When they had all left the Great Pyramid that night, they had left happily united in a bubble of safety and Love. A bond had been formed between the twelve Magdalenes, Adam and Marianna. It was good to have a group. It would help them infiltrate whatever it was that needed to be infiltrated, and allow them to use people that were not known to their devoted dark followers.
Flights were booked to Rome. They travelled in two’s and three’s on different flights and at different times, all agreed to meet up at a church, the Santa Maria Maggiore, in one of the clerical meeting rooms at the back. There they would formulate the way forward and the route to the M Key. Two had gone to Paris to follow up on the people who had been following Adam and Marianna. They would see what they could dig up about them and take it forward to bring the situation to completion.
They were at the church, all had arrived, the appointed hour had arrived, 8.00 p.m. The church was now closed to all outsiders, however, the priest, a member of their group, had let them in.
Silvio, one of the Magdalenes, stood up and said, “The information we have is simple. The Magdalene Key artefacts are held in the vaults of the Vatican, overseen by the cardinal known as VM. It is held in a vault which will be very difficult to open and get in to”. There was a lot of muttering and discussion in the group. Adam called for quiet and asked Silvio to go on.
“We need to formulate a plan to get in and open it, we cannot be sure either that this information is the Truth. We may be being sent on a wild goose chase. However, it is the best and only information we have”.
More mutterings and discussion took place.
Adam called them to order. Anthony, an elder statesman of the group, stood up and spoke, “I regret to say that in my younger days I learned how to crack open safes. It may help when it comes to the vault, but what type is it, how can we find out the necessary details?”
He sat down and then Isabella, a soft quietly spoken soul spoke up, “My cousin has access. He goes in to check up and update some of the priest’s computers. I could ask him to find the necessary information”.
“Brilliant, Isabella”, Silvio said, “Do any more of you have contacts in the Vatican? Can we get floor plans etc.”? Some nodding was going on as another two put their hands up.
Maria said, “My cousin and my brother’s friend have access”.
So it went on, as one after the other checked in their interest. Gradually, they realised that among the twelve, they had every bit of access to the information they needed. All was indeed in Divine Right Order and they could commence planning. Instructions were fed out to all and they left agreeing to meet again in forty-eight hours. Same time, same place to report back to Adam and Marianna.
When they got back to their hotel Marianna threw herself on the bed. She closed her eyes and stretched. It was good to be drawing all the Magdalene strands together as suddenly, rather than just the two, Adam and herself. They were a total of fourteen. She admitted freely to Adam that this had concerned her a bit at first, as it was a lot of people and input to keep tabs on. However, now she saw the beauty of having a team of twelve working with them to retrieve the M key, Spirit was guiding and co-creating, she didn’t need to control or keep tabs on it. There were no egos involved, so they were all collaborating and co-operating. No competition, how refreshing. They held only the Highest Good for All of Humanity in their sights - and that’s all that was on their agenda.
She relished the thought of a nice hot bath and invited him to join her. Adam laughed and did so with alacrity. He was pleased to see that a lot of the pressure that Marianna had felt seemed to have dissipated, and yet he knew there was a lot more still to come. Let’s just focus on the present moment, he thought, the love and the joy. Tomorrow can look after itself. He lay back in the warm water with his beloved. “How cool was this”? He thought. How much better can it get?