94–97
understanding, 91–93
Dimon, Jamie, 63, 65, 94, 230, 233
Direct Selling Association (DSA), 139–140
Direction, 116–118
Disraeli, Benjamin, 38
Don’t burn bridges (practice #8), 197–224
Action Step for, 224
become a force of nature, 214–218
build good will in good times and bad, 199–202
likeability is greatest ability, 202–208
power of a personal relationship, 211–214
you can’t do it by yourself, 208–211
Earn your position (practice #4), 85–112
Action Step for, 112
don’t take yourself seriously, 104–110
embrace adversity, 97–100
honor the past, look to the future, 87–90
lead without the title, 100–104
leadership abhors a vacuum, 86–87
power of differences, 94–97
see the world through other people’s eyes, 91–93
Economic downturn (2001), 143
Ego, setting aside, 118–121
Eisenhower, Dwight, 197
Enron, 177
Excitement, creating, 138–139
Exodus 17:8–13, 210
Expectations, 11
Fabrics America, 191
Failure, conditioning for, 131
Ficquett Elementary School (Covington), 39–40, 100–101
Financial crisis (2008-2009), 194, 197–202, 232
Fishman, Jay, 94
Focus on what you can control (practice #5), 115–145
Action Step for, 145
be clear on your purpose, 139–142
condition people for success, 129–134
figure out what you can control, 123–129
keep your hand on the rudder, 116–118
light fires within instead of under people, 134–137
put fun back in fundamentals, 138–139
set your ego aside, 118–121
what you focus on grows, 121–123
Force of nature, becoming a, 214–218
Ford Motor Company, 234
Forgiveness, 165
Franklin, Benjamin, 1, 3, 98, 107, 248
Fun, creating environment of, 138–139
Future, looking to the, 87–90
Gandhi, Mohandas, 86
Generosity, xv
Georgia State University, xvi, 46, 49
Ginn, Alexis, 211
Gladstone, William, 38
Going on being you, 167–169
Good will, 199–202
Greenhill & Co., Inc., 213, 215
Growth strategy, 124, 126–129, 134–137
Grudges, letting go of, 165
Hall, T.P., 115
Hamlisch, Marvin, 1
Happiness, 244–248
Harper, Miss (teacher), 71–73
Hawthorne Effect, 38–41
Heroes, importance of, 9
Honesty, 78
Honor, 9–11
Honoring the past, 87–90
House fire, 244–245
Human nature, 122, 126, 128, 132
Humility, 104–110
Important, making people feel, 34–38
Incremental improvement, 14–15
Independence, 208–211
Into the Storm (movie), 234
IPO, 183–184, 187–188, 215–223, 227–234
Jackson, Andrew, 198
Job description, going beyond, 67–70
Job title, leading without the, 100–104
Jobs, Steve, 1
self-, for good leadership, 119
of who you want to be, 9–11
Korbat, Michael, 215
Lay, Kenneth, 177
destructive, 86
Leadership, xiii–xv
creating a position of, 102
rise of, 86
(See also specific topics)
Leadership styles, xiii–xiv
Lehmann Brothers, 194
Letting go, 164–167
Lewis, Meir, 230–231
difficulties in, 245
living to make a difference, 248–251
purpose of, 234–237
responsibility for, 132–133
shaping events in, 241
Life insurance, 31–32
Life of Georgia, 13–20, 23, 249
Lighthouses, 173, 185–186 (See also Be a lighthouse (practice #7))
Lincoln, Abraham, 3
Living the stories you want to tell, 236–237
Living your best life, xvi
Lombardi, Vince, 227
Looking for the best:
in other people, 6–8
in yourself, 9
Looking to the future, 87–90
MacArthur, Douglas, 85
MacDonald, Audra, 2
Magner, Marge, 69, 99, 177, 244–245
Make your parents proud (practice #9), 227–252
Action Step for, 252
happiness is a decision, 244–248
importance of, 237–242
live a life that makes a difference, 248–251
