

Katali, Summer, 814 FF


Kenneth clenched his teeth while he listened to the captains argue about the wisdom of marching on Jellen's bequest. He'd summoned every captain of all three territories the moment he'd reached his new base in Tanald, in Katali. It had taken nearly three months to organize supplies, arrange evacuation of major cities in Katali, deliver orders to every corner of the territories, and plan the mobilization of his forces. He was already frustrated with the delay in his response to Jellen's savage acts, and he did not intend to waste any more time.

He stood abruptly, his voice sharp and commanding attention. "Since when is it ever a good time to go to war?" The room fell silent at his demand. "Jellen will strike out at our children, our homes, and our weak without mercy." Kenneth looked over the faces of the men his father had entrusted with the protection of the territories. "What he doesn't realize is that this battle is one we have been preparing to wage for decades."

Kenneth leaned forward, planting his hands on the long table. "This meeting was not called to discuss whether or not we will respond to his challenge. You were not summoned to debate the wisdom of retaliation against the brutal and unforgivable slaughter of our people, your people." Kenneth took a moment to take in the serious expressions of his men. "You are here to answer the call of your duty. Jellen has struck at our heart, taking out our capital. He continues to devastate our cities, claiming Valefar and Ackrada. Nearly one hundred thousand men, women, and children have been lost to the enemy, and I expect to receive word at any minute of a fourth city."

Kenneth sank into his chair at the head of the table, accepting the continued silence of his men as an indication that he'd been understood. Forty-three captains sat in quiet reflection while Kenneth dipped a feather quill in an inkwell. He readied a sheet of parchment from a stack in front of him. "In order of territory and region, I need to know how many strong are your forces, what commodities you can spare for the campaign, and how soon you can march."

* * *


Kenneth had dedicated nine hours to his initial meeting with his captains when a messenger arrived with the news he'd been expecting and dreading. Another city had been destroyed.  Though it had already been mostly evacuated, several hundred had been killed. His reports never carried news of the enemies' losses, since none were left behind and no survivors had yet surfaced who'd witnessed the attacks.

Kenneth looked down at the second missive the messenger had brought to him. It was a cute message of love and support from Sammie. He took a moment to read her positive and encouraging words about Blain's improvements and of the home she was making for them in Oakspur, a town near the border between Brasik and Arylas. He'd sent her far from danger, and had begun to really feel the pain of her absence. With Greygor gone and Sammie far removed, Kenneth had never felt so alone. He reminded himself that his choices were to sharpen his decisions and remove the distractions of love and worry, but that was little comfort at night.

Kenneth returned to the hall where the captains waited. They were weary from the road, but the news of another city lost would awaken their fire anew. He heard his name and rank announced before he entered the long conference room, but his gaze was still fixed on the small affectionate characters doodled under 'I love you' on Sammie's letter. Kenneth waved for the captains to sit, and he tucked the letter into his vest.

He handed the report of Jellen's latest attack to the captain on his left. As the letter completed a circuit around the table, Kenneth's calm voice rang out in the silent room. "I now recognize the pattern in the selection of these cities, though I suspect it is an unintentional one. I know the next city he will strike. It has already been evacuated, and we have three weeks to complete our preparations."

Captain Dirram looked up from the letter. "You are certain, General? I see no pattern."

"I am," Kenneth assured without reservation. "We will let Jellen come to us. Captain Nuisan, Aughar is in your jurisdiction, a hub on your trade route. We require detailed maps, layouts of the buildings, and a list of viable resources."

"Aughar is not as large as the previous targets. How can you be sure Jellen will choose it?" Nuisan asked, his tone uncertain but carefully respectful.

"I simply am." His men needed to trust him. Sammie had accepted the mystery of the unexplained knowledge to which Kenneth had access, but these captains might not.

"We are ready, General," Peran declared. "We will avenge those we've lost, and we will defend those who rely on us. We trust your command, and we know General Greygor Graywolf would not have chosen anyone to lead his army who was not worthy." Captain Peran had been away when Signet burned, but his wife and children had been killed. He had been highly respected by Greygor, and his voice was one the other captains listened to. After the attack, he had immediately begun addressing Kenneth as general and never once hesitated to support his new leader's decisions. 

Peran's unwavering loyalty after his great loss had won Kenneth the respect of several captains who had been uncertain when Kenneth had claimed General Graywolf's position. He had been the first to respectfully bow a knee to Kenneth just after the General's funeral, and he was the first to rally support when the other captains seemed uncertain. When the others lacked faith in Kenneth, their respect of Captain Peran, once Greygor's right hand man, more than closed the gap.

Nuisan nodded his acknowledgement of Peran's gentle implication that they should not question the general's conclusions. "The map I can have by tomorrow, but . . ."

"Find a way, Captain." Kenneth nodded to dismiss his men, then turned to Nuisan once more. "We have only three weeks to plot and implement our ambush. We all need to know that town as if we had grown up there. Any knowledge and information you have that may prove useful, I will need on my desk within three days."