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Illustrations are in italics.


Achilles 107–11

and Ajax 125, 127

armour of 181

burial place 124

death of 168

dressed as girl 182

and Hector 122

and Memnon 167

and Patroclus 108, 133, 155

Acropolis of Athens 49

Adonis 182

Adoration of the Magi (N. Pisano) 198

Aeneas 116

Aeschylus 106–7, 109, 163, 165, 168

afterlife 138, 142

Agamemnon 107, 110

Aithiopis, The 167

Ajax 124, 125, 127, 181

Akamas 146

Akastos 130, 132

akontist (athlete with javelin) 74

Alaric 197

Alberti, Leonbattista, De Pictura 202–4, 205

Alcaeus 100–1

Alexander, Christine 30

Alexander the Great 162

Althaea 183

Ambrosios 57, 58

American Numismatic Society 32

American School of Classical Studies, Athens 21

amphorae 60, 70–1, 73, 82, 106, 154, 155

Anacreon 90

Anavysos kouros 121, 121

Andokides Painter 54

‘Andriskos’ (‘Little chap’) 58

Antaios 30, 64–5, 64

Anthony, St 199, 201

Antias 96

Antigone 159

Antilochus 167

Antiphon 76–7

Antiphon Painter 54

Apelles 205

Aphrodisias 189

Aphrodite 107

Apollo 89, 117–18, 149

Appian 234

Apulian kraters 30

Ares 35

Argive Heraion 125

Ariadne 192

Arimathea 200

Aristarchus 115

Aristonothos krater 138, 140

Aristophanes 167

Aristotle 69, 132, 223, 226

art historians 192–3

artists 168

askoliasmos (dance) 90

Aspertini, Amico 206–7

Astarte 137

Atalanta 183, 187

Athena 35

Athenians 155

Athens 155, 156

athletes 18, 57, 58, 66, 71, 73–5, 131

Attic Red-Figured Vases in American Museums (Beazley) 20, 23

Attic vases 95, 143

attribution methods 27, 49, 52–3, 152, 193

aulos (musical instrument) 132, 133

Autolycus 99

Axippos 130


Banditaccia (cemetery) 137, 140

Beazley, J.D.