make your someday your everyday, 242–244
you’re here for a reason, 234–237
Making a difference, 248–251
Management consultants, 19
Management training program (Life of Georgia), 15–16
Marchesani, Cathy, 254
Marchesani, Mark, 254
Marcus Aurelius, 115
Martin, Doug, 73–74
Massachusetts Indemnity and Life Insurance Corporation (MILICO), 35
MBA degree, xvi, 19, 20, 49, 95
McGee, Sam, 101
Meaning of life, 236
Meetings, as events, 137
Meyer, Joyce, 53
Millennium Leaders Council, 139
company people’s connection to, 59
culture and, 57–58
of leaders, 42
as measure of success, 18, 245–245
as motivation, 135–136
principle vs., 240
as reason to procrastinate, 243
Moore, Helen, 28–30
Moore’s General Merchandise, 28, 30, 80
Morrow, Duane, 152
Mortality, 168
Moses, 210
Motivation (see Why)
Moving forward, 19–21
focusing on, 121–122
letting go of the, 164–167
Negative thoughts, controlling, 156–161
Newton County High School, 91
Niederauer, Duncan, 228
Nine Practices, xv, 256 (See also individual practices)
Organisms, businesses as, 55–59, 120
Padgett, Gerald, 23, 24, 249–250
Past, honoring the, 87–90
Paul B. Mulligan and Company, 15
Peaceful core, 148–150 (See also Develop a peaceful core (practice #6))
Peale, Norman Vincent, 147, 149
PennCorp Financial, 35, 55, 94
building, 47–49
lighting fires within instead of under, 134–137
looking for the best in, 6–8
making people feel important, 34–38
paying attention to, 38–41
power of differences among, 94–97
toxic, 8
uniqueness of, 78
who are different, getting along with, 91–93
Personal relationships, power of, 211–214, 220–223
Pipe dreams, 23
Pitts, Greg, 244
Plumeri, Joe, 105–107, 111, 220, 221, 230
Positive thinking:
brain changed by, 161–164
and pulling the weeds, 156–161
The Power of Positive Thinking (Norman Vincent Peale), 149
Presidency of Primerica, 104–107
Primerica, xv
Glenn Williams as CEO of, 253
headquarters grand opening for, 250–251
IPO for, 183–184, 187–188, 215–223, 227–234
Primerica Corporation, 55, 66, 67, 97–98, 110
Primerica Financial Services, 67
boom times for, 142–144
break from Citigroup, 181–184, 186–194, 202–215
change in executives at, 90
and Citi environment, 180–181
co-CEO position at, 111, 118–121, 123–124
conventions of, 69–70, 175–176, 184
differing viewpoints during transition at, 93
effect of September 11 events on, 141–142
and financial crisis of 2008-2009, 197–202
fun environment at, 138–139
growth strategy for, 124, 126, 127–129, 134–137
Hawaii event for, 151
honoring the past but looking to the future at, 87–90
as a people business, 135
perception of new corporate team at, 87–88
presidency of, 104–107
professionalization innovations at, 105–106
regulatory problems for, 176, 178–179
risks of speaking up at, 102–103
sale of, 188–194
and Travelers merger, 110
visions for, 133–134
Prince, Chuck, 179–180, 183, 184, 186, 187
Principle, 240
avoiding, 22
embracing adversity, 97–100
responding to, 160–161
standing firm during (see Be a lighthouse [practice #7])
taking responsibility for, 48–49
Proverbs 22:6, 76–77
Pushing Up People (Art Williams), 47
Questions, asking, 59–63
Racial integration, 39–40, 91–93
Rand, Alison, 189, 219, 228, 253
Reagan, Ronald, 27
Recognition, 41 (See also Shine your light on others (practice #2))
Regulatory climate, 177–179
for problems, 48–49
for your life, 132–133
Roberts, Dr., 154–155
Role models, 3–6
