Page numbers in italics indicate tables and charts.
- Ackroyd, Stephen, 7–8, 125, 142–143
- Affordable Care Act (U.S.), 162n1
- Airtasker, 3
- algorithmic management, 3, 14, 144–145
- analytical approach, 147–148
- Anderson, Elizabeth S., vi
- Arkwright, Richard, 29, 52
- Arquilla, John, 132
- ASDA, 20
- Atlas.ti, 153
- “at-will” employment status, 1, 26–27, 30, 57–58, 62, 63, 92–93, 136, 141, 159n69
- Australia, workplace regimes in, 13, 15
- Batstone, Eric, 47
- Bear, Laura, 68
- benefits. See pay, bonuses, benefits, and profit-sharing
- Bentham, Jeremy, 158n48
- Beynon, Huw, 15, 33, 54, 107, 109, 110
- Bezuidenhout, Andries, 13
- bonuses. See pay, bonuses, benefits, and profit-sharing
- Boraston, Ian, 47
- Bourdieu, Pierre, 18, 21, 23, 100, 113, 117, 163n30
- Brazil, workplace regimes in, 12
- Brown, William, 32
- Burawoy, Michael: Chicago machine shop ethnography, 10, 11, 106–107; on extended case method, 148, 149, 154; on securing and obscuring of exploitation, 139; on work games, 106–107, 110, 117, 118; on working time, 161n1; workplace regime theory of, 10–12, 14–18, 29, 30, 34, 53, 55, 73, 75, 158n40
- call centers, 4, 13, 16, 17, 107–108, 109, 139
- Carré, Françoise, 132
- cashiers and checkouts, 103–104
- casino dealers, 16, 139, 159n69
- Cavendish, Ruth (Miriam Glucksmann), 34–35, 155
- chemical plant ethnography, 15, 16, 33, 108
- Chicago machine shop ethnography, 10, 11, 106–107
- childcare issues, 49, 83, 85–86, 87, 94
- China, work games in, 16, 108
- Chun, Jennifer Jihye, 14, 132, 137–138
- “coaching for improvement” as disciplinary procedure at ConflictCo (U.S.), 62–63
- collective bargaining. See unions and collective bargaining
- Colorado miners’ strike (1914), 53
- compensation. See pay, bonuses, benefits, and profit-sharing
- competitive capitalism, 55, 135
- ConflictCo case study (U.S.), 19–24; escapism, 100, 109–110, 111; internal labor market, 90–93; methodological approach, 150–155; pay, bonuses, benefits, and profit-sharing, 60, 61, 64–66, 90–92; reputational damage, threat of, 23, 132–133; resistance, 101, 120–121, 126–133; schedule gifts, 100, 114, 117, 118–119, 141; work dynamics in low-end retail, 102–105, 118; work games, absence of, 99–100, 108–109, 111–112, 118, 139–140. See also internal state at ConflictCo; temporal despotism at ConflictCo; worker association at ConflictCo
- “ConflictCo cheer,” 27–28, 68, 70–71, 126
- Consumer Price Index (CPI), 160n32
- contradictory consciousness, 148, 163n25
- customer management strategies, 14, 40, 144
- data collection techniques, 150–153
- Deliveroo, 3
- Denmark, precarious scheduling in, 4
- despotic time. See specific entries at temporal despotism
- despotism in the flexible workplace. See flexible despotism
- disciplinary procedures: “coaching for improvement” at ConflictCo (U.S.), 62–63; at PartnershipCo (UK), 41–42, 51. See also flexible discipline
- domestic abuse dynamic and worker acceptance of exploitation, 112–113
- Edwards, Paul, 11, 32–33, 109
- Edwards, Richard, 10
- egalitarians, vi
- electronic surveillance and panopticon, 13, 19, 158n48. See also surveillance
- Elliot, Fiona, 163n30
- employment insecurity at ConflictCo (U.S.), 26–27, 57–58, 90, 110, 127, 141
- employment security: in hegemonic regimes, 11, 107; at PartnershipCo (UK), 38, 47, 76, 90, 107; work games and, 16, 105, 107
