
Chapter Nine


COULD THE WITCH HAVE given me a more difficult task? I simply have to break their treaty, without magic and without a way to talk to people. It’s as if she set me up to fail. Rin tossed a few pebbles into the well. The water rippled, spreading outward. I could do with a bit of chaos. That’s what Kitsune are best at anyway. She did not move right away and stood staring at the water’s surface. Why did Hikaru have to be such a bore? I liked him; I thought he might help me in my plot. He seemed discontent when we spoke with his father. But failing him, Hotaru would suit. She sighed. But then again, he knows I am a spy—or at least he suspects.

She walked down the stairs away from the well. The maid, Yuri, who had been assigned to Rin’s care, stood a few feet away. She trembled whenever Rin looked in her direction. And right now she was shaking. Rin pursed her lips. I’d rather be alone. It makes spying easier if she is not hovering over me.

The garden where Rin had been lingering most of the morning was at the center of the palace. Hallways radiated out from it; she had watched as minor clansmen bustled about. They all quickened their pace when they came close to her. They all feared her, she suspected. Which was almost laughable, she could do nothing to them in this form. After a careful study of the landscape, it seemed the most traffic went down the center hallway. She brushed past the handmaiden and went towards the hall.

“My lady, you cannot go that way,” Yuri said, her voice as tiny as a mouse.

Rin gave her the most imperious look she could manage. The girl took a step back. Rin shook her head and walked in that direction. The young woman ran in front of her.

“That area is forbidden to women. It is a man’s place,” she said. Her bottom lip quivered. It would not be hard to knock the girl over and go anyway. But Rin knew she would not get far. The humans loved their rules and ceremony.

Rin bowed, pretending to be the obedient lady. But the young girl only scrunched her nose in confusion. The bowing seemed important to the humans, but she could not get the timing right. Rin turned to head towards her chamber, Yuri trailing after her. Back at her chamber, Rin pointed to the veranda that overlooked her private garden and with a slashing motion indicated the handmaiden should leave.

“Will you be needing anything?” Yuri asked.

Rin replied with a quick shake of her head. The girl all but ran from the room. She waited, listening to the sound of her receding footsteps, and when she was sure she was gone, she smiled to herself.

Rin shed her outer robes, down to the shift beneath. The copious layers of silk the humans favored kept her from moving freely. She wriggled her toes free of the socks the handmaiden had insisted she wear. She could feel the air against her skin, and she peeled the fabric from her sweaty skin. Standing in the center of the symmetrical, orderly garden, she longed for the forest, the open places, and the disorganized beauty of the wild. She wished she had her proper sense of smell and all the other little things she had taken for granted before. All these humans said one thing and their body language indicated another. Take Hikaru and his brother, though they used polite words with one another, the air practically crackled between them. I think I have something there, if I can use their animosity for my own devices.

At the opposite end of the garden a vine grew up the wall nearly to the roof. Rin stood at the base of the plant and looked up. She flexed her fingers and then tugged on the vines, testing their hold on the trellis. When she was certain they would hold, she proceeded to climb up. At the top the vines were thinner and they pulled away from the wall. One broke loose and she leaned backwards, the ground spinning beneath her. Blindly, she swung her arm out to grab at the edge of the roof. With the tips of her fingers, she clawed her way up onto the top of the roof. She lay face down on the warm tiles for a moment as she panted. I do not have the same strength in this form. I must remember that. One misstep and I will snap my neck.

When she had caught her breath, she crouched on the roof and surveyed the palace from above. Much of it was connected by covered walkways. From up above, she could see the wider pathways leading to the center and the hidden parts of the palace, including the allegedly haunted shrine. A part of her wanted to investigate, but she knew she had to focus on the task at hand. Once she had her bearings, she set out, hunched over in a slow waddle, towards her destination. She needed to learn more about the palace. Who was an enemy of whom, and what were their desires and goals. In that respect the palace was not much different than the Dragon’s kingdom.