Sandys, Duncan, 150
Schneider, Peter, 189, 211, 228, 253
School integration, 39–40, 91–93
Self, looking for the good in, 9
Self-image, 133
Self-knowledge, 119
Self-reflection, 168
Self-sabotage, 132
Self-worth of others, acknowledging, 5
September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, 140–142
Service, 248
Shine your light on others (practice #2), 27–51
Action Step for, 51
build business by building people, 47–50
business as a community, 28–31
leaders work for their people, 41–44
make people feel important, 34–38
mission of a company, 31–34
pay attention to people, 38–41
Significance, 107–109
Skills (see Strengths)
Someday, 242–244
Speaking, xiv
communicating vs., 36–38
as skill of author, 71–76
Speaking up, 63–66
Stanley Home Products, 28–29
as co-CEOs, 120–121
identifying, 78–79
(See also Build on your strengths [practice #3])
Stroke and recuperation, 152–156, 161–164, 167–169, 181
Stuckey, Dayna, 140, 154, 207, 249
Success, xvi–xvii
as a choice, xvii–xviii
condition people for, 129–134
from focusing on what you can control, 117
from getting along with people who are different, 93
happiness as measure of, 246–248
laws of, xvi
leaders’ fostering of, 42
from looking out for others, 48
money as measure of, 18, 245–246
needing other people for, 222–223
from pulling people up with you, 75
stereotype about path to, 74
through incremental improvement, 14–15
Taking a chance, 70–76
Talents (see Strengths)
Tesla Motors, 234
Tolstoy, Leo, 125
Toyota, 57
The Travelers Group, 110
Truman, Harry, 104
Tsai, Gerald, 94
Uniqueness, 78
University of Georgia, xvi, 12, 13, 124–125, 129–131
University of Georgia Picture Day, 53, 54
Visions, for Primerica, 133–134
Von Moltke, James, 215
Waldorf Astoria Grand Ballroom, 237–238
Washington, George, 86
business strategy of, 177–178
character of, 102
and co-CEO positions, 111
and Dawkins as CEO, 66
and Magner, 69
management style of, 90
and mergers of company, 110–111
and Plumeri as CEO, 106
and Primerica IPO, 219–221, 230
purchase of A.L. Williams by, 55–56
and Rick Williams as CEO, 94
Wells Fargo, 203
White, Joan, 142
Whitney, Meredith, 186
Whittle, Bill, 209
Who you are (see Decide who you are (practice #1))
knowing your, 15–18
in lighting fires within people, 134–137
taking action in direction of, 19–21
Williams, Angela, 250
Williams, Art, 31–33
on breaking from Citigroup, 207–208
on building people, 47–48
and change in A.L. Williams leadership, 53, 56
commissions innovation of, 61
as communicator, 36–38
at conventions, 68–69
goal of, 43–44
and leadership roles at company, 104
note from, on Primerica IPO, 239
philosophy of, 58
at Primerica grand opening, 250
work on marketing projects with, 44–47
Williams, Glenn, 189, 219, 228, 255
and Citigroup, 168
as co-CEO, 111, 118–121, 123–124, 175, 177
and credit life problem, 99–100
differences between author and, 95
and financial crisis of 2008-2009, 199, 200
and focus of Primerica, 116
friendship with, 98–99, 103, 110
as new CEO, 94
and Primerica IPO, 215–223, 227–230, 233
and Primerica’s break from Citi, 181–184, 186–194, 202, 203, 206–209, 211, 213–215, 237–241
and recruiting for Primerica, 134
and regulatory environment, 178, 180
strengths of, 95–97
Willis Group, 220
Wooden, John, 1
actions vs., 10
damage done by, 33
Working hard, xv
WorldCom, 177
Wozniak, Steve, 1
Young, Andy, 140
Young, Debbie, 140
Young, Randy, 140
Zappos, 57