- Engels, Friedrich, 30
- escapism, 100, 107, 109–111, 139
- ethical research issues, 155
- Europe: precarious scheduling in, 4–5, 142; workplace hegemony in, 9. See also specific countries
- European Working Conditions Survey, 157n7, 157n17
- exploitation, 7–8, 102–119; escapism and, 100, 107, 109–111, 139; explaining worker acceptance of, 112–113; obscuring, 10–11, 16, 22, 102, 120; through normative control, 16–17, 19; work dynamics in low-end retail and, 103–106, 119; by workplace regimes and workplace hegemony, 8–13. See also flexible despotism; resistance; schedule gifts; work games
- extended case method, 148–150, 154
- Facebook, 61, 129–132
- “facing up,” 103
- family life. See work-life balance and temporal despotism
- Fantasia, Rick, 148
- fast-food workers, 16, 107, 108, 128, 139, 163n17
- Financial Times, 2
- Fiverr, 3
- flexibility, functional, 103–104
- flexible contracts at PartnershipCo (UK), 81–82, 162n6
- flexible despotism, 1–24, 134–145; decline of hegemony and rise of, 134–37; disciplining and controlling effects of, 15; dual core/peripheral labor market theories and, 14–15; electronic surveillance and panopticon, 13, 19, 158n48 (See also surveillance); exploitation and resistance in workplace and, 7–8 (See also exploitation; resistance); future of, 143–145; generalizability of, 141–142; historical development of workplace regimes and, 8–13, 29–35, 52–56, 142–144; internal state and internal labor market, interaction of, 10–12, 75 (See also internal labor market, and specific entries at internal state); limits of market despotism in contemporary workplace and, 137; methodological approach to studying, 147–155; normative controls, 16–17; normative controls and, 16–17, 19, 139–140 (See also normative controls); on-demand economy driving, 1–2, 5, 14, 15, 19, 24, 102, 119, 144; power relationship, work viewed as, 6–7; precarious scheduling practices, 2–6, 15, 21, 157n5; retail sector, focus on, 20; schedule gifts and, 112–119, 140 (See also schedule gifts); service sector and customer service management, 14; temporal versus numerical flexibility, focus on, 2–3, 19, 20–21, 137–138 (See also numerical flexible despotism; specific entries at temporal despotism); types of jobs affected by, 5; in U.S. versus UK, 5–6, 19–24, 20, 141 (See also United Kingdom; United States); work games and, 16, 105–112 (See also work games); worker-controlled versus employer-controlled flexibility, 3–6, 78; workplace regimes and workplace hegemony, 8–13, 158nn39–40 (See also workplace regimes)
- flexible discipline, 100, 102, 113, 134, 138–139; at ConflictCo (U.S.), 74, 90, 95–98; control of workers via, 28, 74, 140, 141, 142; defined, 15; at ParternshipCo (UK), 74, 76, 87–89; precarious scheduling enabling, 5, 142; schedule gifts obscuring, 18, 21, 140, 141; subtlety and ambiguity of, 22
- flight attendants ethnography, 8
- flirting, having a laugh, horseplay, and messing around, 100, 107, 110–111, 139
- Ford, Henry, 33, 54
- Ford Motor Company and Fordism, 12, 15, 17, 20, 33–34, 54, 107, 110, 111, 122, 128
- Foucault, Michel, 13, 40, 60, 62, 158n48
- founder personality cult at ConflictCo (U.S.), 27–28, 66–68, 69–70, 130–131, 163n25
- Fourier, Charles, 30
- France: precarious scheduling in, 4; work games in, 16
- Fraser, Hamish, 160n8, 160n10
- Frenkel, Stephen, 47
- Friedman, Andrew, 106