The palace occupants scurried just beneath her feet. She heard murmured conversations, servants greeting one another in the halls. They gossiped with one another about nothing of consequence to her. Her name came up more than once; the servants whispered it as if saying it would bring her down upon their heads. She considered doing just that, but as amusing as that would be, it would ruin all her spying efforts. She stopped on the rooftop closest to the center, where the family resided.

“You won’t win with that tactic,” said a grizzled voice.

“War is won with wit, don’t you know that, you old fool?” replied a thin reedy voice.

Rin crept closer to the edge of the roof. She tilted her head to hear better. She was surprised she had heard them at all. Human hearing was sadly lacking.

“There, take that,” said the grizzled voice.

“You’re a cheat. This is why no one wants to play with you, Arata,” said the reedy voice.

What are they arguing about? Holding onto the edge of the roof, she lowered her head over. All the blood rushed downward and her arms shook as she peeked upside down at the room beneath her. Two old men sat at a board covered in square tiles. The first old man, with wisps of white hair tied into a topknot on top of his head, stroked his beard as he regarded the board. The second old man, who was completely bald, crossed his arms over his chest and scowled.

“Taking longer will not win you the game,” he taunted his opponent.

Just then the doors at the opposite end of the room slid open. A woman knelt by the door and was focused on picking up a platter. When she looked up, her eyes met Rin’s. She screamed and the two men jumped, nearly toppling over the board. Rin yanked her head back and ran over the rooftops and away. But not fast enough, it seemed.

“It was an evil spirit, I saw it!” the woman screamed.

The shouts seemed to ripple out from there. I must run or I will be caught. The rooftop ended at a gap. Footsteps hammered behind her, and at the far end of the roof, soldiers climbed up and closed the gap between them. If they found her sneaking about, Lord Kaedemori was sure to lock her up or worse. She looked down at the ground below. There was a small garden, with a pond in the center. The space was not so far that she felt she could not jump it. But she was judging it based on her fox abilities. As a woman, she might fall and break her fragile neck.

“You there, stop!” a soldier called out.

She had no choice now. She backed up a few feet and then ran. Her bare feet pounded on the roof tiles. One slipped beneath her foot and she stumbled. It slowed her down, but she kept going, gaining as much momentum as she could. The edge came up faster than she expected and she leapt, a prayer on her lips. She sailed through the air in slow motion. Beneath her, she saw a pair of servants pointing up at her, one covering his mouth with his hand. She collided with the edge of the roof. She hung there for a moment, her legs kicking, searching for purchase. Then with trembling arms, she pulled herself up onto the roof. She ran over the top to the other side and crouched down out of sight. The space below was deserted. She lowered herself down, but her hands shook and her fingers could not hold her weight. She fell onto a veranda. Her legs jarred and pain ran up her limbs like sparks of flame. Fueled by fear, she kept moving. After a quick glance, she found an empty room, the doors opened onto the veranda.

Footsteps rained on the roof overhead and shouts rang out from beyond the garden. She scurried into the room and hid herself behind a screen at the back. Just as she slipped behind it, the door opposite the veranda opened and she heard footsteps.

“What is this commotion?” Hotaru asked.

She held her breath. It was just her luck. If Hotaru found her hiding from the guards, her cover would be blown.

“Sounds like the men are practicing in the halls,” said a second man, who laughed at his own joke.

“This is serious, Kichirou,” Hikaru said.

Rin moved closer to the screen to better hear what they were saying. It was a risky move, but she dared not let a golden opportunity pass her by.

“Are you afraid you will have to fight after all, brother?” Hotaru taunted.

“I fear our staff have run mad with stories of spirits, and they are jumping at their own shadows,” Hikaru replied.

“But if it is an attack, then you will not be able to hide behind your wife’s army as you hoped.”

“Now, now, brothers, I am sure it is just a misunderstanding,” said Kichirou.