Attic Red-Figured Vases in American Museums 20, 23

attribution method 21, 27, 53, 152, 174, 193

genealogy of painters 54

honours 23

and Morelli 53

and the Pioneer Group 55–6

students of 20

bell-kraters 87, 164–5

Bellerophon 230

Berenson, Bernard 53

Bilderatlas Mnemosyne (Warburg) 195, 196

Bing, Gertrud 195

black-figure painting technique 68, 95, 155

black-figure vase 167

black-glaze vessels 84

Bonaparte, Lucien 46, 47

Borowski, Elie 26, 27

Boston Museum of Fine Arts 23

Bothmer, Dietrich von

armed dancers theory 132

background 18

death 28

early career 20

on Euphronios 75

and Memnon 168

at the Met 21, 27, 30–1, 32–3, 33

Botticelli, Sandro 56

braccio della morte (arm of death) 177, 180, 186, 189, 203, 211

Brunelleschi, Filippo 203

Brutus 234

Bürki, Fritz 30, 31

Burrows, Larry 223, 224–5


Caesar, Julius 180–1

Cahn, Herbert 23, 24, 26

Calydonian Boar 184–5, 198


attributed to Euphronios 19, 22, 23, 62

fragments of 64, 126

name of 87

red-figure 152–3, 153

Campana, Giampietro 140

Campiglia, G. D. 208

Caravaggio 186, 217

Carthage 137

cemeteries 137, 140

Cenere, Armando 36

Centaurs 89, 204


and Euphronios 14–15

history 136–7

pottery from 47, 89–90, 143

tombs 94, 140

Cerveteri’s Archaeological Museum, Cerveteri 43

Cézanne, Paul 223

Charon 157

Chest of Kypselos 152

Christ, depictions of 199, 200, 201–2, 210, 211, 212–13, 214, 215, 217, 227

Christianity 197, 198, 236

Christie’s, New York 27

Circle of the Lycurgus Painter 170

cistae 171, 172–3, 174

City Dionysia (drama-festival) 106

Cleisthenes 97

Cnidians 167

coins, sale of 32

column-kraters 87, 141

Corinth 140

Corsica 140

Cortona 215, 217

crab motifs 132

Creusa 182

Croesus 83

cups, drinking 48, 49, 52, 99, 143

Cyclops 90, 139


dance/dancers 71–2, 73, 90, 132–3, 142

David, Jacques-Louis 218, 220, 221

De Etruria regali (Dempster) 50–1

Death of Marat (David) 221

Death of Meleager (David, sketch) 222

death rates 162–3

Death (Thanatos) 152–7, 170

on amphorae 154

images of 118, 146, 170

inscriptions 100

on lekythoi 156

red-figure mug 166, 174

sardonyx 175

winged figures 148–9

Dempster, Thomas, De Etruria regali 49, 50–1

Deposition (Donatello) 200, 201

‘Deposition from the Cross’, scenes of 196, 200, 201, 205, 210, 211, 212–13, 227

Deposition (Raphael) 196, 205, 210, 211, 212–13

Derveni, Macedonia 84

Dionysos 80, 89, 91

Dioscuri 186

Diosphos Painter 154

Donatello 196, 199, 200, 201, 203

Douris 167

Dover, Kenneth 95–6


écorché figures 65–6

Edict of Milan 236

eidôlon (spirit) 155, 167

embalming, practice of 156

Ennius 170

Eos 154, 167, 168, 169

epitaphs 162–3, 182

Ergotimos 68, 125

Etruria, Italy 14, 24–5

Etruscan Tombs 24–5

Etruscans 136–8, 142–4, 148

Eualkides 96

Euarchos 82

Euboea 140

Euelthôn 82

Euphorbus 110, 124–5


and Athenian symposium 105

background 47, 54, 125

calyx-kraters 19, 22, 23, 62

career 54

exhibitions 59–60

human anatomy 60, 66

influences 117

kylikes 52, 133, 146, 147, 148–9

‘parade cup’ 49, 52

signatures 47, 53, 54, 65, 98

Sleep and Death motif 15, 118, 148, 152, 157

technique 60–1, 72

works 10, 25, 38, 53–4, 74, 168

Europa 163, 164, 167, 230, 231

Eurytios krater 140–1

Eustathius of Thessalonica 114

Euthymides 70–1, 70, 72, 73, 108

Euxitheos 10, 53

Exekias 125


Farfa, Abbey of, Sabine Hills 214

festivals 90, 106

finger-rings 174

Franceschini, Dario 43

François Vase 68, 89, 124, 125

Freedberg, David 226

Frel, Jiri 37

frescoes 201, 215

Freud, Sigmund 52

friezes 143, 187, 232–3

Furtwängler, Adolf 47, 49, 52


Galleria Colonna, Rome 180, 181

Gallese, Vittorio 226

Garden at Sainte-Adresse (Monet) 31

Gardner, Percy 47

Gauguin, Paul 59

Gerhard, Eduard 46–7

Geryon cup 48, 99

Getty, J. Paul 27

Ghiberti, Lorenzo 199, 203

gilding 52, 60, 84

Giotto 201

Glaucus 112, 113, 116, 129

Gombrich, E. H. 70, 73, 193–4

grave goods 26, 29, 137–8, 155

Greek Homosexuality (Dover) 95–6

Greek vases 24

Greek Vases in the J. Paul Getty Museum (Frel) 37

Greppe Sant’Angelo site 28, 29, 35, 143, 147


Hades 149

Hadrian 123

Harpy Tomb, Xanthos 232, 234

Hartwig, Paul 52

Hecht–Medici alliance 26

Hecht, Robert (‘Bob’) 23–6, 28, 30–2, 34, 35, 41

Hector 70, 109–12, 122, 170–1, 177

Hecuba 70

Hedreen, Guy 59

Hegesias 76–7

Helen of Troy 107, 109, 111

Helike 81

Helios 162

Hera 115, 163, 164


and Antaios 30, 64–5, 64

deity 38

and Eurytios 140

family of 111

images of 47

and Kyknos 40

and Telamon 50–1

Hermes 100, 117–18, 150–1, 157, 162, 177

Herodotus 83, 124

heroes 123–5, 127–9

heroôn (hero-chapel) 234

Hesiod 149, 152, 165

Heurgon, Jacques 38

Hipparchos 76–7

Hipparchus 73

Hipp[a]sos 129, 130

Hippolochos 112, 127, 129, 131

Hippolytos 197

Hippomedon 76–7

ho potarchôn (lord of the drinking) 88

Holbein, Hans 199

Homer 14, 101, 106–7, 138, 149, 230

Iliad 38, 107–17, 122, 127, 129, 170–1, 183, 186

Odyssey 90, 129

homosexuality 95

Hoving, Thomas 27–8, 31, 32, 34–5, 37

Hunt brothers 35, 40

hydriai 71

Hype[i]rochos 130

Hypnos (Sleep) see Sleep (Hypnos)