- functional flexibility, 103–104
- Gallie, Duncan, 47
- General Motors, 20, 128
- General Social Survey, 157n6
- Germany, precarious scheduling in, 4
- gifts and gift theory. See schedule gifts
- gig economy labor platforms, 1, 3, 14, 144–145, 164n12
- Glucksmann, Miriam (Ruth Cavendish), 34–35, 155
- Gramsci, Antonio, 8–10, 13, 158n39
- Great Depression, 54–56
- Great Recession/global economic crisis, 2, 4–5, 36
- grievance procedures: open-door policy at ConflictCo (U.S.), 27, 63–64, 67, 72; at PartnershipCo (UK), 43–45, 51
- Handy, 3
- Harvey, David, 12
- having a laugh, horseplay, messing around, and flirting, 100, 107, 110–111, 139
- Heckscher, Charles, 132
- hegemonic workplace regimes: ConflictCo (U.S.) never fully embracing, 64, 135–136; decline of, 12–13, 35, 56, 134–137; historical development of, 8–9, 31–35, 53–56; internal state and internal labor market, 10–11, 158nn39–40; PartnershipCo (UK) resembling, 26, 39, 44, 50–51, 136–137; in UK, 31–35; in U.S., 53–56; work games in, 105–106, 107, 118
- historical development of workplace regimes, 8–13, 29–35, 52–56, 142–143
- Hochschild, Arlie, 8
- horseplay, messing around, flirting, and having a laugh, 100, 107, 110–111, 139
- identity, appropriation of, 8
- Imperial Tobacco Factory study, 34, 107, 111
- Indian shipbuilders’ study, 68
- injustice, workplace framing of, 60–61, 122–123, 130–131
- Instagram, 131
- intensity of work, 91, 99, 104–105, 162n1
- internal labor market: at ConflictCo (U.S.), 90–93; defined, 75, 76; internal state, interaction with, 10–12; at PartnershipCo (UK), 76–77
- internal state at ConflictCo (U.S.), 26–28, 52–72; “at-will” employment status at, 26–27, 57–58, 62, 63; “coaching for improvement” as disciplinary procedure at, 62–63; compared to PartnershipCo (UK), 28, 39, 44, 52, 60, 62, 71, 72, 90; “ConflictCo cheer,” 27–28, 68, 70–71; employment insecurity, 26–27, 57–58, 90, 110, 127, 141; hegemonic practices never fully embraced at, 64, 135–136; historical background to workplace regimes in UK and, 52–56; injustice, framing of, 60–61, 130–131; market despotism at, 27–28, 71–72, 137; normative controls, destabilizing effects of, 27–28, 68–71, 139–140; open-door grievance policy, 27, 63–64, 67, 72; pay, bonuses, benefits, and profit-sharing, 60, 61, 64–66; Policy Guide, 58–59, 161n31; precarious scheduling, 57, 73–74; propaganda, ritual, and founder personality cult at, 27–28, 66–68, 69–70, 130–131, 140, 163n25; research and observations, 56–57; surveillance, 61–62; unions, hostility to, 27, 28, 58–59, 67, 68–69, 127, 141; worker association at, 27, 28, 59–61, 68, 72
- internal state at PartnershipCo (UK), 25–26, 29–51; collective agreement with union at, 25–26, 37–39, 47–50; compared to ConflictCo (U.S.), 28, 39, 44, 52, 60, 62, 71, 72, 90; disciplinary procedures, 41–42, 51; employment contracts, 25, 36–37; employment security, 38, 47, 107; escapism at, 100; grievance procedures, 43–45, 51; hegemonic workplace regime, resembling, 26, 39, 44, 50–51, 136–137; historical background to workplace regimes in UK and, 29–35; Mulling Point hypermarket study, 36, 37, 44–45; normative control at, 26, 47–50, 139–140; pay, bonuses, benefits, and profit-sharing, 45–46, 46, 47, 51; precarious scheduling, 26, 39, 43, 44, 47, 48, 49; precarious scheduling, use of, 26, 39, 43, 44, 47, 48, 49; research and observations, 35–36; surveillance at, 40–41; workers’ power and rights at, 36–38
