Jake was still reeling from Faye’s declaration about witnessing Genovese’s murder. He didn’t know what to think, or what his next steps should be. The only thing he was sure of was that he wanted more details, because the sincerity in Faye’s voice resonated inside him. This time she wasn’t lying. He was almost sure of it. But then why had she and Gillette gone on the run? Why was she using an alias? Who were they hiding from?
He kept his pistol in close reach on the ground beside him where he could grab it if he needed to. He’d sat Gillette up against a tree about ten feet away. Then he and Faye had shucked their backpacks and left them in the grass before sitting down across from each other so they could talk.
“From the beginning,” he said.
She braced her hands on the ground beside her. “There’s not much to tell. I was planting flowers around the base of some shrubs outside the window to Genovese’s study. When I finished, I gathered my tools and stood to go put them in the gardening house at the back of the property. I was facing the window and saw Genovese arguing with another man. The man had a gun in his hand. I froze. I couldn’t move. And then he just...shot him. I think I must have screamed or moved or something. The shooter jerked around and raised his gun. I ducked down and the window cracked above me.”
Jake put his hand on hers. “He tried to shoot you?”
“Yes. I dropped my tools and ran.”
“Where were you?” he called out to Gillette.
“I was outside, too, on the other side of the house. I heard the shots, and one of the maids screaming. I ran inside and found a group of servants standing around Genovese. One of them had already called the police.”
“Did anyone else see the shooter?”
They both shook their heads.
“Okay, what happened next? The police came? Did you both give statements?”
“Yes,” Faye said. “But I didn’t tell them I actually saw Genovese get shot.”
“Why not?”
She clasped her hands together in her lap. “I was too scared. I’d seen enough while working there to know that if I said anything I could end up dead like Genovese. The man who shot him wasn’t a very nice man. We think he was into organized crime, like Genovese. Calvin and I had both seen him several times. We’d heard things, and knew he was dangerous. He always had two other men with him, bodyguards, except for that day. He must have snuck onto the property, because his car wasn’t there, and neither were his men. I think he’d planned to kill Genovese. But he didn’t plan on anyone seeing him. I knew I had to get out of there or he’d come back and find me. That’s why we ran. As soon as the police let us go, we were gone.”
The certainty in her voice, and Gillette’s answering nod from the other side of the clearing, had him feeling frustrated. “But you talked to the police. You could have told them what you saw. They could have protected you.”
“Like they protected her in foster care?” Gillette called out. “We know all about police protection.”
Everything inside Jake froze. All kinds of horrible scenarios about what Faye might have suffered as a young girl flashed through his mind.
She entwined her fingers with his. “Don’t look at me like that. It’s not as bad as you think. We had some...rough times growing up. There were some...bad homes. But Calvin was always there to defend me, to protect me. I owe him so much. Even when the authorities didn’t believe our claims about the abuse, or attempted abuse really, Calvin was there for me. We stuck together, defended each other. That’s the only way I survived.”
She pulled her hand back. “But that’s not the point, is it? The point is that neither of us had any reason to trust the authorities. After Genovese died, and his killer shot that bullet at me, barely missing, Calvin and I knew we had to disappear. I came back here, to Mystic Glades. Calvin moved around a lot, eventually settling in Naples. Everything was fine until last week, when he saw one of the killer’s men. He panicked and called me and was on his way here when he crashed his car.”
“Who is he? The man who killed Genovese?”
“Kevin Rossi.”
Jake tried to place the name, but it didn’t sound familiar. Then again, he wasn’t from Alabama. “Okay, okay. The problem is, if you’re telling the truth, you have no proof.”
“But we do. At least, we can prove we didn’t shoot anyone. The police tested us to see if either of us had fired a gun. They tested all of us, everyone who worked on the estate.”
“A GSR test, gunshot residue?”
“I believe that’s what they called it, yes. We were all cleared.”
Jake carefully watched both of them, looking back and forth. He wanted to believe what she was telling him. But he sensed there was something more to the story, something neither of them wanted to share.
“You said you used to come to Mystic Glades during the summers. Did you use your real name or your alias back then?”
She gave him an aggravated look. “I’m not using an alias. Faye is my nickname, and Star is my middle name. My full legal name is Faith Star Decker. To my friends, I’ve always been Faye Star. But on legal documents I have to use Faith Decker.” She took his hand in hers again. “Jake, I’m telling the truth. Neither Calvin nor I have done anything wrong.”
Jake shook his head. “Gillette is known as a petty thief in Naples.”
She flashed an irritated glance at Gillette, sitting against the tree. “I’m not surprised. He’s been known to stretch the law a bit more than he should. But he’s not a murderer.” She squeezed his hand. “If you take us to Naples, make us go to court, you could be signing our death warrant. Rossi would find us. I have a new life in Mystic Glades. And Calvin can come here, too, or start a new life somewhere else. We can be safe again. All you have to do is walk away, pretend you never met me.” Her voice broke and she tugged her hands back from him. “Pretend you never met Calvin. We can both go back to our lives the way they’ve been for the past thirteen months.”