Hypsis 56


Iliac tablets 174, 176–7


Etruscan 38, 171

by Euphronios 100

by Euthymides 72

kalos- 95–6, 99

Sarpedon krater 60, 95, 98

Tabula Iliaca 177

instruments, musical 132, 142

Iole 140

istoria (narrative) 204, 205


J. Paul Getty Museum, Malibu 37, 40

Janko, Richard 114–15

Jolles, André 198

Joseph of Arimathea 211


Kachrylion 53

kalos-inscriptions 95–6, 99

Kerameikos (Potters’ Quarter) 55, 72, 97

Kerameis/ Keramês, Athens 55

Klein, Wilhelm 47, 49

Kleitias 68, 125

Kleophrades 125

Komarchos (‘lord of the dance’) 73

kottabos (game) 90–1, 91, 94

kouros statues 37, 113, 120, 121, 121

kraters 34, 87, 125, 139

Kroisos Kouros 113, 120

Kyknos 35, 40


attributed to Euphronios 52

by Euphronios 29, 34, 48, 146

interiors 169

price at auction 47

red-figure 108, 150–1


Lamentation at the Foot of the Cross (L. Signorelli) 215, 216

lamps, Roman 181, 181

Laocoon-group 222–3

Laodamas 127

Laodameia 131, 230, 231

Lapiths 89

Leafless Group 68


and Euphronios 59, 97, 99–100

images of 65

inscriptions 48, 94–6, 98

knowledge of 148

leitfossil (leading relic) 220

lekythoi 15, 155–7, 156, 158

Leodamas 130

Leonardo da Vinci 66

Leroy, Catherine 224

Lessing, Gotthold, Laocoon 222

Levy, Leon 40

Life magazine 223, 224–5

Louvre, The 140, 153

Lucien, Prince 46

Lycia 107, 117, 123, 230, 231, 234

Lycian acropolis, Xanthos 149, 235

Lycomedes, King 182


Magna Grecia 168

Mantegna, Andrea 202

Marat, Jean-Paul 218, 220

maritime merchants 147

Mark Antony 234

Marshall, John 20–1, 27

Mary Magdalene 215, 217

Mary, the Blessed Virgin 202, 212–13, 215, 217, 227

Massacre of the Innocents (G. Pisano) 198

Medea 182

Medici, Giacomo 25–6, 29, 35, 40–1

Medici, Roberto 36

Medon 130, 132

Meeting-Room (Leschê), Delphi 167

megalographia 83


death of 181, 184–5, 187, 222

images of 198, 203, 206–9, 227

influence of 183, 201, 214

Memnon 153, 155, 167–8, 169,  174

Metamorphoses (Ovid) 183, 186

metempsychosis 124

Metropolitan Museum of Art 21, 27, 30, 32, 36, 41–2

Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin 18, 33

Metzger, Henri 234–5

Michelangelo 202, 217

Minos 165, 230–1

Mnemosyne 195

mock-combat 131

Monet, Claude 31

Montebello, Philippe de 41–2

Morelli, Giovanni 49, 52–3

motifs 15, 132, 206

mugs 166, 167, 174

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 21, 36

musical instruments 132

Myrmidons 109


National Etruscan Museum, Rome 42

naturalistic style 74

Neoptolemos 39

Nereid Monument, Xanthos 234

Nestor 109, 167

neuroscience 223, 226

New York Times Magazine 33

Newman, Muriel Steinberg 34

Nicodemus 200

Nikosthenes Painter 147, 152

Niobe 171

Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen 26


Odysseus 181

Oeneus, King 186

