The Future

Prediction is difficult, especially about the future.

Niels Bohr/Mark Twain[28]

There are two futures: the one we should have, and the one we're going to get. I'll talk about the one we should have first, because it's more fun, more interesting, and definitely more secure.

Today's operating systems and software are based on decades of experience with developing software that was run by nice guys on machines over which they controlled access relatively easily (whether as users or nonusers interacting with the machine or software in some way). This was a world where your biggest security threat was a student playing a prank. We learned a great deal about how to write software that did clever things, was easy to use, and had pretty interfaces.

Unfortunately, we learned almost nothing about how to write secure software. And in the meantime, we built up a huge amount of insecure software. Worse, we used insecure languages to write the insecure software in. And worse even than that, we used languages thath there's no real prospect of securing. And we continue to use them, and the same insecure operating systems we wrote, with ever-increasing teetering towers of software piled on top of them.

So, in my Brave New World, we get smart enough to scrap all this and use an idea invented in the 1960s: capabilities. Unfortunately, academics decided very early on that capabilities had all sorts of problems, and this has prevented their widespread adoption. Mark Miller and Jon Shapiro, in "Paradigm Regained: Abstraction Mechanisms for Access Control" (, have very effectively debunked these criticisms, though I have to admit to being bemused by how anyone could believe them in the first place, since they are so easily solved.

In any case, there are still some of us around who believe in capabilities, and I entertain the fond hope that we may start using them on a larger scale. The foremost project using capabilities at the moment is the E language (, which, as well as being a capability language from the ground up, has some very nice features for distributed computing, and is well worth a look. Unfortunately, I do not believe a language with such esoteric (and ever-changing) syntax will ever be widely used. It seems that privilege belongs to a very few. Perhaps more promising from the point of view of likelihood of adoption is my own nascent CAPerl (think "Kapow!") project, which adds capabilities to Perl. Although this is far less elegant and satisfying, it has the virtue of looking almost exactly like Perl to the experienced programmer, and so I do have some hope that it might actually get used. I don't have a web site for it yet, so I invite you to Google for it.

No discussion of capabilities in the 21st century would be complete without mentioning EROS ( Funnily enough, EROS is short for Extremely Reliable Operating System, since its author, Jon Shapiro, thought that was what was important about it when he started writing it. Now, though, we are far more interested in its security properties than in its reliability. EROS, like E, implements capabilities from the ground up. More importantly, it runs on PCs. Unfortunately, it seems it is a project that won't be finished. Work is, however, starting soon on the second attempt.

Of course, if I really think this will happen, I'm on crack. Not enough people care enough about security to contemplate throwing everything away and starting again (make no mistake, that's what it takes). But I can (and do) hope that people will start writing new things using capabilities. And I hope that drawing them to your attention will assist that.

Now I'll move on to what I think will really happen. Certainly people have become more aware of security as an issue, and the increasing use of open source in corporate environments also increases the pressure on security. It seems likely that this will drive open source toward better ways to deliver updates faster. I don't think it is actually possible to drastically improve open source's record on fixing security issues. I believe that by any measure, that open source is ahead of closed source. But the flow from author to end user is not yet a smooth one.

Interestingly, the fix for that is strongly related to the fix for another widely acknowledged problem with open source: package management systems. We do not yet have the ultra-smooth systems to handle installation and update of systems in a way that makes it a no-brainer for end users. Open source and closed source present interestingly different problems. Open source packages of any complexity tend to depend on other open source packages, usually with a completely different set of authors and release cycles. Managing installation in this environment is much harder than in the closed source situation, where one vendor—even one that buys components from others—is in control of the whole package. I think the open source world is moving toward better package management, and this will automatically improve the end user's management of security.

However, for corporate environments, this probably makes little difference. In such situations, there are almost always elaborate procedures for rolling out new versions which are almost unchanged when using open source. Even so, clearer visibility of dependencies and, therefore, what needs to be upgraded when a fix comes out, would be useful.

I also hope that better package management would reduce the dependency of users (at least, if they choose to have their dependency reduced) on packagers. Although packagers, in theory, add value, they also add latency. Perhaps worse, they damage the open source model by introducing dozens of slightly different versions of each package, through the widespread practice of applying patches to the packages instead of contributing them back to the original authors, which reduces the effectiveness of community development by splitting the community into many smaller subcommunities.

As always, there is a price to be paid for better package management. Automated updates are a fantastic vector to mount automated attacks. We know well how to prevent such attacks using public key cryptography, but once more, the complexity of multiple authors introduces problems of key management to which there aren't really good answers, at least, so far.[29]

One thing that does seem certain is that the increasing trend of concern about security by end users will continue. The seemingly never-ending rise of spam, adware, and Trojans, if nothing else, has put it on everyone's agenda, and that doesn't seem likely to change.

[28] Apparently it's difficult about the past too—we don't know which of these people said this!

[29] I should perhapsat this point plug KeyMan, a package I designed to solve this problem, but since it has singularly failed to take off, that might be inappropriate.