London House
243–253 Lower Mortlake Road
Surrey TW9 2LL
United Kingdom
First published by Macmillan London Limited in 1989
This edition published by Alma Books Limited in 2012
Copyright © Peter Benson, 1989
Peter Benson asserts his moral right to be identified as the author of this work in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988
Printed in Great Britain
Typesetting and eBook design by Tetragon
ISBN: 978-1-8468-8192-3
eBook ISBN: 978-1-8468-8222-7
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‘(The Ilois), mostly men and women born and brought up in the islands… live their lives in surroundings of wonderful natural beauty and in conditions most tranquil and benign.’
From a British Colonial Office Film, 1950
‘The nature of (Diego Garcia) itself, which is a rather small piece of land, is also fortuitous in that it has no local population whatsoever…’
From evidence presented to US Congress Sub-Committee, March 1974
‘This is the deed of me… and the adult members of my family… I am an Ilois who left that part of the BIOT never to return… we accept the money already paid… and we abandon all our claims and rights (if any) of whatever nature to return to the BIOT’
Extract from a ‘Deed of Acceptance & Power of Attorney’ prepared by the British Government in 1979
‘If you liked Vietnam, you’ll love Diego Garcia.’
Congressman Robert Leggett addressing the American Congress, 1974
‘There are very, very few secrets in Government.’
Tony Benn speaking to the UK Parliament’s Public Administration Select Committee on 16 March 2006. Tony Benn was a member of the Labour cabinet that secretly agreed to remove forcibly the Ilois from Diego Garcia and lease the island to the USA in exchange for a $14 million discount in the cost of purchasing Polaris ballistic missiles.