oinochoai 144–5

Olympia 152

Olympic Games 96, 230

Onesimos 37–8, 39, 54, 125

Orvieto cathedral 214, 215

Orvieto, Italy 21

Ovid, Metamorphoses 183, 186


Padua 199, 201

Paederasty 95, 99

Paganism 236

Palazzo Doria Pamphilj, Rome 186, 208

Pallottino, Massimo 143

Panathenaic Games 60, 96, 99

Panofsky, Erwin 193

parental loss 162, 167, 171, 182, 205, 217

Paris 107

Parthenon 49, 157

Pasithea 163

Pathosformel (pathos formula) 194, 227


and Achilles 108, 109–10

death and funeral 122, 133, 155, 177

and Euphorbus 124

as Patrokleia 107

and Sarpedon 116

and Zeus 114

Peleus 52, 107, 110, 171

Pentheus, King 21

Persians 49, 84, 128, 234

Phaedra 197

Pheidias 205

Philostratus 123

Phintias 68, 71

Phoenicians 137

Phoenix 126

photography, war 223, 224–5

Phyallos 96

Pietà (Michelangelo) 202

Pindar 80

Pioneer Group 10, 14, 55–7, 59, 68, 73, 96

Pisa 197

Pisano, Giovanni 198

Pisano, Nicola 198

Pisistratid tyrants 124

Pistoxenos Painter 54

Plato 69, 95, 97, 115

plays 168, 170

poetry, epic 14, 68, 90, 107–17, 174

poetry, lyric 68, 84, 90, 100

Polynikes 159

Polyphemus 90, 139

Pontormo 217

pottery, Athenian 137, 143, 157

pottery, Corinthian 143

Praeneste (Palestrina) 171

Priam, King 39, 70, 170–1, 170, 177, 230

Prix de Rome 220

Proietti, Giuseppe 35, 42

provenance 147

Psiax 54

psychopompic roles 153

psykters (wine-cooler) 21, 21, 71, 87, 92–3, 94

putti 189

Pyrgi 136, 147

Pyrrhikhê (dance-routine) 132–3

Pyrrhus-Neoptolemos 132

Pythagoras 124


Raphael 196, 205, 210, 211, 212–13

red-figure painting technique 47, 54, 60–1, 166, 167, 174

Reichhold, Karl 64, 74

reliefs 84, 177, 178–80, 181, 218, 219

Renaissance 52, 56, 159, 195, 198

revellers (kômastai) 71

Rhadamanthus 165, 230

Richter, Gisela 21, 27

Rizzo, Maria Antonietta 40

Robbia, Luca della 203

Robertson, Martin 55

Rome 203, 205

Rosso Fiorentino 217

Röttgen Pietà (anon) 202

Rousseau, Theodore 31

Rural Dionysia (rustic festival) 90


St Anthony of Padua Healing the Wrathful Son (Donatello) 196

Sappho 105, 106


designs 186–9, 198

detail on 187, 188, 202, 214

Meleager 183, 184–5, 203, 208–9

motifs 182, 206

use of 197

sardonyx 175

Sarpedon 109–18

depiction of wounds 104, 104, 118, 121, 122

existence of 230–6

final journey 146, 154, 155, 163

hero 101, 104–5

influence of images 202, 203

and Memnon 167

motifs 105, 168, 170, 182

red-figure mug 166, 167

and Zeus 128, 162

Sarpedon (grandfather) 231

Sarpedon krater

accuracy of representation 223

banqueters on 80, 81

bought by Met. 41–2

creation of 14

depiction of wounds 104, 118, 121

details 105

discovery of 28–9

figures 64–5

iconography of 81, 130–3, 163

inscriptions 60, 95, 98

journeys of 14–15

loan of 42–3

price 40, 85