- Iran, workplace regimes in, 12
- Ireland, precarious scheduling in, 4
- Japan, flexible despotism in, 12
- Kabyle peasants (Algeria), gift-giving among, 18, 23, 113, 117
- Kalleberg, Arne, 15
- Kelly, John, 38, 60, 122
- labor matching reviews at PartnershipCo (UK), 79–80, 123
- labor unions. See unions and collective bargaining
- Lakatos, Imre, 149
- Lambert, Rob, 13
- Lambert, Susan, 2
- Las Vegas casino dealers, 16, 139, 159n69
- learning games, 16, 108, 109
- Leidner, Robin, 163n17
- Ludlow Massacre, 53, 55
- Lukács, Janos, 17
- Lukes, Steven, 147, 158n25
- “making out” work games, 106–107
- Mann, Michael, 69
- market despotism: at ConflictCo (U.S.), 27–28, 71–72, 137; limits of, in contemporary workplace, 137; before Second World War, 8; in UK, 29–31; in U.S., 52–54; work games and, 106
- Marx, Karl, 11, 29–30
- Mauss, Marcel, 18, 100, 113
- Mears, Ashley, 18, 100, 113
- messing around, flirting, having a laugh, and horseplay, 100, 107, 110–111, 139
- mobility issues within pay and job structures, 22, 73, 78, 91, 136
- monopoly capitalism, 54–55, 135
- Montgomery, David, 54
- Mulling Point hypermarket (UK) study: “facing up,” 103; internal state at PartnershipCo and, 36, 37, 44–45; methodological approach to, 152, 155; schedule gifts at, 115; temporal despotism at PartnershipCo and, 78, 83, 84, 88
- My-Guide (software), 61
- National Labor Relations Board, 59
- Nichols, Theo, 33
- normative controls, 16–17, 19, 139–140; at ConflictCo (U.S.), 27–28, 68–71, 139–140; PartnershipCo (UK), union at, 26, 47–50, 139–140
- numerical flexible despotism: defined, 139; temporal versus numerical flexibility, focus on, 2–3, 19, 20–21, 137–138; temporary contract workers and, 80–81
- on-demand economy, 1–2, 5, 14, 15, 19, 24, 102, 119, 144
- open-door policy at ConflictCo (U.S.), 27, 63–64, 67, 72
- panopticon, electronic, 13, 19, 158n48. See also surveillance
- paper mill study, 17
- PartnershipCo case study (UK), 19–24; employment security, 38, 47, 76, 90, 107; internal labor market at, 76–77; methodological approach, 150–155; pay, bonuses, benefits, and profit-sharing, 45–46, 46, 47, 51, 77–78; resistance, 101, 120, 121–126; schedule gifts, 100, 114, 115–117, 118–119, 140; work dynamics in low-end retail, 102–105, 118, 119; work games, absence of, 99–100, 110–112, 118, 139–140. See also internal state at PartnershipCo; Mulling Point hypermarket (UK) study; temporal despotism at PartnershipCo
- part-time workers, 37, 79, 81–84, 92, 93, 97
- paternalism in the workplace, 54, 55
- pay, bonuses, benefits, and profit-sharing: at ConflictCo (U.S.), 60, 61, 64–66, 90–92; at PartnershipCo (UK), 45–46, 46, 47, 51, 77–78
- Polanyi, Karl, 31
- Pollard, Sidney, 31
- Pollert, Anna, 34, 107, 111
- Popper, Karl, 149
- positionality of researcher, 154–155
- Poulantzas, Nico, 9
- power: defined as social power, 158n25; work viewed as power relationship, 6–7
- precariat class, 5
- precarious scheduling: concept of, 2–6, 15, 21, 157n5; at ConflictCo (U.S.), 57, 73–74, 90, 93–95, 98, 162n1; flexible discipline, enabling, 142; insecurity generated by, 134, 139; at PartnershipCo (UK), 26, 39, 43, 44, 47, 48, 49, 73–74, 78–87, 88, 89; resistance and, 101, 120–123, 126, 130, 131, 133; schedule gifts and, 112–114, 116, 118, 140, 142; similar levels, in U.S. versus Europe, 157n2; temporal flexiblity achieved by, 138, 142; ubiquity of, 4–5, 142