That little catch in her voice had him wanting to pull her into his arms again. But he couldn’t do that. Not yet. Things weren’t as simple as she naively believed them to be.
“Faye, if I hadn’t come along, someone else would have. What about all of your friends back in town? What do you think could happen to them if the mob really is looking for you and they eventually find you?”
Her lips tightened.
Jake turned his attention to Gillette. “If you were trying to find Faye when you crashed your car, why didn’t you let the two men you saw in the woods in the past few days take you to her? Instead, you hid out.”
“I didn’t know who they were. They could have been working for the killer.”
Jake swore. “This is one hell of a mess. What did you do to bring attention to yourself back in Naples? Or did you go back home, to Tuscaloosa, and got spotted there? Did you bring the FBI and Rossi back here? Faye would have been better off if you’d stayed way the hell away from her. She’s not safe anymore, you’ve got that right. But not because of me. Because of you.”
Gillette glared at him and shoved himself to his feet. Jake grabbed his pistol and jumped up at the same time as Faye.
“Stop it, both of you,” she said. “None of this is resolving anything.”
“You’ve got that right,” Jake said. “The only way to fix this is for all of us to go back into town, to Naples. We’ll sit with Deputy Holder and talk this out. I’ll notify special agent Quinn and he can arrange for some US Marshals to come down here to protect you.” He looked at Faye. “If you testify against the man you saw, and he’s in organized crime, you could go into WitSec, the Witness Security Program. They’ll give you a new name, a new life, and you won’t have to worry anymore. You’ll be safe.”
She shook her head, her blond hair bouncing around her shoulders. “No. I can’t do that.”
“Why not?”
She shot a glance at Gillette. He looked away.
Jake grabbed her shoulders. “Am I a fool again to believe what you’ve been telling me? You’ve lied so many times, I’m not sure what to believe. Part of me wants to buy everything you just said, but you and your ‘brother’ are holding out on something. You haven’t told me the full story. There’s obviously another reason you don’t want to go to the police. What is it?”
Her eyes filled with misery. “I’m so sorry, Jake.”
Her apology, and the sudden quiet in the glade, had him whirling around.
Gillette crashed into him like a small bull, knocking him to the ground. Jake swore and reached for his pistol. But it wasn’t there. It was still on the ground where he and Faye had been sitting. He tried to grab Gillette, but the smaller man rolled out of the way and jumped to his feet.
A shrill whistle echoed through the clearing.
Jake looked behind him. Faye was the one who’d whistled. He braced his hands on the ground and shoved himself to his knees. Something hard crashed against him again, knocking him back down. Warm, thick fur brushed against the side of his face. Sampson had jumped on him from one of the nearby trees and had his paws wrapped around him like a blanket.
“Get off me, Sampson,” Jake ordered as he tried to shake the cat off.
Another shrill whistle sounded. Sampson licked the side of Jake’s neck as if in apology, then leaped off him and bounded back into the trees.
Jake jumped to his feet, then froze.
Faye stood in front of him, just out of his reach, pointing his own gun at him.
“I’m truly sorry,” she said. “But you’ve left me no choice. Toss me the keys to the handcuffs.”
“Don’t do this,” he said.
“I have no choice,” she repeated. “The keys.”
He tossed them to her.
She caught them in her left hand, her right hand never wavering as she held the gun on him. Gillette immediately sidled over to her like a snake, turning his back so she could unlock the cuffs.
“What are you going to do?” Jake asked.
“We’re leaving,” she said as the handcuffs dropped to the forest floor.
Gillette rubbed his wrists, aiming a glare at Jake. “Give me the gun. I’ll make sure he doesn’t try to follow us.”
“Shut up, Calvin. You’ve caused enough trouble as it is,” she said.
His mouth tightened but he didn’t say anything else.
“You’ve got everything you need to survive out here for a couple of days in your pack,” she said to Jake, motioning toward where he’d set the bag earlier. “You remember the way we came. Just go back the same way. Keep the sun to your right. Don’t try to travel at night. It’s too dangerous. I’ll leave the canoe for you. Since you won’t have to go slow to search for anyone on your way back, if you hurry you could make it to Mystic Glades before dark.”
“And where will you be?” he asked.
“Gone. Calvin and I will find somewhere else to hide.”
“Hiding isn’t the answer. Don’t do this. Please.”
“I’m sorry, Jake. There are things you don’t understand.”
“Then explain them to me. Let me help you.”
She shook her head. “You can’t help me. I’m in too deep. We both are. Now close your eyes.”
“I’m not closing my eyes.”
Gillette picked up a thick, broken piece of branch from near one of the pine trees and hefted it in his hands. “I can take care of that.”
“Touch him and I’ll shoot you, Calvin. I’m not joking.”
He gave her an irritated look and dropped the branch.
“Close your eyes, Jake,” she repeated. “Please.”
He sighed heavily and closed his eyes.
“Now count to twenty before you open them again.”
“This is ridiculous,” he grumbled. “We’re not in elementary school playing a game of hide-and-seek.” He opened his eyes. Faye and Gillette were gone.