provenance 23, 33–4

red-figure painting technique 61

Rome ‘homecoming’ 42–3, 43

‘Side A’ detail 98, 100, 119, 130–1

‘Side B’ detail 128, 129–33, 132

use of 14, 138, 148

views of 11–13

Sarpedon Painter 164–5

Sarpedoneion 234–5

Sarrafian, Dikran 32, 34–6

scarabs 174, 175

scientific connoisseurship technique 49, 52–3, 83

scorpion motifs 132

sculptors 198–9

sealstones 174

Settis, Salvatore 194

shield motifs 132

shipwrecks 147

Signorelli, Antonio 217

Signorelli, Luca 214–15, 215–16, 217

skolia (drinking-songs) 89

Sleep (Hypnos) 152–7, 170

on amphorae 154

images of 118, 119, 146, 170

inscriptions 100

on lekythoi 156

and Pasithea 163

red-figure mug 166, 174

sardonyx 175

winged figures 148–9

‘Smikros’ (‘Tiny’) 22, 57–9, 58, 65, 71, 81, 85

Smith, H. R. W. 20

Socrates 99

Solon 163

Sophilos 68

Sophocles 162

Sosias 108

Sotheby’s 32, 40

spillone (rod) 24

Squarcione, Francesco 202

Squire, Michael 177

Staatliche Antikensammlungen, Munich 23, 47

stamnos 82

stamnos (short-necked jar) 81

Suetonius 180

Symes, Robin 40

symposia 80, 83, 87, 95, 97, 105

symposium, Athenian 14, 72, 85, 99


Tabula Iliaca Capitolina 176–7, 177

Tarbell, Frank 21

Tarquinia 47, 138, 141, 142

Telamon 50–1

Thanatos (Death) see Death (Thanatos)

Thanatos Painter 158

Theseus 192

Thetis 52, 107, 126, 162, 168, 182

Thorykion 71

Thoudemos 22

Tithonos 167

Titian 217

Tlepolemus 111–12

Tomb of the Diver 91

Tomb of the Lionesses 143, 144–5

Tomb of the Painted Vases 142

Tomb of the Ship 140

tombaroli/clandestini (tomb raiders) 24–5, 26, 28, 36, 40

tombs 24–5, 138, 143, 234–5, 236

traders, Greek 137, 147

Tralles 189

Trianon 76–7

triclinium (dining room) 85

Troy 109–14, 128, 167, 174, 230

Troy, Fall of 38, 39, 125

True, Marion 40, 41

Tuchulcha 148

‘Type C’ kylix 39

Tyrtaeus 100–1


Underworld 149, 157, 167, 182

Uni 137

untimely death concept 162–3, 182


Vanth 148

Vasari, Giorgio, Lives of the Artists 198, 199, 217

vases 46–7, 147, 152, 155, 163

Vatican, The 167

Velianas, Thefarie 137

Vergil 182

Vermeule, Emily 23

Vietnam War, photography in 223, 224–5

Vigna Parrocchiale site, Cerveteri 143

Villa Giulia, Rome 42, 43, 174

Villard, François 66

Viterbo 197

Vix krater 84, 86

volute-kraters 50–1, 86, 87, 170, 170

Vulci 46–7, 147


Warburg, Aby 15, 193–5, 197, 205, 218, 220

Warren, Edward 20, 21

white-ground lekythos 155, 156, 170

White, Shelby 40

Williams, Dyfri 37–8

Winckelmann, J. J. 73, 222

wine 80, 87, 90

wine-ladle (simpulum) 144–5

women 67, 94, 97, 122, 143


Xanthos, Turkey 15, 230, 231, 231, 234

Xenophanes 88–9, 90

Xenophon 95, 99


Zanker, Paul 186

Zeus 114–17

images of 164

and Memnon 168

and Sarpedon 111, 128, 162, 163, 168, 230

Zeus Amun 162