A tense silence followed. Though Rin could not see them, she imagined Hikaru and Hotaru glaring at one another while the third brother grinned at their discomfort.

Hotaru broke the silence. “I will not stay locked away like a cowering old woman. You two can join me or wait, the decision is yours.”

He stomped out of the room and slammed the door after him as he left.

“Do not let him get to you, Hikaru. He does not mean anything by it,” Kichirou said.

“You do not have to defend him.”

Rin fought the urge to reveal herself and comfort Hikaru. The defeat in his voice spoke to her. She knew what it meant to live in the shadow of someone who eclipsed you in all things. Her entire life had been spent attending to Yokai that were more powerful than her, better connected and knew it. Why the Dragon had chosen her out of all the other options, she would never know, but she knew she had to prove her worth. I never realized how similar humans are to us. It was a revealing thought.

“Will you come and lead the men?” Kichirou asked.

“No, go and join our brother. I will be out in a moment.” Hikaru’s voice sounded close by. He must have crept over without her realizing it. Damn this inferior hearing.

The door opened and closed. Rin held her breath for a moment. Now was her chance. Of all the brothers, Hikaru was the most likely to help her get back to her room unseen and without questions. She stepped out from behind the screen.

“Rin!” he shouted.

She rushed forward to cover his mouth from screaming further.

She looked to the door, listening for approaching footsteps, but it seemed they were looking for her elsewhere. When she looked back to Hikaru, he was staring at her. She was wearing nothing more than her white undershift. His eyes grazed over the swell of her hips and skimmed along the tops of her breasts. She flushed unexpectedly. She took her hand from his mouth. She brushed her fingertips against her palm; it was warm from his breath.

“What are you doing here, and dressed like—” He coughed.

She smiled at him. She regretted her temper from the day before. She had a hunch that Hikaru’s wife had something to do with this treaty the witch was intent on destroying.

He shook his head. His eyes drifted downward only to snap back to her face suddenly. “You were the one on the roof, weren’t you?”

She lowered her lashes in mock shame.

“It does not matter. I should take you back to your room. My father will be furious if he finds you here... especially in your underclothes.” He cleared his throat and then turned his back to her. He shed his overcoat and handed it to her.

She took it and slipped into it. His scent clung to it. She inhaled deeply. Even as a human she found his scent pleasant.

“Follow me, I know a secret way.” He held out his hand for her to take. He did not grab her as he had done before. He can be taught.

They went down the back steps through the garden and into a hallway. Hikaru led the way, not letting go of her hand. She found the pressure of his pulse against hers comforting. He opened a chamber door, poked his head inside and then motioned for her to follow with a jerk of his head. She went after him. They moved through the room, the only sound was their footsteps on the floor. Then through the transparent paper doors, she saw a shadow just beyond. Hikaru stepped in front of her, blocking her from view. The figure stopped outside the door and seemed to be considering opening the door, then after a few tense moments, turned and walked down the hall. Hikaru exhaled. He opened the door, checked to make sure the coast was clear, and then they ran down the hallway together.

When they reached her chamber, they burst through the doors and slammed them shut. They were both breathless as Hikaru laughed. “I cannot believe you were sneaking about in your underclothes. What madness drove you to do such a thing?”

She tilted her head and regarded him. He was very handsome, especially when he smiled. She pulled him close, and when their faces were inches apart, she leaned forward. He pulled back suddenly and dropped her hand.

“I’m sorry, you’re beautiful and...” He shook his head. “I am a married man. I cannot betray my wife.”

That doesn’t matter. I only need you for one night, just enough time to learn your secrets. She moved closer to him despite his protests.

He stepped back. “I am sorry. If even a whisper of my infidelity reached my wife’s father, it would destroy the treaty.”

Rin stepped back, her hand pressed to her chest. She looked at him with new eyes. This was it. The answer to breaking the spell. I will have you, then. You do not know it yet, but no mortal can resist a Kitsune’s charms. Even one without her powers.