

Katali, Autumn, 814 FF


Kenneth unrolled an immense parchment onto the conference table. "I recopied Captain Nuisan's map in a larger scale, adding topographical and regional markers," he explained to the gathered captains. He'd given all of them three days to produce detailed reports and to send the correspondences necessary to quickly and quietly move their troops. He wanted to devise an ambush strategy to cripple Jellen's forces, and he wanted to begin mobilization of the greater bulk of their forces by the end of the week. Though he was confident in his knowledge acquired from historical texts and from long lessons with his father, he also trusted the wisdom acquired through age and experience gathered around him.

Captain Peran stared in amazement, leaning forward to examine the detailed replica. "You copied the entire map to scale in nine hours, general?"

Kenneth nodded, continuing without hesitation. "As more information becomes available, such as natural springs, land formations, and building layouts, they will also be scribed onto this copy. For now, gentlemen, familiarize yourselves with the terrain. I will be assigning quadrants by the end of the day that each of you will be responsible for defending with your contingent of men. These assignments will be based on the numbers and strengths of your men and assets." Kenneth paused for a moment, gauging the soldiers around him. At some point during the three days of meetings, they had become more confident with voicing opinions, and he planned to rely on that today.

"It's important to remember that it will be difficult to maintain contact with myself and with your lieutenants when the skirmish begins," Kenneth warned. "The forest is thick and vision will be impaired, but you will have the cover of trees to protect yourselves from offensive magical attacks. You will need to work closely with your men as we prepare for battle, to strengthen the unity of your lieutenants. Most of the orders will be given by them. You will need to be certain you can trust their judgment. Scrutinize your men closely, captains. This may be our only opportunity to take down High Commander Jellen."

Kenneth looked back to the map, returning to the purpose of the meeting. "You and your men will need to defend your quadrant. Learn the land. Learn the natural cover and be creative with your terrain." He looked up at his captains. "I expect prompt and honest feedback, gentlemen. I want open discussion on each and every one of your concerns, no matter how inconsequential they may seem. We need this altercation to go smoothly and quickly. The faster we wrap up this conflict, the fewer soldiers we will lose to the enemy and the easier it will be to retreat back to safety. We want our first strike to be fast and decisive." Kenneth stood tall and looked to the captain seated to his left. "Now, I want you to tell me what you think we're doing wrong, even if you don't know how to do it better."