- product, appropriation of, 8
- profit-sharing. See pay, bonuses, benefits, and profit-sharing
- propaganda and ritual at ConflictCo (U.S.), 27–28, 66–68, 69–70, 130–131, 140, 163n25
- reflexivity issues, 154–155
- reputational damage, threat of, 23, 132–134
- resistance, 7–8, 23, 101, 120–133; at ConflictCo (U.S.), 101, 120–121, 126–133; hidden resistance, 8, 101, 123, 133; injustice, workplace framing of, 122–123, 130–131; at PartnershipCo (UK), 101, 120, 121–126; precarious scheduling and, 57, 73–74, 90, 93–95, 98, 162n1; propensity toward, analyzing, 148; reputational damage, through threat of, 23, 132–134; respect, ConflictCo workers’ emphasis on, 130–131; sabotage, 125–126; social media and, 23, 61, 101, 121, 128–134, 163n1; surveillance and, 124, 126; swarming, 131–132; team systems generating, 17; union, open resistance through, at PartnershipCo, 121–122; work to rule/go slow tactics, 124–125; worker association at ConflictCo and, 101, 127–133
- respect, ConflictCo workers’ emphasis on, 130–131
- restocking shelves, 103–104, 105
- retail sector, focus on, 20
- ritual and propaganda at ConflictCo (U.S.), 27–28, 66–68, 69–70, 130–131, 140, 163n25
- Rockefeller, John, Jr., 53, 55
- Ronfeldt, John, 132
- Roy, Donald, 11, 107, 110, 111
- Russell, Andrew, 153
- sabotage, as resistance, 125–126
- Sallaz, Jeffery J., 159n69
- schedule gifts, 112–119, 140–141; concept of, 18–19; at ConflictCo (U.S.), 100, 114, 117, 118–119, 140; flexible discipline obscured by, 18, 21, 140, 141; gift theory and, 18, 23, 100, 113; managerial intentions regarding, 117, 163n30; misrecognition of, 18, 21, 100, 113, 114–115, 117, 163n30; at PartnershipCo (UK), 100, 114, 115–117, 118–119, 140; precarious scheduling and, 112–114, 116, 118, 140, 142; work games replaced by, 23
- schedule insecurity and temporal despotism: at ConflictCo (U.S.), 94–95; injustice, workplace framing of, 122–123; at PartnershipCo (UK), 86–87
- Scott, James C., 7, 101, 148
- Scullion, Hugh, 32–33
- seniority rules, 10, 54, 73, 75, 76
- service sector economy, 14
- shelf stacking, 103–104, 105
- short hour contracts, 3, 82–84
- Slater, Samuel, 52
- Smith, Andrew, 163n30
- social media, 23, 61, 101, 121, 128–134, 163n1
- social power, 158n25
- Social Security, US introduction of, 55–56
- socialist workplaces, 17
- South Africa, workplace regimes in, 12, 13
- South Korea, workplace regimes in, 13
- spaces of resistance. See resistance
- speedometer factory, female workers at, 34–35
- Standard Oil of New Jersey strikes, 53, 55
- Standing, Guy, 5
- Stockholm syndrome, 112–113
- surveillance: at ConflictCo (U.S.), 61–62; electronic surveillance and panopticon, 13, 19, 158n48; at PartnershipCo (UK), 40–41; resistance and, 124, 126
- swarming, 131–132
- Sweden, precarious scheduling in, 4
- TaskRabbit, 3
- team systems, 17
- temporal despotism at ConflictCo (U.S.), 73–74, 90–98; at-will employment and, 92–93; flexible discipline, 74, 90, 95–98; internal labor market and, 90–93; pay and mobility issues related to, 90–92; precarious scheduling, 73–74, 90, 93–95, 98, 162n1; schedule insecurity, 94–95; work-life balance, impairment of, 93–94
