image Reference Charts

Metric Conversions

Inches Millimeters 25.4
Inches Centimeters 2.54
Feet Meters 0.305
Yards Meters 0.914
Square inches Square centimeters 6.45
Square feet Square meters 0.093
Square yards Square meters 0.836
Ounces Milliliters 30.0
Pints (U.S.) Liters 0.473 (lmp. 0.568)
Quarts (U.S.) Liters 0.946 (lmp. 1.136)
Gallons (U.S.) Liters 3.785 (lmp. 4.546)
Ounces Grams 28.4
Pounds Kilograms 0.454
Millimeters Inches 0.039
Centimeters Inches 0.394
Meters Feet 3.28
Meters Yards 1.09
Square centimeters Square inches 0.155
Square meters Square feet 10.8
Square meters Square yards 1.2
Milliliters Ounces .033
Liters Pints (U.S.) 2.114 (lmp. 1.76)
Liters Quarts (U.S.) 1.057 (lmp. 0.88)
Liters Gallons (U.S.) 0.264 (lmp. 0.22)
Grams Ounces 0.035
Kilograms Pounds 2.2

Converting Temperatures

Convert degrees Fahrenheit (F) to degrees Celsius (C) by following this simple formula: Subtract 32 from the Fahrenheit temperature reading. Then, multiply that number by 5/9. For example, 77°F - 32 = 45. 45 × 5/9 = 25°C.

To convert degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit, multiply the Celsius temperature reading by 9/5. Then, add 32. For example, 25°C × 9/5 = 45. 45 + 32 = 77°F.


Metric Plywood Panels

Metric plywood panels are commonly available in two sizes: 1,200 mm × 2,400 mm and 1,220 mm × 2,400 mm, which is roughly equivalent to a 4 × 8-ft. sheet. Standard and Select sheathing panels come in standard thicknesses, while Sanded grade panels are available in special thicknesses.

7.5 mm (5/16 in.) 6 mm (4/17 in.)
9.5 mm (3/8 in.) 8 mm (5/16 in.)
12.5 mm (1/2 in.) 11 mm (7/16 in.)
15.5 mm (5/8 in.) 14 mm (9/16 in.)
18.5 mm (3/4 in.) 17 mm (2/3 in.)
20.5 mm (13/16 in.) 19 mm (3/4 in.)
22.5 mm (7/8 in.) 21 mm (13/16 in.)
25.5 mm (1 in.) 24 mm (15/16 in.)

Lumber Dimensions

1 × 2 3/4 × 1-1/2 19 × 38 mm
1 × 3 3/4 × 2-1/2 19 × 64 mm
1 × 4 3/4 × 3-1/2 19 × 89 mm
1 × 6 3/4 × 5-1/2 19 × 140 mm
1 × 8 3/4 × 7-1/4 19 × 184 mm
1 × 10 3/4 × 9-1/4 19 × 235 mm
1 × 12 3/4 × 11-1/4 19 × 286 mm
1-1/4 × 4 1 × 3-1/2 25 × 89 mm
1-1/4 × 6 1 × 5-1/2 25 × 140 mm
1-1/4 × 8 1 × 7-1/4 25 × 184 mm
1-1/4 × 10 1 × 9-1/4 25 × 235 mm
1-1/4 × 12 1 × 11-1/4 25 × 286 mm
1-1/2 × 4 1-1/4 × 3-1/2 32 × 89 mm
1-1/2 × 6 1-1/4 × 5-1/2 32 × 140 mm
1-1/2 × 8 1-1/4 × 7-1/4 32 × 184 mm
1-1/2 × 10 1-1/4 × 9-1/4 32 × 235 mm
1 -1/2 × 12 1-1/4 × 11-1/4 32 × 286 mm
2 × 4 1-1/2 × 3-1/2 38 × 89 mm
2 × 6 1-1/2 × 5-1/2 38 × 140 mm
2 × 8 1-1/2 × 7-1/4 38 × 184 mm
2 × 10 1-1/2 × 9-1/4 38 × 235 mm
2 × 12 1-1/2 × 11-1/4 38 × 286 mm
3 × 6 2-1/2 × 5-1/2 64 × 140 mm
4 × 4 3-1/2 × 3-1/2 89 × 89 mm
4 × 6 3-1/2 × 5-1/2 89 × 140 mm
6 × 6 5-1/2 × 5-1/2 140 × 140 mm

Liquid Measurement Equivalents

1 Pint = 16 Fluid Ounces = 2 Cups
1 Quart = 32 Fluid Ounces = 2 Pints
1 Gallon = 128 Fluid Ounces = 4 Quarts