- temporal despotism at PartnershipCo (UK), 73–74, 75–89; flexible contract workers, 81–82, 162n6; flexible discipline, 74, 76, 87–89; internal labor market and, 76–77; labor matching reviews for standard contract workers, 79–80, 123; part-time workers, 37, 79, 81–84, 92, 93, 97; pay and mobility issues related to, 77–78; precarious scheduling, 73–74, 78–87, 88, 89; schedule insecurity, 86–87; short hours contracts, 82–84; temporary contract workers and numerical flexibility, 80–81; work-life balance, impairment of, 84–86
- temporal versus numerical flexibility, focus on, 2–3, 19, 20–21, 137–138
- temporary workers, 14, 15, 36–38, 80–81
- textile factory, work games in, 16, 108
- theoretical coding, 153–154
- Thompson, E. P., 75–76
- Thompson, Paul, 7–8, 125, 142–143
- turnover rates and rise of paternalism, 54
- Twitter, 129, 130
- Uber, 3
- unions and collective bargaining: ConflictCo (U.S.) hostility to, 27, 28, 58–59, 67, 68–69, 127, 141; hegemonic workplace regimes and, 31–35; historical development of, 31, 53, 55; injustice, workplace framing of, 60–61, 122–123; Mulling Point hypermarket study, 36, 37, 44–45, 78, 83, 84, 88, 103, 115, 152, 155; normative control, unions contributing to, 26, 47–50, 139–140; open resistance through, 121–122; partnership agreements, 38; PartnershipCo (UK), collective agreement with union at, 25–26, 37–39, 47–50; recruitment techniques, 49–50. See also worker association at ConflictCo
- United Kingdom: algorithmic management in, 3; compared to U.S., 5–6, 19–24, 20, 141; hegemonic workplace regimes in, 31–35; market despotism in, 29–31; precarious scheduling in, 4. See also Mulling Point hypermarket study; PartnershipCo
- United States: algorithmic management in, 3; compared to UK, 5–6, 19–24, 20, 141; hegemonic workplace regimes in, 53–56; market despotism in, 52–54; precarious scheduling in, 4; Social Security, state introduction of, 55–56; workplace hegemony in, 9. See also ConflictCo
- Upwork, 3
- validity, internal and external, 154
- Vallas, Steven, 17
- Vaughan, Diane, 153
- VIP nightclubs, 18
- Vishwakarma (Indian shipbuilders’ patron deity), 68
- wages. See pay, bonuses, benefits, and profit-sharing
- Wainright, Megan, 153
- Walmart, 20
- Webb, Sidney and Beatrice, 6
- Weber, Max, 139
- Webster, Edward, 13
- work, appropriation of, 8
- work games, 16, 105–112; absence of, at PartnershipCo (UK) and ConflictCo (U.S.), 99–100, 108–112, 118, 139–140; escapism replacing, 100, 107, 109–111, 139; exploitation obscured by, 10–11; in hegemonic versus market despotic regimes, 105–106, 107, 118; importance of, in contemporary workplace, 19; schedule gifts replacing, 23; situational construction of consent in, 18
- work intensity, 91, 99, 104–105, 162n1
- work to rule/go slow tactics, 124–125
- worker association at ConflictCo (U.S.): internal state at ConflictCo and, 27, 28, 59–61, 68, 72; methodological bias and, 151–152; Policy Guide, availability of, 161n31; resistance to exploitation and, 101, 127–133; temporal despotism and, 96
- work-life balance and temporal despotism: at ConflictCo (U.S.), 93–94; at PartnershipCo (UK), 84–86
- workplace regimes: concept of, 8–9; historical development of, 8–13, 29–35, 52–56, 142–145; methodological approach to studying, 149, 150. See also flexible despotism; hegemonic workplace regimes; market despotism
- Wright, Erik Olin, 7
- zero hour contracts, 1, 3, 93